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Our First Nation families are invited to attend the Walawaani Welcome BBQ and Information evening on Tuesday, 3 May 2022 from 6pm – 7:30 pm, in the Performing Arts Centre (PAC) at the College.

This will be an opportunity for families to meet each other, meet staff, ask any questions, and learn more about the program.

How Does My Family RSVP?

All families have been sent an invitation via email. Click on this email invitation to RSVP


>>> Click on the invitation inside this link to RSVP.

Please RSVP (for catering purposes) by Friday, 29 April 2022.


If you have any further questions please contact myself or Mr Kevin Heath.



We look forward to welcoming you to the College.


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation


Year 12 Hospitality students have recently undertaken their mandatory work placements.

We received glowing reports all round about our students being professionally presented, demonstrating teamwork, and following instructions. The students should be proud of themselves. 

Charlie Elmes and Freddy Hunt at Wonderful Cuisine

Charlie Elmes and Freddy Hunt at Wonderful Cuisine

Wonderful Cuisine!

Wonderful Cuisine!

Jackson Thomas at Pier One

Jackson Thomas at Pier One

A big thank you and shout out to all the Hospitality venues who agreed to host our Waverley students including:

A J Preketes at Matteo Downtown Trattoria

A J Preketes at Matteo Downtown Trattoria


Mrs Beverley McCarthy

TAS/VET Teacher


Walawaani, meaning ‘safe journey’, characterises the journey of our First Nation students from Years 5 through to Year 12, throughout their time at Waverley.

Through our holistic approach, we endeavour to provide a safe and enriching educational environment that is culturally inclusive and respectful of Indigenous values, culture and history.

As part of the Walawaani program this term, our First Nation students have been viewing the film Araatika – Rise Up! 

Araatika documents the journey of NRL star Dean Widders and his quest to create an Indigenous All-Star pre-game dance in response to the Maori Haka.

Araatika documents the journey of NRL star Dean Widders and his quest to create an Indigenous
All-Star pre-game dance in response to the Maori Haka.

The film documents the journey of NRL star Dean Widders and his quest to create an Indigenous All-Star pre-game dance in response to the Maori Haka. The film traces the story of this journey from his childhood and upbringing, to strength and diversity of culture, reconciliation, racism in sport and keeping culture strong through dance.


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation


Year 12 PDHPE Excursion Information

When: Friday, 20 May 2022

Where: Year 12 PDHPE students will attend a PDHPE seminar at the Sydney Academy of Sport and Recreation in Narrabeen. This session will be theoretical and practical in nature, and will reinforce the components discussed in class.

Departure: students are required to assemble in the Centenary Quad at 7:45 am.

Transport: students will be transported by bus with Year 12 PDHPE teaching staff.

Return: students will return to the College by 3:15 pm. 

Dress: students are required to wear full school uniform.

What to Bring:

Cost: the amount has been charged to student’s school fees.

Do parents/carers need to give permission?

Yes. Please complete the TWO forms below.

>>> Click here to view and complete the Sydney Academy of Sport Online Medical and Consent Form by Tuesday, 26 April.

>>> Click here to view and complete the Waverley College Online Permission Form by  Friday, 13 May.

Any Questions?

Please do not hesitate to email me at the College.


Mr Patrick Darvill

Head of PDHPE


This Saturday, 26 March is Earth Hour 2022

This Earth Hour, Waverley College’s Students of the World Ecology Group are calling on you, and Australians everywhere, to sign up to ‘switch off’ and join a worldwide community of millions supporting stronger action on climate change.

Why is it so Critical?

It’s never been more critical to come together to protect our world than at this moment. Climate change is impacting our precious environment right now, with the Great Barrier Reef experiencing its fourth significant bleaching event in just six years.

We’ve watched Australian communities and wildlife endure raging bushfires and devastating floods in quick succession, and now we’re seeing climate change impact one of our most iconic unique ecosystems.

We still have time to make a difference for the planet we call home. We all have the power to Shape Our Future. So please switch off today.


Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe

Geography Teacher and Ecology Coordinator


On Tuesday, Year 10 STEM students travelled to Sydney Olympic Park to represent Waverley College in this year’s Science and Engineering Challenge.

Eight teams participated in the challenges, with one team focussing on the final Bridge Design challenge, aiming to hold 200 times its weight across the track.

STEM Excursion – Science and Engineering Challenge 2022

Check Out These Challenges!

Throughout the day, points were awarded for each team’s response. The challenges consisted of designing a shelter to withstand a simulated earthquake, building a bionic hand, designing a buggy to rove Martian terrain, planning efficient transport networks, building model turbines, sending secret coded messages with pulses of light, and planning electricity infrastructure to cities.

STEM Excursion – Science and Engineering Challenge 2022

STEM Excursion – Science and Engineering Challenge 2022

STEM Excursion – Science and Engineering Challenge 2022

STEM Excursion – Science and Engineering Challenge 2022

The challenges provided students with a positive experience in Science and Engineering fields. In teams, students creatively designed solutions to simulate the roles of Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, Biomedical Engineers, Construction Managers, Mathematical modellers.

The students worked brilliantly, and are congratulated on their efforts.

STEM Excursion – Science and Engineering Challenge 2022

STEM Excursion – Science and Engineering Challenge 2022

STEM Excursion – Science and Engineering Challenge 2022

STEM Excursion – Science and Engineering Challenge 2022

STEM Excursion – Science and Engineering Challenge 2022


Ms Kim Spicer

TAS Teacher


On Thursday, 17 March, Waverley College was represented at a special St Patrick’s Day Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral by Year 11 students, Connor Andrews, Ethan McArdle and Hugo Morgan. All schools in the Sydney Archdiocese, founded by Irish orders of nuns and brothers, were present, and Bishop Terence Brady celebrated the Mass.

St Patrick brought Christianity to Ireland in the 4th century and Irish migrants brought Catholicism to Australia from the 18th century. The order of Christian Brothers founded many schools including Waverley College in 1903.

St Patrick's Day Mass 2022

St Patrick’s Day Mass 2022

The Mass included a strong focus on the need for prayer for flood victims in Northern NSW and Queensland, and for peace in Ukraine. We were also reminded of the words of St Patrick in his prayer:

Christ with me,

Christ before me,

Christ behind me,

Christ in me,

Christ beneath me,

Christ above me,

Christ on my right,

Christ on my left,

Christ when I lie down,

Christ when I sit down,

Christ when I arise,

Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,

Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,

Christ in every eye that sees me,

Christ in every ear that hears me.


Ms Martina Cooper

Head of Religion


Last week, Lacey House worked incredibly hard to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation through our House charity, the ‘World’s Greatest Shave.’

We have raised over $11,000!

These funds will directly support those facing blood cancer today, as well as providing precious relief to over 50 more who will receive the same devastating diagnosis tomorrow.

A BIG thanks to all the students who contributed, as every dollar counts for this great cause.

Hear Hugo’s Story

Last week, Owen Punch interviewed Hugo Kulscar of Year 10, about his own battle against Leukaemia.

There’s still time to donate!

>>> Click here to visit our team page to raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation through our House charity, the ‘World’s Greatest Shave.’


Mr Damien Thompson

Head of Lacey House


Yesterday was the first time this year that we have been able to come together as a whole College for Assembly. Our assembly was celebrated outdoors in the Centenary Quadrangle, and we addressed a number of issues that are important to our community including; Premature Babies, International Women’s Day, National Close the Gap Day, St Patrick’s Day, National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence, the World’s Greatest Shave, and we wished our CAS Swimming and Diving team the very best for the championships held on Thursday evening at SOPAC. 

First assembly for 2022

First assembly for 2022

Our special guest at assembly was Premature Babies Charity Founder and Waverley College parent, Ms Sophie Smith, who congratulated and presented a number of medals to students and staff who were involved in the annual Premmie Marathon Challenge, last November.

Ms Sophie Smith

Ms Sophie Smith

The challenge was to run (or walk) a 42km marathon or a 100km ultramarathon over the month of November, and to raise funds for lifesaving neonatal equipment for neonatal units around Australia.

I also shared with our students the very sad news that one of Year 7 parents, Brad Coleman, recently passed away in a tragic drowning on the South Coast. Our thoughts and prayers are with Hulya his wife, Raiden (Year 7) and Aleyna, along with their family that includes Scott Coleman, Head of Green House. 

A number of parents have asked if they can assist the family in any way, and I draw people’s attention to the following GoFundMe page which has been set up to assist the family at this incredibly difficult time.  

>>> Click here to view the GoFundMe page for the Coleman family.

CAS Swimming and Diving

Congratulations to both our swimmers and divers who both took out fourth position in last evening’s CAS competition. Both teams performed with great spirit and enthusiasm. Thank you to coaches and parents for all of their support throughout the season. We congratulate Knox (Swimming) and Trinity (Diving) on their respective wins.

CAS Swimming T1 2022

CAS Swimming Term 1 2022

Year 9 Ballroom Dancing

As part of our PDHPE program and student wellbeing program, every Year 9 student participated in a short program of Ballroom Dancing under instruction from the Joan Carmody Dance Academy.

Along with students from St Clare’s College, our students participated in lessons in preparation for an evening of dance on Wednesday evening. I would like to congratulate our Year 9 cohort on their dress, manners and spirit to participate in such a positive way. I received many comments of praise from parents and staff who witnessed the evening. Thank you to the staff who assisted to make this evening a success. Needless to say, much fun was had!

Ballroom Dancing with St Clare's College 2022

Ballroom Dancing St Clare's 2022

Ballroom Dancing with St Clare's College

Ballroom Dancing with St Clare's College 2022

Parents’ Association Meeting

The Waverley College Parents’ Association (WCPA) Meeting took place on Tuesday, 22 February at 6pm.

The meeting was welcomed by WCPA President, Jade Stapleton and attended by parents, staff and 95 parents/families via Zoom.

Speakers included Ms Lynsey Porter (Director of Curriculum), Ms Gabrielle Smith (Director of Junior School), Mr Graham Leddie (Principal), Mr Patrick Brennan (Deputy Principal, Staff and Student Wellbeing), and Ms Jade Stapleton (President WCPA).

I encourage all parents/carers to attend WCPA meetings. The meeting Minutes are below for any parents who would like to read more about the important topics discussed.

2021 HSC analysis and highlights from Mrs Elizabeth Watson (Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning), are also available below for your perusal.

>>> Click here to view the WCPA Minutes, Term 1, 22 February 2022.

>>> Click here to view the slide show of 2021 HSC Analysis and Highlights.

COVID-19 numbers

Please see below the College COVID-19 numbers as they stand today. We will continue to monitor our numbers closely. In speaking with a number of principals across systems, our numbers are tracking on the lower end of transmission rates. However, I acknowledge that this can change very quickly, and we may need to make some adjustments. 

18/3/22 COVID-Positive Close Contacts
Year 5 8 6
Year 6 5 6
Year 7 6 11
Year 8 6 11
Year 9 10 9
Year 10 13 7
Year 11 4 2
Year 12 3 5
Staff 3 2
Total 58 59

Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you. 

May the wind be always at your back. 

May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. 

This traditional Irish blessing is an ancient Celtic prayer.

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 1 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

IPSHA Debating Team 2022

On Tuesday, 15 March we held debating trials for the Junior School. We had our largest ever turn out for these trials, which was wonderful to see.

The panel was very impressed by the level of preparation from the boys, and how well they presented themselves and their arguments. 

Congratulations to the students below, who now represent Waverley in the IPSHA Debating Competition.

Junior School IPSHA Debating Team 2022

L-R: Quinn Brodie, Geoffrey Gibbons, Thomas Stillone, Ned Wilson, Beau Matheson-Rayner, Max Wu, Isaac Tait, Jack McCallum and Ishaan Jeena

A Reminder About Reporting Attendance and Absence

Reporting Absences

To report an absence, please use the Waverley app. Alternatively, you can call the Junior School Reception (02 9387 5022) before 9am. 

An SMS text message will be sent to the mobile phone of parents/carers at 10am, if a student is recorded as absent without explanation.


Students are expected to be at school by 8:35am. Late arrivals in Years 5 and 6 need to report to the Junior School Reception, where Mrs Coupe will mark off their name. 

Holiday and Leave Requests

Parents requesting permission for up to three days of leave, or extended holiday periods exceeding three school days, must apply for permission from the Director of the Junior School.

Permission needs to be in writing at least two weeks in advance, and is not automatically granted.

NAPLAN Online Years 5, 7 and 9 2022

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN), is a point in time assessment of literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life.

Students in Years 5, 7 and 9 participate in the annual NAPLAN tests in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy.

Further Information

>>> Click here to view further information about NAPLAN from our Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter.

>>> Click here to view further information in the NAPLAN article by our Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter.

Flood Relief

On Thursday, we celebrated St Patrick’s Day with a mufti day, where we raised money to provide financial assistance to those affected by the current floods. I am pleased to announce, we raised a total of $1403.70. This money will be donated to GIVIT – an organisation providing immediate assistance to those in flood affected areas.

>>> Click here to view information about GIVIT.

Big Brother / Little Brother 

Today the Year 10 and Year 5 Waverley students met up for their first Big Brother, Little Brother encounter.

The Big Brother Little Brother program aims to engage and partner our Senior students as mentors with our Junior School students. It provides a series of opportunities for them to engage with each other throughout the year.

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

The Year 5 and their Year 10 Big Brothers had a wonderful afternoon today sharing a BBQ in the Senior School, followed by activities with their buddies at Bondi.

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

Whilst they were there, they worked with their House to create anti-bullying photographs. We look forward to seeing the winning House photo!

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

Big Brother Little Brother


Mrs Gabrielle Smith

Director of Junior School



Sacrament of Confirmation

A reminder, for parents and carers seeking information regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation, it is important that you contact your local parish to find out the details regarding when the Sacrament will be celebrated, and when the preparation classes will be held.

For students of Waverley College who are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), the Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, 19 June at 2pm.

If you wish for your son to be a part of this Sacrament, and you are part of St Charles Borromeo Parish (Mary Immaculate Church), please contact Mr Stephen Ghattas so that the registration form and other important information can be forwarded to you in the coming weeks.


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation



Lunchtime Talk

Beau Matheson-Rayner, Max Wu, Charlie Griffin and Thomas Ingham, our very own Junior School Waverley boys, presented at our Lunchtime Talk last Friday. 

Lunchtime Talks Junior School

These four boys gave valuable tips on 3D printing, key elements for 3D design;  simplicity, structure, size, installing 3D software and recommended websites for creating your own designs. 

Lunchtime Talks Junior School

Lunchtime Talks Junior School

The Junior School boys loved every minute of the presentation, and had many questions for our 3D printing gurus. 

Lunchtime Talks Junior School

A huge thank you to Beau, Max, Charlie and Thomas for giving up their time to inspire the next generation of designers. 

Any parents who would like to volunteer to be a guest speaker, please email me directly at

Drawing Club

The drawing club operates at lunchtime once a week. Over the last two weeks we focused on sketching the work by Sami Bayly, a young Australian author and artist.

She loves illustrating  ALL THINGS WEIRD AND WONDERFUL. Her books include The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Ugly Animals, The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Dangerous Animals and The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Peculiar Pairs in Nature. 

I’m extremely proud of the dedication and commitment to drawing these boys show on a weekly basis. 

Boyd Haslam at Junior School Drawing Club 2022

Boyd Haslam

Dash McDonough at Junior School Drawing Club

Dash McDonough

Lachlan Moore at Junior School Drawing Club

Lachlan Moore

Dash McDonough at Junior School Drawing Club

Dash McDonough

Home Learning Club – Week 9 

>>> Click here to register your son.

If your son is unable to attend, please contact the College via email at or call reception.


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy and Innovation Teacher



What Have Year 5 Indigo Been Learning?

In 5 Indigo this term, we have been very excited to begin using a new program called ‘Writer’s Toolbox’ to improve the quality of our writing. We are finding Writer’s Toolbox so helpful, because it gives us instant feedback on our writing, offering us real-time data that can help us improve. 

5 Indigo Learning with Writer's Toolbox

Roman Szabo, Fred Cross, Alf Griffin and William Carr Using Writer’s Toolbox

So far, we have learnt about different types of sentences that we can use in our writing, to make it interesting and engaging for the audience. This term, we have started to use simple sentences, very short sentences, adverb start sentences and -ing start sentences. 

This week, we have been learning about ‘The Preposition Start Sentence.’ Why would we begin a sentence with a preposition?  Sometimes, you want to give your writing energy. That’s exactly when the Preposition Start sentence is useful. In a flash, Preposition Start sentences give your writing more pace. They speed things up.

Below are some examples of the amazing writing happening in 5 Indigo.

Tom Brown – Paradise Lost Writing Sample

Tom Brown – Paradise Lost

Alf Griffin – Writing Sample

Alf Griffin – A Wild Weekend

Owen Posada – Writing Sample

Owen Posada – A Wild Weekend


Ms Charlotte Stephens

Year 5 Indigo Classroom Teacher



IPSHA and CIS Representatives

Over the past week, the Junior School has had a busy period of sport, enjoying CIS AFL, Touch Football IPSHA Trials, Cross Country Trials and the commencement of the Winter Sports Trials.

I congratulate the following boys for their involvement in these events:

AFL CIS Trials

  1. Marcus Strbac
  2. William Frinsdorf
  3. Liam Madden
JS Sport T1 2022

Marcus Strbac, AFL CIS Trials

AFL CIS Trials Term 1 2022

AFL CIS Trials

IPSHA Touch Football Trials

  1. Hunter Leondis
  2. Cooper Misson
  3. Issacc Matheson
  4. Connor Colquhoun
  5. Kalan Fisher
  6. Jackson MacAskill

Cross Country Trials (Selected for IPSHA Cross Country)

U10 Runners

  1. Jaden Truscott
  2. Alfred Griffin
  3. Joseph Madden
  4. Freddie Goldrich
  5. Sam Rogers
  6. Charles Carrano (Reserve)

U11 Runners

  1. Liam Madden
  2. Samuel Powell
  3. Roman Szabo
  4. Louis Coleman
  5. Joseph O’Reilly
  6. Pascal South (Reserve)

U12 Runners

  1. Jake Tobin
  2. Joshua Raymond
  3. Sebastian Farrell
  4. Maximilian Wu
  5. Reece Araujo
  6. Vincent Kapos (Reserve)

Cross Country Trials – Junior School

Cross Country Trials Junior School Term 1 2022

Saturday Sport and External Sports Achievements 

Gold B Touch Football – JS Term 1 2022

Gold B Touch Football Team

Basketball K Team – JS Term 1 2022

Basketball K Team

Basketball A Team – JS Term 1 2022

Basketball A Team

External Basketball

Several Waverley College boys play together in an external basketball team, and in one outstanding season together, won the Easts Basketball League 12Bs Division 2 Championship. A huge congratulations to these boys.

External Basketball – JS 2022

Levi Dunbavin, Charlie Gibbins, Nicholas Peshos, Max Malley, Ben Fernandes, Max Tuffs and Charlie Carr


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular, Years 5-8


Read more: National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence, 2022 May Procession, ‘It’s Time We Talked’ Parent Event.

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence

All of this week, Wellbeing groups have been discussing strategies to combat bullies. On Friday, we celebrated the National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence. Australia’s key bullying prevention initiative celebrates 12 years of action, empowering our College community to find workable solutions to prevent bullying.

The theme for 2022 is ‘Kindness Culture.’ By building Kindness Culture together, we can promote inclusion, respect and community belonging for all students at the College.

Building Kindness at Big Brother, Little Brother

In addition to wellbeing content and discussion at Thursday’s assembly, Years 5 and 10 took part in the Big Brother, Little Brother program, enjoying a BBQ lunch, followed by some time together at Bondi Beach, where they were challenged to come up with images as a House that say ‘no’ to bullying.

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

Our aim is to create a shared understanding of what bullying is, and encourage our students to be upstanders, by stepping in or letting someone know when bullying is occurring. All of us in our community have a role to play in bullying prevention.

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

Big Brother Little Brother 2022

What Can Families Do?

The College can be much more effective when parents report bullying to their son’s Head of House and support our efforts to deal with it.

If your son reports that bullying is occurring at school, or the bullying involves students from the College outside of school, you should let the College know about the situation.

Working together with the College is the best way to help your child resolve bullying issues.

The College will work with you to resolve the situation, and will also work with the other student’s parents. Due to privacy laws, we are not able to share information about any other students involved.

Tips for Contacting the College

Remain calm and focus on being constructive (even if you feel upset).

Prepare by:

Compulsory 2022 May Procession – Save the Date

Our annual May Procession is fast approaching.

When: Sunday, 1 May

Time: 12pm-1:30pm. Students need to be in the Quadrangle by 11:30am.

Where: Centenary Quad, Waverley College.

This wonderful celebration of our College founder, Blessed Edmund Rice, and Mary our Mother, is a compulsory event for all students. As such, full school uniform including blazer and tie must be worn.

Students need to get their names marked off by their Mentor on arrival.

111th May Procession on Sunday 2 May 2021

111th May Procession in 2021

‘It’s Time We Talked’ Online Parent Evening – Save the Date

When: Tuesday, 26 April

Time: 5:30pm

Where: Online

‘It’s Time We Talked’ is a violence prevention initiative that supports young people, parents, schools, government and the community sector, to understand and address the influence of pornography.

‘It’s Time We Talked’ grew out of Maree Crabbe’s work with young people in secondary schools and community settings.

Maree noticed that pornography was increasingly playing a role in how young people learn about, think about and experience sexuality.

The young people she worked with were keen to talk about pornography, but the adults in their lives often had no idea about pornography’s prevalence or influence – and those who did, often didn’t feel equipped to have the conversations.

These observations led to more questions, research, planning and writing. With significant philanthropic support, ‘It’s Time We Talked’ began in 2009.

Maree Crabbe

Maree Crabbe

Following a presentation to staff earlier in the day, Maree will be presenting to parents that evening.

How to Join the Zoom Meeting

>>> Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Meeting ID: 896 5492 2955

Passcode: 864555


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal (Staff and Student Wellbeing)


As the number of COVID-19 cases have risen around the state, we wanted to remind you of the policies surrounding testing and surveillance for COVID-19. The most important thing to remember is that if your son shows any symptoms of COVID-19, he is not to attend school, regardless of whether his PCR or rapid antigen test (RAT) is negative. 

When do I need to get tested?  Should I get a PCR or do a RAT at home?

In line with NSW Health advice, any student with a symptom of COVID-19 must get tested immediately.

Most people no longer need to get a PCR (nose and throat swab) test if they have COVID-19 symptoms, or are a household, social, workplace or education contact of a positive case. 

However, students are still required to undertake a RAT. Anyone who tests positive with a RAT must register their test result with Service NSW, and self-isolate following the NSW Health guidelines for testing positive. 

Please note: At this stage the Department of Health is not sending any more rapid antigen test kits home to students. 

Symptoms of COVID-19 can include:

Other reported symptoms include:

Any student who attends school with symptoms of COVID-19 including; fever, sore throat, runny nose, cough or shortness of breath, will be sent home regardless of RAT or PCR results. The student must stay at home and not return to school until they are completely asymptomatic. 

What does a student or staff member do if they test positive?

Any student or staff member who tests positive to COVID-19 is required to follow NSW Health requirements under the Public Health Order for testing positive and self-isolation. 

Currently, the requirements are:

Staff and students who return a positive RAT result must register it on the Service NSW app or website as soon as possible.

>>> Click here to view the Service NSW website.

Staff and students who receive a positive PCR or RAT result must tell their school as soon as possible, and follow NSW Health advice.

What happens if a student is identified as a household/ close contact? Can they attend school during their isolation period?

No. A student is no longer able to attend school through the use of RAT if they are identified as a household/ close contact.

The exemption that was in place for students in 2021 under the Test to Stay Program was rescinded on 24 January 2022, and is no longer available, with immediate effect.

Students identified as household/ close contacts are required to complete the 7 day period of Isolation.

What if my son has had COVID-19 in the last 8 weeks?

If your son has had COVID-19 in the last 8 weeks, they can return to school as long as they are asymptomatic, provide a negative RAT result every day, and can provide proof of dates of isolation to the Health Centre via email to: 

Calling in sick on the absentee line

When you are calling in to report your son’s absence, please make it clear that you have undertaken a PCR or RAT test. As mentioned, students are not to be at school if they have any symptoms of COVID-19, however when they are asymptomatic, they can return.

What we need to know when you call:

  1. why your son is absent
  2. how long he will be absent
  3. whether or not he has tested for COVID-19 (and whether the test results are negative or positive).

Due to the large number of calls the Health Centre is receiving at the moment, I would prefer you to email me at if you have any questions, queries or concerns. 

Stay safe and stay healthy.


Ms Adele Cutbush

Registered Nurse 
