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Dear Parents, Carers and Students

As we begin the 2016 College Year, I would ask that you read the following letters which are essential in understanding a number of the expectations and events over the next twelve months. Each can be downloaded below.

Ray Paxton


Waverley College congratulates the Class of 2015 on their fine HSC results and acknowledges the work of staff and the support of parents during the HSC journey. We are so proud of the diversity of our student body and the achievements of all our students.

First Place in State

Adam Hegedus – Studies of Religion II – 1st in State

Course Merit Lists

Ben Delaney – Studies of Religion II – 9th in State

Thomas Miletich – Modern History – 15th in State                 

Adam Hegedus – Business Studies – 15th in State

Thomas Miletich with his parents and the Head of College after he was awarded the J J O'Brien Trophy for Leadership, Study and Sport.

Thomas Miletich with his parents and the Head of College after he was awarded the J J O’Brien Trophy for Leadership, Study and Sport.

Premier’s All Rounders List

All Scores 90+ (2 Unit courses) or 45+ (1 Unit Courses) in best 10 units:

Ben Delaney

Adam Hegedus

Alessandro Piovano

Ben Delaney achieved the second highest 2015 ATAR of 99.6.

Ben Delaney achieved the second highest 2015 ATAR of 99.6.

Highest ATARs

The College received the following information from students on ATARs achieved by Year 12, 2015:

Adam Hegedus – 99.85

Ben Delaney – 99.60

Jamie Dimeo – 98.70

Ricardo Paras – 98.35

Thomas Miletich – 98.25

Alessandro Piovano – 97.90

Lachlan Gorey – 97.30

Alexander Langdon – 97.15

Douglas Leaver – 96.20

Scott Rynberg – 94.75

Adrian Brossard – 94.60

Jackson Eldridge – 94.15

Clayton Mead – 94.05

Charles Plant – 92.60

James Kondilios – 92.40

Jayden Cain – 92.10

David Stiasny – 91.30

Richard Samuel – 90.30

Ricardo Paras with the Head of College, Ray Paxton and Chair of the Waverley College Board, Dr Mark Davies.

Ricardo Paras with Head of College, Ray Paxton and Deputy Chair of the Waverley College Board, Dr Mark Davies.

The facts and figures

From a total of 835 Scores:

9.58% scores of 90+  (80 Band 6 scores: +1 on 2014)

46.95 % scores of 80+  (392 Band 5-6 scores: +42 on 2014)

85.03% scores of 70+  (710 Band 4-6 scores)

97.96 % scores of 60+  (818 Bands 3-6 scores)

Further good news

Sam Pavone – nominated for Art Express HSC Visual Arts Showcase

Distinguished Achievers – 80 entries on the BOSTES Distinguished Achievers Website

High Achievers

The College acknowledged the academic excellence of forty 2015 HSC graduates at the High Achievers Assembly and Evening Reception in February 2016. The event was also an opportunity to acknowledge the award of a UNSW Co-op Scholarship commencing 2016 to Adam Hegedus to study Commerce, majoring in Information Systems and Management. The scholarships are awarded to just five students each year from a group of 855 applicants nation-wide.



Summer 2015

Waverley Alumni are everywhere (that matters). Don’t miss our special feature in this edition on old boys living and working in the USA, as well as stories on recent tours to Europe for music and to New Zealand for rugby. Read about the restoration of two of the College’s historic portraits, a visit to the College by the Archbishop and his parents for May Procession, and enjoy some outstanding creative writing from our students.


For the first time ever, Waverley will be offering HSC Spanish Beginners in 2016. The big advantage of this course is that no prior knowledge is required. Everyone starts at the very beginning. We will also continue to offer French Beginners.

Why take a language course?

What does an HSC beginners language course involve?

Objective 1 – Interacting (SPEAKING & LISTENING)

Objective 2 – Understanding Texts (READING)

Objective 3 – Producing Texts (WRITING)

What are the advantages of studying a language?

What are the opportunities at Waverley?

Learning a language is exciting and fun because you are learning a brand new skill and one that has a practical applications in the real world.

Check out these websites:

Students historically do well in this course as they are boutique classes and motivation is high.

Want to know more?

Contact our Head of Languages, Suzanne Richards


Phone: 9369 0619

Distinguished Waverley College alumnus Peter Cosgrove was sworn in as Governor General of Australia on 28 March 2014.

“In choosing Sir Peter Cosgrove for Governor General, Australia has honoured a remarkable man,” said Headmaster, Ray Paxton.

“Sir Peter has been actively involved in our College’s Cadet Unit, as well as attending as guest of honour at important College events throughout his career. We are grateful for this ongoing interest and support.”

Sir Peter, Class of 1964, also celebrated 50 years since his graduation in 2014. As a cadet at the College he was Adjutant CUOP Cosgrove and tied for the Major General JA Chapman Cane for the most efficient cadet in the Unit with the man who is now the College’s Assistant Headmaster and Commanding Officer of the Cadet Unit, Lt Col (AAC) Peter Frost. The College presents the General Cosgrove Shield (for the most efficient Speciality in the Cadet Unit) each year to honour the achievements of the most senior ranking officer to graduate.

CUO Peter J Cosgrove 1964

CUO Peter J Cosgrove 1964

After finishing school, Sir Peter attended Royal Military College – Duntroon. He then served in Vietnam with the 9th Battalion Royal Australia Regiment and was awarded the Military Cross in 1971.

In 1999, Sir Peter led the international forces (INTERFET) peacekeeping mission to East Timor. He was a respected and popular military leader, gaining the loyalty of troops under his command and sharing their hardship by occupying a modest camp stretcher. His ability to connect with people extends to all sections of the Australian community – in 2001, he was honoured as Australian of the Year.

Sir Peter was Chief of Defence from 2002 to 2005. After retiring from the military, he was appointed by the Queensland Government in 2006 to lead the rebuilding of communities damaged by Cyclone Larry. He then took up board positions with Qantas and other public companies and was Chancellor of the Australian Catholic University from 2010 to 2014.

Sir Peter’s achievement as one of Australia’s outstanding Catholic laymen was recognised in 2012 when he was appointed as a Knight of the Grand Cross in the Order of St Gregory the Great by His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in 2012. At Waverley College, he was active in the Junior Conference of St Vincent de Paul, and President in 1963.

Meeting Waverley College Cadets in 2010.

Meeting Waverley College Cadets in 2010.

“The Governor General is an inspiration to Waverley College students past and present. His achievements demonstrate that successful leadership is underpinned by a full and meaningful education that cultivates qualities such as courage, respect, wisdom and empathy,” said Mr Paxton.

Athletics – or simply ‘sports’ as it used to be called – has been a feature on the Waverley College sporting calendar since 1907, when the first full day of competition was organised by a special committee of parents and interested friends. Held on the Waverley Oval, the carnival in 1916 attracted over 1000 spectators, who watched the boys compete in a wide variety of ‘disciplines’ that included high jump, long jump, hurdles, short- and long-distance races and a string of ‘novelty’ events including wheelbarrow race, potato (sack) race, musical chairs, egg-and-spoon races, tug of war (between classes) and the ‘Siamese’ race. Prizes were also awarded for those who could best demonstrate skills more often used in other sports, such as football kicking, cricket-ball throwing and bicycle riding. Judging by the smiles in this photo of the 1970 junior athletics team, participation in and enjoyment of such a variety of events has not changed very much, even if some of the events have evolved over time. The college now conducts both a junior and senior athletics carnival and representatives go on to compete at inter-school, state and national championships.