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From the Head of College, Graham Leddie

Good vibes

Term 1 has started very positively and the boys have found a good rhythm early. Our Wellbeing program has already started to change the feel of the College or, as stated so eloquently in the Australian movie The Castle, ‘the vibe’. Some of the changes are subtle, others more obvious, but there is positive change in the air amongst both students, staff and the feedback from parents has been very heartening.

At our first Years 5-12 assembly of the year, the boys were challenged to make a difference in someone else’s start to the year.  As a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition, community means everything: how we treat each other, how we work together and support each other is fundamental to who we strive to be. Recent scientific research into the study of social neuroscience by renowned psychologist Matthew Lieberman (author of Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect, 2014) supports this Christian belief and explains the positive impact on our own wellbeing. Lieberman’s research suggests that our need to connect with other people is even more fundamental, more basic, than our need for food or shelter. This is also backed up by Brene Brown’s research at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. Many of you may have seen Brene as she is the fourth highest viewed TED Talks speaker of all time and her talks are worth watching.

We have a collective responsibility for the wellbeing of others, and to assist others to feel comfortable, fit in and to build each other up. The research also tells us that when we assist others, give them a hand up, we find happiness ourselves. The College’s new Wellbeing Program and structures aim to assist boys to better develop connection with each other. The College’s connection to the Matthew Talbot Hostel provides our Year 11 students an opportunity to assist people who are on the margins and to challenge ourselves to be better people and builders of community.

Our spiritual wellbeing is at the core of maintaining this personal and social wellbeing. By holding the values of the Gospels close at heart we can be reminded of the Christian purpose – to be with others, to help others and to create a fulfilling life for ourselves and others.

Royal Commission Hearing

Monday 6 February marked the commencement of the final hearing involving the Catholic Church at the Royal Commission into institutional responses. The next three weeks will be traumatic for the survivors of these harrowing crimes, for their families, for the Catholic community and the wider Australian community. Evidence to be presented during the Royal Commission hearings will be analysed with statistics about the extent of abuse made public and these will be confronting. As a community we are shocked and dismayed at the scope and nature of the abuse reported and feel deeply for the victims.

Although Waverley College ceased to be run by the Congregation of the Christian Brothers in 2007 and is today governed by Edmund Rice Education Australia, many of us may feel upset, anxious or demoralised by the reports from the Royal Commission. Our focus needs to remain on safeguarding our students, whose wellbeing continues to be our number one priority. Our College abides by the highest contemporary professional and legal standards of child protection with stringent policies, structures and protection processes.

Gillian Triggs Lecture

Visiting the College on Wednesday to present to our Year 9 and 10 Philosophy students and the House Prefects involved in Social Justice/Advocacy was Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission and Acting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner. Professor Triggs spoke of the fundamental elements of ‘respect’ and the ‘law’ as the two key factors in play when dealing with difficult human rights issues. Professor Triggs inspired our boys to have a genuine desire to understand better the role of human rights in our society and our world. We are extremely  grateful to her for making time to speak with our students as part of the ‘Visions of Leadership’ lecture series.

Learning strategies

Our students are faced with a variety of challenges in a school day. The rigor of the academic program, the responsibilities of co-curricular activities and the demands of their peers can be a test. Those students who prepare themselves for class, make use of effective study habits, and seek help from their teachers and peers, are those who are maximising the strategies available to achieve their best. There is satisfaction to be gained from knowing that you did your best and have applied yourself to learn as much as you can. Ms Elizabeth Watson (Director of Learning) writes in this newsletter edition of how boys can set goals and do an analysis of their strengths and weaknesses.

New Wellbeing Mentor Meetings

Our new Parent/Carer/Student and Mentor meetings offer a valuable opportunity for parents to make contact with their son’s Wellbeing Mentor and to work collaboratively with them to help realise his potential. Wellbeing Mentors now play an important role in your son’s education at Waverley. All families have been emailed this week with details on how to book an interview and I encourage you start the year well by making time to speak with your child’s Wellbeing Mentor.

A sad loss

Our prayers and thoughts go out to Susan Connolly and her two boys Sam (Year 8) and Ryan (Year 11) and their family on the tragic loss of their husband and father, Michael, who passed away this week. Michael was a proud supporter of Waverley College across a number of areas including Treasurer of the Cricket Supporter Group, and his legacy will live on. Please keep the family in your thoughts at this difficult time.



Welcome back to Waverley College!

Parents and Carers are encouraged to take the time to download and read the 2017 Commencement Letter from the Head of College, Mr Graham Leddie, which has important information for you and your son regarding the 2017 school year.


2016 HSC student Max Munro has been nominated for the HSC Drama showcase, OnSTAGE for his individual drama performance.

Max acted a scene from the Pulitzer Prize winning play ‘Death of a Salesman’ written by Arthur Miller in 1949.

Below is a video snapshot of his impressive performance.


Head of College, Ray Paxton has congratulated Waverley College’s 2016 HSC students, saying he is delighted with this year’s results.

“Our students have achieved very strong results across the full range of HSC subjects this year,” said Mr Paxton.

“I acknowledge the outstanding commitment of staff and the support of parents during the HSC journey. We are proud of the diversity of our student body and the achievements of all our students,” he said.

Three students were recognised on the list of ‘All Rounders’, having achieved top marks across 10 or more of their Units of Study; Zachary Brown, Max Shanahan and Finn Westwood.

Thomas Kossenberg was acknowledged by Education Minister, Adrian Piccoli, for achieving First in Course for Studies of Religion II – the second year in a row a student at the College has achieved this honour.

37 students achieved 86 ‘Distinguished Achiever’ places across 23 subjects, placing these students in the top 10% in NSW in their subjects.

“In 2016, compared with 2015, we have achieved five more Band 6 Distinguished Achiever results even though our students sat significantly fewer exams,” Mr Paxton said.

The College’s top ATAR result was achieved by Finn Westwood with 98.95.


All Rounders

(These students achieved the top band possible across 10 or more Units of Study.)

Max Shanahan, Zachary Brown and Finn Westwood.

Max Shanahan, Zachary Brown and Finn Westwood.

First in Course

Tom Kossenberg with his First Place Award.

Tom Kossenberg with his First Place Award.

Top Achievers

Distinguished Achievers

(These students achieved the top band possible in a Unit of Study.)

Waverley College students achieved a total of 86 Distinguished Achiever places in the 2016 HSC:

HSC Showcase Nominations

Bryce Dean has been shortlisted for the Design and Technology Shape Exhibition. Read more.

Max Munro has been nominated for OnSTAGE for his drama performance from ‘Death of a Salesman’. Read more.

Liam Molloy and Harrison Kyriakou have been nominated for ART EXPRESS for their Visual Arts Photomedia Final Works. Read more.

Eliott Oliver has been nominated for ENCORE for his two musical pieces “Stress: A Trial by Fire” and “Dash of Ink”.

Bands and Ranking

From a total of 716 Scores:

SMH State Ranking: 125  (The state ranking calculation used by the SMH is: Total number of Band 6/E4 (86) / total examinations attempted (716) = 12.01%)

School vs State Mean Variation

27 of the 34 subjects (74%) undertaken were above State Mean.

The following courses were + 5 or greater above the State Mean:

ATAR Results

The College has been informed of the following ATAR results.

Congratulations to these high achievers, who attained an ATAR of 85 or more:

On Wednesday 14 December 2016 Waverley College student Thomas Kossenberg was recognised by the Minister for Education, Adrian Piccoli for achieving 1st place in Studies of Religion 2 Unit in the 2016 Higher School Certificate. It was the second year in a row that a student from the college achieved first place in Studies of Religion 2 Unit – the award went to Adam Hegedus in 2015.

Mr Piccoli said students who come first in an HSC course have achieved at the highest level in a world-class credential.

“This is a very proud day for all the students who have achieved a First in Course result, as well as for their families and their teachers,” Mr Piccoli said.

“Whether a student tops the State or not, undertaking the HSC gives young people skills and experience that will serve them well in their lives beyond school.”

Head of Waverley College, Ray Paxton said, “My warmest congratulations go to Tom, who has been an outstanding student during his time at Waverley College. During his HSC year Tom was College Vice-Captain and a leader of the Cadet Unit. In 2016 he won the College’s prize for Studies of Religion 2 Unit, the Waverley Council Award for General Proficiency and the Major General J A Chapman award for the best Cadet in the Unit.

“We are very proud of Tom’s achievement and also congratulate his parents, who did a great job of supporting their son throughout his education,” said Mr Paxton.


from Design and Technology Teacher, James Spargo

HSC Design and Technology Major Projects 2016

“From the earliest times, humans have interpreted, shaped and altered their environments in an attempt to improve the quality of their lives. In the process, technologies have evolved and been developed to the extent that, today, they have an impact on most aspects of our daily lives,” this is the rationale behind Design and Technology as defined by the Board of Studies.

What was humbling about the graduating class of 2016 is the fact that most students designed their major design projects around social justice; researching and innovating to help the less fortunate members of our community at home and around the world.

This year saw the TAS Department move into our new state-of-the-art learning space, The Cosgrove Centre. Whilst the move was a little disruptive to our students, their focus and resilience enabled them overcome that hurdle.

From the outset the students were challenged to think big, explore ideas and create a project that has the potential to enrich the lives of a community, not just the individual.

As a result of their hard work Bryce Dean has been shortlisted for the Design and Technology Shape Exhibition for 2017 and Finley Lewis has achieved a slot on prime time news, whilst the other innovators eagerly await their HSC results.

Here is a brief look at how Year 12 Waverley students studying Design and Technology, are aiming to change our world:

Congratulations to all of the following students who excelled in their school work and extra-curricular activities during 2016.

Year 7 Academic Awards 2016

Subject Name
Drama Massimo Di Napoli
English Hayden Wild
Geography Giulian D’Ettorre
Geography Dante Bryan
Mathematics Conor Boyd-Boland
Music Leon Palacio
PDH&PE Charlie Worthington
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion James Simpson
Science Hayden Wild
Technology Dante Pontes-Cox
Headmaster’s Award for Sport Riley Fitzroy
Steve Frangos Memorial Prize for Musicianship Hayden Wild
Nicholas Farrow Memorial Prize for the Spirit of Year Seven Charles Harris
3rd in Academic Results Leon Palacio
2nd in Academic Results Conor Boyd-Boland
Dux of Year 7 Hayden Wild


Year 8 Academic Awards 2016

Subject Name
Head of College Award for Academic Excellence Alex Gross
Head of College Award for Academic Excellence Harry Brett
Head of College Award for Academic Excellence Cooper Sergis
English Benjamin Elder
French Equal First Sebastien Richardson
French Equal First Valentius Wirjana
Geography Jake Lewis
History Equal First Liam Andrews
History Equal First Ethan King
Mathematics Benjamin Elder
PDH&PE Charlie Tindale
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion Hugh McSweeny
Science Sam Markert
Spanish Lucas Giordano
Technology Benjamin Elder
Visual Arts Ethan King
Headmaster’s Award for Sport Alex Talbot
Prize for Musicianship Samuel Tsousis
Martin Robinson Memorial Award for Service & Integrity Lachlan Cunningham
3rd in Academic Results Hugh McSweeney
2nd in Academic Results Sam Markert
Dux of Year 8 Benjamin Elder


Year 9 Academic Awards 2016

Subject Name
Applied Philosophy Equal First Samuel Hall
Applied Philosophy Equal First James Ritchie
Commerce Equal First Rocco Evans
Commerce Equal First Lachlan Manastirovski
Design & Technology Luke Harris
Drama Ethan Vella
English Luke Harris
Food Technology Flynn Gordon
French Luke Harris
Geography Luke Harris
Industrial Technology Wood Oliver Ruse
Information Software Technology Benjamin Rogers
iStem Rocco Evans
Mathematics Level 3 Luke Harris
Mathematics Level 2 Fletcher Duff
Mathematics Level 1 Equal First Max Markert
Mathematics Level 1 Equal First Andrew Badger
Music Fletcher Duff
Physical & Sport Studies Harry Whitaker
PDH&PE Connor Pilger
Photography Equal First Bradley Marzol
Photography Equal First Benjamin Rogers
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Religion Rocco Evans
Science Equal First Rocco Evans
Science Equal First Connor Pilger
Spanish Billy De Luca
Visual Arts Gordon Flynn
Work Education Ryan Smith
Head of College Award for Academic Excellence Rocco Evans
Head of College Award for Academic Excellence Luke Harris
Head of College Award for Academic Excellence Carter Killigrew
Headmaster’s Award for Sport Stuart Swinburn
Ned Silva Award for Most Improved Effort in Year Nine Sean Kearns
Prize for Musicianship Remi Defina-Sperando
3rd in Academic Results Connor Pilger
2nd in Academic Results Rocco Evans
Dux of Year 9 Luke Harris


Year 10 Academic Awards 2016
Subject Name
Australian History Daniel Brown
Australian Geography Domenic Abruzzese
Commerce Daniel Callaghan
Computing Studies Oliver Small
Design & Technology Benjamin Heal
Drama Leonardo Bosi
English Domenic Abruzzese
Food Technology Nathan Higgs
French Daniel Brown
Graphics Technology Kiva Gwynne
History Allan Cannes
Industrial Technology Wood Noah Havard
Industrial Technology Multimedia Hunter Foley
Mathematics Accelerated Maximilian Mitchell
Mathematics Level 3 Zen Emery
Mathematics Level 2 Mark Gonclaves
Mathematics Level 1 Marco Payumo
Music Damian Lin
PDH&PE Equal 1st Daniel Andrews
Photography Harry Blackett
PDH&PE Equal 1st Lewis Thompson
Applied Philosophy Lewis Thompson
Physical & Sport Studies Lewis Thompson
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan
Award for Religion
Lewis Thompson
Science Equal First Domenic Abruzzese
Science Equal First Oliver Read
Science Equal First Oliver Small
Visual Arts Jerome Mendes
Visual Design Tom Andrew
Work Education Max Coleman
Prize for Musicianship Dominic Augustis
Headmaster’s Award for Sport Jack Hardwick-Owen
Sydney University Year 10 Academic Excellence Award Daniel Brown
Anthony Tarlington Memorial Award for Outstanding Achievements in Study & College Activities Daniel Andrews
3rd in Academic Results Oliver Read
2nd in Academic Results Domenic Abruzzese
Dux of Year 10 Allan Cannes


Year 11 Major Prizes 2016

Subject Name
Ancient History Stephen Croft
Biology Tyler von der Heyden
Business Studies Ryan Lewis
Catholic Studies Jamie Mercz
Chemistry Taaj Davis
Construction Huon Beccaris
Design & Technology Kelvin Li
Drama Samuel Walsh
UNSW Australia Prize for Economics John Persoglia
English Studies Matan Sharon-Lemon
Arthur & Mollie Burke Memorial Prize for English Advanced Kelvin Li
English Standard James Campbell
Extension English Stephen Croft
Entertainment Samuel Walsh
Food Technology Matteo Panucci
Geography Joe Nardo
Hospitality James Campbell
Industrial Technology Huon Beccaris
Information Processes & Technology Callum Stuart
Legal Studies Stephen Croft
Marine Studies Matan Sharon-Lemon
Mathematics General John Soden
Mathematics 2 Unit Kayvan Mehrpour
Mathematics Joe Nardo
Mathematics Accererated Lachlan Stewart
Mathematics Extension Joe Nardo
Modern History Ryan Crawshaw
Music Course I Marco Bell
Music Course II Riley Addison
PDH&PE Tyler von der Heyden
Photography Rory Edwards
Physics Lachlan Stewart
Senior Science Huon Beccaris
Spanish Beginners Daniel Priestley
Sport Life & Recreation Matan Sharon-Lemon
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Studies of Religion I Ryan Crawshaw
Fr Kevin Nolan & Ms Merle Frances Nolan Award for Studies of Religion II Stephen Croft
Visual Arts Ryan Lewis
Head of College Award for Academic Excellence Oliver Mahoney
Head of College Award for Academic Excellence John Soden
Ryan Shiels Memorial Prize for Musicianship Riley Addison
John Sydney Kay Award for Personal Excellence
Greg Carmody Memorial Prize for Best All Round Sportsman Ben Donaldson
3rd in Academic Results Joe Nardo
2nd in Academic Results Lachlan Stewart
Dux of Year 11 Stephen Croft


from the Head of College, Ray Paxton

On Friday, 18 November 2016 His Excellency Governor-General Sir Peter Cosgrove officially opened Waverley College’s Cosgrove Centre, its $23 million Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) facility, gymnasium/auditorium and aquatic centre, named in honour of one of the College’s favourite alumnus.

In his address, His Excellency Governor General Cosgrove said he and Lady Cosgrove are always thrilled to be back at Waverley College adding, “I am enormously honoured that Waverley College has sought to name an important new building after me. This is a place of learning where younger people are nurtured and fostered and prepared for the next phase of their lives.”

The opening of The Cosgrove Centre celebrates the largest scale construction and refurbishment project in the history of Waverley College, and it is only fitting that we name it in honour of His Excellency Governor-General Cosgrove.

Their Excellencies Governor General and Lady Cosgrove took part in the official opening on Friday, which included students from past and present and distinguished guests including:

Most Rev Bishop Richard Umbers, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Sydney blessed the new building and the Governor-General unveiled the official plaque, after which he was given a tour of the new facilities by the College’s Head of TAS (Technological and Applied Studies) Mr Garth Aird. During the tour, student representatives explained to the Governor-General details about the new facilities and the learning they experience in the building.

At Waverley College, our aim is to help develop our students’ higher order thinking so they see Technology and Applied Studies as an academic pathway or one that compliments their choice of tertiary studies – not simply learning to make something at school or learn a trade.

The Technical and Applied Studies building project was specifically in response to the College’s strategic direction to provide a learning setting for our students that is second to none. We believe in our students’ capacity and with our upgraded facility we are already witnessing our philosophy to liberate the learning potential of every student come to life.

For instance, one of our Design and Technology students recently produced a prototype medical supplies delivery drone for his Year 12 major work that has sparked the interest of a leading Australian company to develop medical delivery drone technology that will save lives. Another student has been contacted by a potential sponsor to develop his water filtration sheet for use in research, while another has developed a portable seat for the homeless that unfolds into a bed.

We are very pleased with such innovative achievements, demonstrating our students’ ability to think creatively and sustainably beyond the classroom and what they already know of the world.

In his address, the Governor General said, “”When I was reading about this wonderful new centre, I was reflecting how this school – which started in 1903 with a limited syllabus revolving around the ‘three Rs’ – now offers the broadest range of courses of any NSW school in 2016 and that is a sign of a vibrant, living entity that reinvents itself. I want to congratulate the whole school community for this great success.”

The Governor General continued, “In 2003 I went to a school reunion for the school’s 100th Anniversary as the Chief of the Australian Defence Force. I emerged into the spotlight for my address and when I look out there I saw them – a paradigm for an energetic Australian generation. In my group there were lawyers and doctors and tradesmen and soldiers and every occupation under the sun, but they all had that common thread of being, ‘men of Waverley College’. They were fellows who got to know each other but who had been shaped, guided and directed into a core of moral values.”

Along with six new basketball courts, the new two-story building housing the Technological and Applied Studies Centre (TAS) provides students with modern facilities in Industrial Technology, Hospitality, Food Technology and IT Software and Development. A re-conceived gymnasium/auditorium has been incorporated into the complex, transforming school assemblies and performances with additional retractable seating, able to accommodate 1800 people. The aquatic centre has also been impressively renovated to create a PDHPE Centre with offices, classrooms and change room facilities.

This Capital Works Program epitomises Waverley College’s contribution to education in the Eastern Suburbs. The College holds strong to its character – as a place where the diversity of students is its greatest strength, where its identity is tied to the growth of every student – no matter where his strengths or areas for development lie.



The Cosgrove Centre is part of the largest scale construction and refurbishment program in the College’s history. The $23m project has resulted in state-of-the-art facilities for the College’s senior campus.

Preliminary work in 2014 saw the relocation of the fourth floor library from the East Wing to occupy the College Hall below the Chapel.

Major works began in October 2014 on an expanded, high profile heritage facade for the College on its Carrington Road frontage, including reinstatement of the historic arch over the main gates and extensive restoration of ‘The Grange’ (the last remaining heritage home on the senior campus).

The pool house has been impressively renovated to create a PDHPE Centre with offices, classrooms and changing room facilities.

A re-conceived gymnasium/auditorium (the JP Lacey Gymnasium) has been incorporated into the complex. It has transformed school assemblies and performances with additional retractable seating, able to accommodate 1800 people. A new stage has been incorporated in the southern wall of the gymnasium and to the north, on the site of what was the Birrell Street basketball court, a two-story building houses the Technological and Applied Studies Centre (TAS). This new building provides students with modern facilities in Industrial Technology, Hospitality, Food Technology and IT Software and Development. A covered basketball court is situated on the top of the building.

The entire complex is named ‘The Cosgrove Centre’ in recognition of Waverley College’s esteemed alumnus, His Excellency General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) Governor- General of the Commonwealth of Australia.


Building Size – Approx 4675 sq m (not including Aquatic Centre)


18 teacher workstations

6 new basketball courts


Advanced technology


Design & technology lab


Commercial kitchen


Domestic kitchen


Wood technology


Weights Room

Weights Room

From the Director of Junior School, Anthony Banboukjian

Prayer of the Week

Sunday 20 November, we celebrated the Feast of Christ the King. This day marks the last Sunday in the liturgical year of the Catholic Church. On this day we recall Jesus in His eternal aspect, as King and Ruler, rather than as He was in his earthly life.

We are now reaching the end of the Church’s year. With the beginning of Advent, we begin again the cycle of the birth of Jesus, his ministry, his death, Passion and resurrection.

The ending of a year is a good time to assess where we have been, what has been achieved, and perhaps most importantly, where we are going with our journey of faith.

Lord of the past and the future: we thank you for the last Church Year. We thank you for the fellowship and joy of our worship together as a community. We pray for the coming year, that we may benefit from the teaching and wisdom of the church and grow in faith and knowledge of You. Jesus taught us how it is to live according to the values of the Kingdom of God. Let us follow his example and become truly great in the eyes of God


Blessed Edmund Rice: Pray for Us
St Mary of the Cross: Pray for Us
Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever

End of another Year

It is hard to believe that the 2016 academic year will be a distant memory in less than a week. It has been a very busy year for all the boys and staff – from our full academic program, sporting commitments, Wakakirri and all the other events held throughout the year. However it is important to remember that classes conclude on Wednesday November 30 and all boys are expected at school as normal until then.

As this is my last opportunity to write for the Nurrunga in 2016 I would like to wish all the students and their parents a very safe and holy Christmas and hope you have an opportunity to enjoy some very special family time.

To our current Year 5 I look forward to seeing how you tackle the challenge of your final year in primary school in 2017.

To the boys leaving the Junior School and heading off to the big brave world that is senior school we wish you all the best and look forward to when our paths once again cross.

Music Festival

Congratulations to all the staff and students who involved in the Junior School Music Festival last Thursday night – what a great event. It certainly showcased the great number of talented students we have at Waverley College. It was a privilege to be part of the audience – thank you for sharing your talents with us.

Orientation Day for new students 2017

Last Friday our new 2017 students join us for an orientation day and BBQ lunch. I’m sure the boys left excited and enthused about coming to Waverley next year. It was great to see the boys play and work together for what will be one of many occasions.

Best of Luck

We wish Bailey Habler the best of luck as he heads off on Thursday to compete in the 800m at the Australian Track & Field Championships as part of New South Wales team. Bailey we are all very proud of your sport achievements this year – well done.


Year 5 Presentation Afternoon

An invitation to all parents and friends to attend our upcoming Year 5 Presentation Afternoon to be held on Friday November 25 in the Br Lacey G commencing at 1.00pm sharp. The 5 classes will present different musical items throughout the afternoon as well as receive their awards for the year.

Christmas Appeal

Many thanks to those families that have already supported our charities for Christmas – we have had a great response but all donations to the charities below are more than welcome.

YEAR 5 – Matthew Talbot Hostel 

The Matthew Talbot Hostel is a social justice initiative run by The St Vincent de Paul Society, aimed at helping the homeless men of Sydney.

Donations include:

Toiletries (preferably small travel size items), underwear, socks, chocolates, notepads, pens.

Year 6 – Kids Helping Kids

The Kids Helping Kid program is an initiative run by The Smith Family aimed at helping the disadvantaged school children in Australia.  We supported this charity earlier in the year by raising money on Edmund Rice Day.

Donations include:  

Stationery (which means things like) e.g. packets of pens, colouring pencils, textas, highlighters, scissors, erasers, pencil cases.

Giving Tree

You are invited to donate a gift for our Junior School ‘Giving Tree’. The gifts are for disadvantaged children throughout the local and wider communities of Sydney. The gifts are for children of any age range, both boys and girls.

These gifts need to be wrapped in clear plastic with the age range specified on the wrapping. The gifts are then to be brought into school and placed under the Christmas tree.

Thank you for all your generosity in supporting these worthwhile charities.

Last day will be next Wednesday.

Note from Mr Ghattas

Dear Parents & Students,

I just wanted to take the time to thank all families for their part in helping to support the various charities throughout the past year.

I am overwhelmed by the generosity of the Waverley College community. Throughout the year we have helped to raise money and gifts for the following charities:

CARITAS – During the Lenten Appeal we raised $2400

Cure for Brain Cancer Appeal we raised $1125

Smith Family Charity Appeal we raised $962

 Walkathon – we raised over $55000

Book Drive – we were able to send quite a large number of books -almost 3500 over to Fiji as part of our book drive this year.

During Term 4, we have also been supporting a number of different charities through donations such as:

Matt Talbot Appeal (Toiletries and others to help the homeless men and women of Sydney)

Kids Helping Kids (Stationery to help support the disadvantaged children of Sydney to be able to help start the new school year)

Giving Tree (Toys and other presents to help support the many disadvantaged children of Sydney enjoy Christmas)

The amount of items that have been donated this term is extraordinary and goes a long way to show how much we care for those in need. 

On behalf of the teachers and staff of the Junior School I would like to thank you all and wish you a very Happy and Holy Christmas.

Mr Stephen Ghattas, Assistant Director of Mission Junior School

Thank you

A big thank you my wonderful staff at the Junior School. Your hard work and dedication is thoroughly appreciated by all the parents and boys in Year 5 and 6. I look forward to again working with such a great team in 2017.

From Senior Librarian, Bill Roberts

Andrew Tinellis and James Ritchie have reached the distinguished level of a Premier’s Reading Medal.

James and Andrew have read every year in the PRC from Year 3 to Year 9 and have received this, the highest honour.

Both boys have read well over 100 books to reach this level.

My congratulations to them on a fantastic achievement.

Andrew Tinellis and James Ritchie

Andrew Tinellis and James Ritchie

From the Senior Library

Teachers Read to Year 7

The Year 7 cohort attended the Teacher Reading Aloud session in the PAC on Tuesday. This event is hosted annually by the Senior Library to promote literature and a love of reading. Many thanks go to this year’s volunteer reader teachers; Ms Cassandra Attard (The Boy in the Dress by David Walliams), Mrs Kath Knowles (Double Down by Jeff Kinney), Mr Stephen O’Donnell (The Recruit by Robert Muchamore) and Mr Richard Chen, who delivered an outstanding performance of tales from Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes.