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From Graham Leddie, Deputy Head of College

More than 930,000 students from over 2060 schools ‘took a stand together’ across Australia on the National Action Day for Bullying and Violence – 18 March – to send a clear message that bullying and violence are not okay at any time. Each boy received a card for them to keep in their wallet at all times with some hints on what to do if they are bullied. The card also has information they can access online and phone numbers to call for assistance.

At Waverley College we aim to create a safe and supportive school community for everyone.

Sometimes it can be difficult for parents or carers to know what to do when their child talks to them about bullying.

You are an important part of our work to prevent bullying and to respond effectively if it happens. Stopping bullying involves everyone.

If your child talks to you about bullying:

If you are looking for support for yourself to deal with a bullying situation, you will find ideas on the Bullying. No Way! website for parents. As well, please contact the school if you would like to discuss any aspect of our approach to preventing bullying.

Thanks for your support to make our school a great school for everyone.

Bullying impacts everyone and causes harm to individuals, to our friendships and our school community. Let’s work together to stamp out bullying where it begins. Bullying can only occur when others stand by and allow it to occur.

Waverley College students stand up for what is right in the tradition of our saviour and our founder. These principles bind us together for life as a unique community and make us a force for good.

The ‘Bullying No Way’ card was distributed to students as a reminder about how to deal with bullying and to mark the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence on 18 March.

Everyone has the right to feel safe at Waverley College!

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The NSW Government and State Transit have advised the College that there have been changes to the numbering of School Special buses to and from ALL schools. These will be effective from the first day of the 2016 School Year and will affect Waverley College students who travel by bus. The changes have been made to avoid the ‘duplication’ of Bus Route Numbers.

This important information needs to be communicated to all students who use these buses as soon as possible. There are no changes to the times or routes of the bus journeys themselves; ONLY THE NUMBER DISPLAYED ON THE BUS. (For example: the 604 that ran from Waverley College to Mascot each afternoon is now the 698.) Full details are listed below.


New School Special Bus Route Numbers for Waverley College
Old Number From to New Number
Morning Services
614 Little Bay Waverley College 691
614 Maroubra Junction Waverley College 690
614 Watsons Bay Waverley College 625
614 Mascot Waverley College 692
690 Bondi junction Waverley College 717
Afternoon Services
604 Waverley College Mascot 698
640 Waverley College Maroubra Junction 693
657 Waverley College Malabar 686
658 Waverley College Matraville 694
677 Waverley College Maroubra Beach 695
681 Waverley College South Head Cemetery 665


Further information can be obtained from the following site:

If you have any further difficulty please call Student Administration Officer, Anthony Evans on (02) 9369 0704 during office hours (8am – 4pm).