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The Spanish program at Waverley is now in its second year and is continuing to grow.  To further promote language learning, the Languages Faculty is planning on offering an evening class for parents.

The ‘Parental Polyglots’ course will enable us to provide a Spanish taster course to parents who have no prior knowledge of the language and would like to further support their son with their Spanish studies.

This fun, intensive course will take place in Term Four for the duration of seven weeks.  The course is likely to run on a Thursday evening from 6.30pm until 8pm.

There are a limited number of places available which will be awarded to the first keen parents to apply.  If you are interested in joining this short course or have any questions please email Head of Languages, Suzanne Richards on

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By Kim Eberhard, Archivist

25 April 2015 marked the centenary of the Gallipoli landing, an event which many believe shaped our nation. Several Waverley College men participated in that campaign, including Edgar Fitzgerald (enrolled 1910) who was killed on the first morning.

Edgar was the son of a publican, born near Young in 1894. At 16, his parents sent him to Waverley College to finish his school years; in his final year, he won the Junior University prizes for History and Geometry. Ed was working as a clerk when he enlisted in the 1st AIF about two weeks after war was declared. Private Fitzgerald left Sydney with the first wave of enlistments on 20 October 1914 aboard the A 14 HMAT Euripides. As a New South Welshman, he became part of 4th Battalion, which arrived in Egypt on 2 December 1914. We can imagine him in camp around the Pyramids, and perhaps on leave in Cairo, as the troops were prepared for battle in the Dardanelles campaign. On 25 April 1915, 4th Battalion was part of the second and third waves ashore at Anzac Cove. It was here that Ed Fitzgerald was killed. Two others lost their lives later in the Gallipoli campaign.

The 3rd Australian General Hospital at Mudros, where Captain (Dr) Gordon Lowe served as a medical officer during the Gallipoli Campaign. (Image courtesy Australian War Memorial.)

The 3rd Australian General Hospital at Mudros, where Captain (Dr) Gordon Lowe served as a medical officer during the Gallipoli Campaign. (Image courtesy Australian War Memorial.)


Edgar Fitzgerald in 1st AIF Uniform.

Edgar Fitzgerald in 1st AIF Uniform.

Other Waverley College men saw action at Gallipoli. Dr Gordon Lowe, one of two Waverley College medical men who served with the Australian Army Medical Corps, was on duty at the 3rd Australian General Hospital on Mudros, off Gallipoli, after the August Offensive. Henry Flynn, Basil Hill, Samuel Martin and Harold Wainwright sustained wounds or contracted serious illnesses during the Gallipoli campaign which ended their participation in the war, while John Dugan, Rupert Gannon, Leslie Gallagher, Stanley Gow, Robert Green, James Courbarron and Francis Wood suffered wounds from which they recovered, and went on to serve elsewhere. Patrick Burke and William Molloy both served with the field ambulances at Gallipoli and continued this service on the Western Front. All of them survived the war. Peter O’Reilly served at Gallipoli from the landing in April until October, as did Thomas Westbrook; both officers were killed during the Second Battle of Bullecourt in May 1917. Bernard McTague, who was killed in June 1917, also served at Gallipoli.

As the nation paused to remember the centenary of that first ANZAC Day, the College paid special respect to these men of Waverley.

The War Memorial Chapel and Hall turns 60 in 2016. Built as a memorial to the men of Waverley College who lost their lives in both World Wars, it was opened on 6 October 1956 by Bishop Carroll at a function where, ‘every vantage point in the grounds was packed,’ according to the yearbook. The opening ceremony included Old Boy representatives of all three of the armed forces: Major General J A Chapman CB, DSO and Bar, OBE; Surgeon Captain JM Flattery and Flight Lieutenant R Marr.

Chapel Opening 1956

Chapel Opening 1956

1956 Chapel Interior

1956 Chapel Interior

An OBU initiative

Construction of the Chapel was the result of a resolution taken at a meeting of the Old Boys’ Union on 13 February 1950. The then President, Mr Max Coleman, was described as, ‘the moving spirit behind the venture, ‘ although sadly he did not live to see the Chapel open. Fundraising began that very year with an annual target of £5000. The Parents’ & Friends’ Association was very involved in fundraising, committing all proceeds from the ball and annual fetes throughout the early 1950s. In 1953 Hennessy, Hennessy and Co designed the chapel and hall, and a tender was issued for construction at a cost of £49,890. The foundation stone was laid on 13 March 1955.

1955 Chapel Construction

1955 Chapel Construction

1955 Chapel Construction

1955 Chapel Construction