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All students are invited to join the Waverley College Choir. Rehearsals normally run on Friday mornings at 7:30am in the PAC Recital Room. However, due to current COVID-19 restrictions, rehearsals will be split into separate cohorts for the first five weeks of Term 1. 

Rehearsal Schedule

The College Choir is engaged throughout the year to sing at many College events, College liturgies, masses and concerts. Over the last 10 years, the Choir has participated in several overseas tours, performing in Germany and Italy. Students also have the opportunity to attend a Music Camp and to participate in performances across the wider community.

No audition or prior singing experience is required – all students are welcome to join.

Contact Ms Jaz Dolso at for more information.


Ms Jaz Dolso

Music Teacher


2022 Fees

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised, that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. Internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal, stating that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

Relevant Dates for 2021/2022


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services


In 2022, we are continuing to plan for the future, as we look to further develop and deliver projects for enhanced, 21st-century learning facilities. As part of that process, we need to understand how our students travel to school, so that infrastructure and facilities are appropriately scoped and planned.

To aid us with this, we ask Senior School parents to complete a short survey regarding travel to school habits, and what future measures the College could adopt. The survey will take only 5-10mins to complete, and I thank you in advance for taking part.

>>> Click here to view and complete the Masterplan Senior School Traffic Survey.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation


Open This Wednesday, 9 February – 8:20am-9:30am

A big thank you to all parents who have generously donated their sons’ outgrown uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool. This provides someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform well below the new price, whilst at the same time, raising funds for the College through the Parents’ Association.

We are slowly rebuilding stock levels, and are so pleased to be able to offer some more items for sale. Email to check on stock and for the next opening time.

$30 Buy Back Scheme

The Secondhand Clothing Pool will gladly accept the donation of all clean and wearable current uniform items for resale. There is a $30 ‘buy back scheme’ for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition.

Due to current restrictions for parents, we are still working mostly through email contact (see email details below) and over the phone.

House Polos

We have a variety of sizes in each house colour, $10 each, ready for the College swimming carnival.

In addition, we have for sale:

Where Can Donations Be Left?

At the Senior School campus reception in the designated Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box (courtesy of our fabulous Campus Maintenance Team!).

Contact Details

For more information on stock availability or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secondhand Clothing Pool:


P: (02) 9369 0703 — please leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you.


You will find us in the main building on Birrell Street. Enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop.

We are open this Wednesday, 9 February from 8:20-9:30am!


Camille and Kirsten

Secondhand Clothing Pool

0412 006 475

Secondhand clothing pool donation box

Secondhand clothing pool donation box in Senior School Reception

This week, the Joining Instruction for the Annual Field Exercise (AFX – Cadet Camp) was emailed to all parents and cadets.

AFX takes place in the last week of Term 1 at Majura Military Training Area in Canberra, from Sunday, 3 April – Friday, 8 April 2022. This camp is also the Year 9 Camp and is an important component of a Waverley student’s experience at the College.

Please read the Joining Instruction and the accompanying documentation in the email, before completing the Google Form to register your son’s attendance on camp. It is important that we have the latest next of kin, and health and dietary information, to ensure the best care for your son on camp.

Registration is required by Tuesday, 1 March. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Commanding Officer if you have any queries or concerns.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Years 11-12

Assessment Schedules and Information Booklets for 2022 are now available here, and on the College website, for students in Years 11-12. Students should download a copy of their schedules, and add the dates and study plans to their College Diaries.

>>> Click here to view the Preliminary Assessment Booklet.

>>> Click here to view the Year 11 Assessment Schedule.


>>> Click here to view the Higher School Certificate Assessment Booklet.

>>> Click here to view the Year 12 Assessment Schedule.


>>> Click here to view the Year 11 Higher School Certificate Assessment Information. 

>>> Click here to view the Higher School Certificate Assessment Information.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Assessment Schedules for 2022 are now available for students in Year 10 here, and on the College website. Students should download a copy of their schedule, and add the dates and study plans to their College Diaries.

>>> Click here to view the Year 10 Assessment Booklet.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Assessment Schedules for 2022 are now available for students in Year 9 here, and on the College website. Students should download a copy of their schedule, and add the dates and study plans to their College Diaries.  

>>> Click here to view the Year 9 Assessment Booklet.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Assessment Schedules for 2022 are now available for students in Year 8 here, and on the College website. Students should download a copy of their schedule, and add the dates and study plans to their College Diaries. 

>>> Click here to view the Year 8 Assessment Booklet.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Assessment Schedules for 2022 are now available for students in Years 7 here, and on the College website. Students should download a copy of their schedule, and add the dates and study plans to their College Diaries.  

>>> Click here to view the Year 7 Assessment Booklet.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Year 11

This is a friendly reminder that the Year 11 Parent / Student Study Skills Evening is scheduled on Wednesday, 9 February, 2022 at 6pm – 7:30pm as outlined in the College Diary.

>>> Click here to view further details about the Year 11 Study Skills Evening.

Please note that, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will be running the session online as a live stream event via ‘Zoom’.

The meeting link is : Year 11 Study Skills 6pm Link

The password required to join is : StudyMore

Students should ensure that they have an electronic copy of the below Parent Handout and Student Handout.

>>> Click here to view the Year 11 Parent Handout.

>>> Click here to view the Year 11 Student Handout.

This is a compulsory event for all Year 11 HSC plus ATAR students, and attendance is highly recommended for HSC plus Vocational students.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Waverley College Year 12 students have been given the opportunity to attend the award-winning RYDA Road Safety Education workshop (COVIDSafe measures will apply). RYDA is designed for 16-17 year olds as they begin to drive or ride in cars driven by their peers.

Why is this Workshop so Important?

This workshop, which supports classroom learning as part of a broader program, provides students with the tools, habits and motivation to take action and stay safe on our roads, throughout their lives, as both drivers and passengers. Students do not need to have their license to take part in the workshop.

What Will Students Learn?

This is the perfect time in students’ lives to engage in this program, as it addresses, in a real and practical way, the many dangers and challenges young people face on our roads. In small groups, students work with facilitators to develop and practise personalised strategies and life skills, which will help them make positive choices, both as drivers and highly influential passengers.

How will the Workshop be Delivered?

The workshop combines personal stories, demonstrations and interactive activities to ensure that students are engaged during the sessions. Information regarding the RYDA excursion is detailed below.

When and Where?

Date: Monday, 7 February, 2022

Venue: Sydney Olympic Park Tennis Centre

Depart from school: 8:15am

Return to school: 3:10pm

Cost: $55.10 per student (charged to your account)

Do I Need to Give Permission?

Yes. Please complete the permission slip below before Monday, 7 February.

>>> Click here to view and complete the permission slip for the Year 12 Car Safety Excursion.


Mr Damien Thompson

Head of House
