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Firstly, a thank you to all involved over the past week as we prepared for the first of our competitive matches against Cranbrook. Coaches and parents have been tremendous in their support and this resulted in a highly competitive day all round. 

Saturday, 20 November Matches

Year 8Bs

The Year 8Bs witnessed their very own Jake Willard take 6 for 17, in what had many of the Cranbrook batsmen dazzled and confused. Five of Jake’s wickets were clean bowled. This was followed by some other impressive performances in the Year 8As, as William Livissianis scored 51 in a partnership with the great man, Fred Robertson, who totalled 45. 

Jake Willard 6/17 in 8Bs Cricket

Jake Willard 6/17 – dazzled in 8Bs Cricket

Year 10As

Some standout batting was witnessed in the Year 10As, with Lucas Ryan out for 32. In the 2nd XI, both Liam Wood and Euan Veale-Wright were out in the 20s, but there is a lot of potential for these young men this season.

Carter Steyn again showed some consistency with his score of 24. Thank you to Jack George and Hunter Elridge, who played in the Year 10A game and then backed up to test themselves in the 2nds. Hirav Gandhi top scored in the 1st XI with a 66 as he wore down the Cranbrook quick, and then opened up in the back end of the innings. 

1st XI – Presentation of Baggy Blues

Lastly, the 1st XI began the day with a cap presentation of their Baggy Blues, and much of this excitement was redirected throughout the match. It was noted by all on the day, how well the 1st XI carried themselves in terms of their respect for the game and the opposition. This was seen in their efforts against what is probably the most in form team within the CAS.

Overall, a really excellent effort by our 1st XI students, with a number of the team goals achieved such as batting the 50 overs, and also making sure we do the little things right in the field. Waverley batted first and put on a total of 169 with two wickets in hand at the end of the innings. However, in the end, their inability to effect a run out from many half chances, got the Cranbrook side home. Much to look forward to next week!

1st XI are presented their caps by senior members of the team prior to the trial against Cranbrook

1st XI are presented their caps by senior members of the team prior to the trial against Cranbrook

Jack Rigg a very happy man at the drinks break (1st XI)

Jack Rigg a very happy man at the drinks break (1st XI)


Mr Sean Picone

Convenor of Cricket


We have our final round of 2021 Co-curricular this coming weekend, with some friendly fixtures against Trinity in Basketball, Cricket, Touch Football and Tennis. It was great to see many students playing well and having fun against Cranbrook last weekend.

Success in Basketball and Cricket

I watched our 1sts and 2nds Basketball play against Cranbrook last Friday evening, with both teams securing impressive ‘come from behind’ wins. For the 1sts, Tom Gleeson, Marko Rangan and Sergei Jakovljevic were amongst the standouts.

Whilst our 1st XI Cricket went down against a very strong Cranbrook team, they performed really well with limited preparation with Hirav Gandhi scoring a solid 66, with Waverley batting for the full 50 overs to end the innings at 8/169. Cranbrook passed our total 4 wickets down with 8 overs to go, but there were a lot of positives to take out of the performance.

Well done also to William Livissianis and Fred Robertson in the 8As Cricket for their 50 and 42 runs respectively, as well as Jake Willard in the 8Bs who took an amazing 6/17 with some outstanding bowling.

Congratulations Jake Willard 6/17 in 8Bs Cricket

Congratulations Jake Willard 6/17 in 8Bs Cricket

Coach Mr Matt Johnston giving some important instructions to the 1sts Basketball

Coach Mr Matt Johnston giving some important instructions to the 1sts Basketball

Compulsory Co-curricular Attire and COVID-19 Protocols

We are hosting Trinity in a number of fixtures this week, and just a reminder that all students should now be in the new co-curricular attire for all games.

COVID-19 protocols remain in place this weekend for all school venues, that include no spectators or parents on site at any school. All students will be required to QR code on entry, and students over the age of 16 may have to show vaccination status on entry.

For those playing at Waverley College senior campus, please only use the gate adjacent to the Performing Arts Centre, for entry and exit. I would also like to reinforce that no student should be bringing any friends on site at any time, and once your fixture has concluded, you are required to depart immediately. 

Is Your Son Interested in Holiday Training and Camps?

We will be offering some holiday training that includes Swim Squad, Basketball and Cricket camps, as well as Athletics and pre-season Football and Rugby training. Students should keep an eye out for notices on the Waverley app, in Nurrunga, as well as via their email inbox for further details. 

Farewell to Departing Staff, Coaches and Students

For those staff, coaches and students who are leaving the Waverley College community at the end of 2021, I want to say a huge thank you for your dedication and commitment to the co-curricular program in your time here.

Five-Round CAS Competition in Term 1, 2022

We will also be using the first two weekends in 2022 to re-trial all teams for a five-round CAS competition in Term 1. We will then immediately move into our Winter program, and for any students who want to request a change of their winter activities, they will be able to submit this change over the first three weeks of next term.

Best wishes to all players, parents and coaches this weekend, as well as for the upcoming well-earned holidays.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


X Platoon

X Platoon is our special senior platoon for those wanting to extend themselves in fieldcraft and military skills. Having passed an extensive barrier test and physical test to be accepted, X Platoon are busy preparing for extensive activities on AFX. On Friday, they were practising stealth with methods of movement, and will be working on their navigation and survival skills over the Christmas break. Ably led by WO2 Tom Martin, we look forward to seeing the challenges they set themselves for 2022.

Ghost walking – SGT Max Van Buuren

Ghost walking – SGT Max Van Buuren

Commando Rolls Demonstration

Training Term 1 2022

At our last Cadet training this afternoon, we ended the year with a Scavenger Hunt, Swim Testing, Operation Bush Wookie and Drill Games. Thank you to the SUO and his team in RHQ for their diligence in maintaining the Training Program across both schools under trying circumstances.

We have much to cover in Term 1 2022, to make sure our recruits are ready for AFX (Annual Field Exercise – Cadet Camp), as well as exposing them to the many activities we should have had this year.

We start the year on 4 February with the annual Golden Boot Competition, vying platoon against platoon in military skills and cadet knowledge.

In subsequent weeks, look forward to Archery, Laser Tag and the Climbing Wall, interspersed with lessons on ratel, setting up your hutchie, how to cook a ration pack and how to keep yourself clean and healthy on camp. AFX will be a camp unlike any you have experienced, and your Corporals and Sergeants are looking forward to working with you on these skills.

Merry Christmas! 

Thank you to our rank and staff for their excellent leadership under difficult circumstances in 2021. Corporals, Sergeants, Warrant Officers, Cadet Under Officers and Directing Staff, I thank you all for your commitment and passion, and belief in the vision of this youth development program. You can see beyond the difficulties of 2021, and know the exciting experiences possible for our recruits. Thank you for your optimism.

I wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday, to give you the energy to hit the ground running in our short leadup to AFX 2022.

Merry Christmas to everyone in the Unit, to your families, and to the wider Waverley College and St Catherine’s communities.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Thank you!

As the year draws to an end, we never really had the opportunity to thank all those members of the Waverley College community, who assisted with the Rugby program in 2021. While it was a disappointing finish to the season, particularly for our departing Year 12 players and families, I do hope that players in all age groups gained some enjoyment from the matches we were able to go ahead with, prior to lockdown.

Rugby Indigenous Round

Rugby Indigenous Round

Thank you to our Tireless Community Members

On behalf of the Waverley College Rugby Community, I would like to thank the following members of the community who contributed to the success of the 2021 season:

Rugby 2nd XV

Rugby 2nd XV 2021

15s Rugby 2021

15s Rugby 2021

Looking Ahead — Summer Preseason (1st XV, 2nd XV and 16As 2022)

As the saying goes, “Absence makes the heart grow founder.” If anything, I do hope that the events of the 2020 and 2021 seasons will motivate players to get back out onto the playing fields in the 2022 season.

To prepare players for the 2022 season, we are holding summer preseason training sessions over the December/January holiday period. This is for any students who are interested in playing in the 1st XV, 2nd XV and 16As in 2022. Training will include strength and conditioning work, speed work and important skill work. All players involved in the 16s and Opens Age Groups (2022) are most welcome to attend these sessions.

Players in these age groups have received an email from Mr McCoy (Convenor of Rugby). They are asked to register their names in the shared Google Sheet, as well as the sessions that they will be able to attend. This is extremely important to ensure that we have sufficient coaching staff, to cater for the students involved.

Training Sessions

Training sessions will be held on these dates:

December Sessions

 January Sessions

Sessions will commence at the College Weights Room at 9am. Students will make their way down to Queens Park for the second half of the session, and will conclude at 12pm. Students need to bring training gear (shirts, shorts, socks, sandshoes and boots), a towel, sunscreen, a hat, plenty of water and nutritious snacks for the session.

Should players have any questions regarding the summer preseason, please direct these to Mr McCoy (

Rugby 2nd XV 2021

Rugby 2nd XV 2021

Waverley College Rugby Supporters’ Club — Opportunities

The Waverley College Rugby Supporters’ Club are looking for any interested parents and friends who are interested in joining the committee in the 2022 season. This includes any parents who might consider assisting with some of the leadership roles into the future.

The Rugby Supporters’ Club is a certainly an enjoyable group to be attached to, and we have enjoyed many happy memories over the years. If you are interested in joining, please feel free to contact Mr McCoy ( We will be looking to meet in early 2022, to create some exciting plans for the season ahead.

Wishing all members of the Waverley College Community a very safe and happy Christmas break!



Mr John McCoy

Convenor of Rugby


Just a reminder that all our online resources will be available to students for any of their information/reading needs over the summer holidays. 

We wish the year 2022 HSC students well as they continue with their HSC studies over the summer.

Students in all years can come in and loan resources as well, up until Sunday, 12 December, via visiting the Senior Library or visiting Book Hire on campus.

How Does My Son Access Resources?

Access to our resources are available via:

>>> Click here to view our Waverley College CANVAS page.


>>> Click here to view OLIVER.


Available Resources


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library Services


This year saw the Waverley College Middle School team take the Bronze Medal in the Ethics Olympiad competition on Friday, 19 November! This was a monumental effort from a group of Year 9 students, who challenged their perspectives of what it means to ‘win’, in particular when discussing ethical viewpoints.

Congratulations to our five superstars:

Learn More About the Ethics Olympiad

An Ethics Olympiad is a competitive yet collaborative event, in which students analyse and discuss real-life, and timely, ethical issues. It differs from a debate, in that students are not assigned opposing views, rather, they defend whatever position they believe is right, and win by showing that they have thought more carefully, deeply, and perceptively about the cases in question. The event encourages and promotes ethical awareness, critical thinking skills, civil discourse, international engagement, and an appreciation for diverse points of view.

For the last few years, Waverley College has placed teams into both the Senior and Middle School based competitions. Each event brings about a range of different perspectives and accomplishments, as students endeavour to engage in meaningful dialogue with schools around NSW.

Is Your Son Interested in Becoming Involved in 2022?

Waverley College already has teams registered for next year’s events. Should your son be interested in engaging in ethical discussions and participating in similar events, please email Ms Boyce for more information.


Ms Stephanie Boyce

Academic Enrichment Coordinator


Sustainability is the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. Ecology is the study of the relationships between organisms and their physical environment. The newly-named Waverley College Ecology group has, in 2021, been concentrating on making the relationship with our environment a positive one and one that will support sustainability.

Earth Hour 

In Term 1, we were able to celebrate and contribute towards the annual Earth Hour event on 27 March 2021. Earth Hour claimed that 2021 was the year for positive change, after the previous year that brought droughts, bushfires, toxic smoke and loss of native animals. In highlighting the small changes our students, families and staff could make by turning off their lights for one hour, made ‘Earth Hour’ this year, the most important one for our planet and country.

Earth Day 

In Term 2, we learnt a new term ‘Plogging.’ ‘Plogging’ is the combination of two words: ‘jogging’ and the Swedish phrase for pick up, ‘plocka upp.’ Earth Day was celebrated on 22 April 2021, and together with our Ecology Coordinator, I challenged students and staff to a Term 2 plog-a-thon.

This involved: 

I received emails from a number of Duke of Edinburgh students who chose ‘Plogging’ as their service component. Great work guys!

Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe (Geography Teacher) with a member of Students of the World Club

Ecology Coordinator Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe

Food Ladder

One idea bubbling away, is the potential to grow more of our own fresh fruits, vegetables and bush tucker. However, with limited land space at Waverley College to do this, we would be looking towards installing a hydroponics system on campus. In Term 2, The Students of the World Ecology Group entered a competition to win a Food Ladder.

Food Ladder’s food security solutions integrate a series of custom-designed greenhouses, designed to mitigate the very specific and volatile weather variants, which are being further exacerbated by the impacts of climate change.

Food Ladder projects address health, education and economic development outcomes through a multi-disciplinary approach in partnership with the local community. Programs include vocational training, STEM education and nutrition workshops. 

Food Ladder

As a city school, our food security is high, but so are our food miles. Having the opportunity to use this within curriculum syllabuses such as: Science, Geography, Hospitality, TAS and our First Nations Students, would be highly educational. Unfortunately, we were not finalists in the competition, but our entry has instigated positive communication and a growing relationship with Food Ladder.

Food Ladder have kindly provided Waverley College with access to their amazing library of educational resources. We hope to include these resources and the prospect of a Food Ladder at Waverley College in the future.

>>> Click here to view more information about Food Ladder.

Second Waste Management Audit

Following the success of the 2020 waste management, which highlighted positive ways Waverley College could improve the disposal of waste for students and staff, in Term 2, a second waste audit was conducted. Having increased the number of recycling bins and significant simple labelling, we were hopeful that we would discover that this had decreased the amount of recyclable waste in the landfill general waste bins.

In June, along with the O’Connor House Prefects, the Students of the World Ecology group audited four bins — two from Centenary Quad and two from Kenny Quad. The bins we targeted were landfill/general waste and the yellow recycle bins. The findings showed that more plastic waste was being disposed into the correct yellow recycling bins across both sites. However, we also discovered a significant amount of food waste in both landfill/general waste, and the yellow recycling bins. Over 12kg of food waste in total across the four bins. This was a shocking discovery.

A further discovery was the amount of soft plastic waste. “If you can scrunch it, you can save it.” Soft plastics are plastics that can be scrunched in your hand. These include: chip packets, snack wrappers, cling wrap, product packaging and many more. The main issue with collecting soft plastic for recycling, is that there needs to be a designated waste bin, solely for soft plastics. If they are contaminated by food or drink, this makes them ineligible for recycling. We have sourced resources from the Plastic Police to help assist the College in providing a soft plastics recycling station.

Waste Management Audit - Students of the World Ecology Group

Waste Management Audit – Students of the World Ecology Group

We are also, thanks to talks with Waverley Council, taking part in a free ‘Bin Trim’ scheme run by MRA Consulting. The ‘Bin Trim’ Program is a NSW EPA initiative that supports businesses and organisations in maximising recycling, and reducing the amount of waste to landfill. Having received funding from the NSW government, MRA is the leading Bin Trim provider, with more than 8,000 organisations engaged across the state.

Minimising the amount of landfill waste is not just good for the environment, it can raise environmental awareness, and likely save the College money as well. Fingers crossed that they are able to provide us with constructive advice and solutions on how to improve our waste management even further in 2022.

EcoERC Sustainability Conference

In Term 2, we were invited by Edmund Rice College, Wollongong, to attend the EcoERC Sustainability Conference. This is a student-led conference, connecting various EREA schools who share their ecology projects and knowledge. Hayden Walker (Year 12, 2021), took part in an online pre-conference conversation with the other schools, and discussed our waste management framework and plans.

Hayden also discussed how Waverley College could participate in the conference, as unfortunately, we were unable to visit in person. The Students of the World Ecology Group created a short five-minute video to showcase a few of our waste management ideas, following our second waste audit. This video was played at the conference and was warmly received by all conference participants. Hopefully, we get a chance to attend the conference in person in 2022. The short video was also posted on Waverley College’s Social Media pages!

Climate Clever App

Waverley College is taking steps to track our energy and waste bills via the Climate Clever App.

>>> Click here to view the Climate Clever App.

This app will provide the College with detailed data on the energy we use, and the waste we create. The app is a very useful way to gather and show data, before and after the College’s Master Plan. The idea centres around our students and staff being able to see how much energy is used/wasted, so that we can all be involved in making the right ecological decisions to reduce it.

The data collection will be student-led by our Students of the World Ecology Group, and will be supported by teachers and staff to help advocate and push it forward. Action plan items will be set and promoted, for example a ‘Remember to Flick the Switch to Off’ campaign to reduce the amount of energy being misused at the end of the week/term.

A whole-school approach will provide significant data for students to compare bills before and after the action plan, hopefully providing proof that small and smart choices do make a difference. Thanks to the Accounts Department, so far we have been able to gather data going back to 2019, and the Students of the World Ecology Group are learning valuable life skills in reading and understanding utility bills.

Solar Energy Displays

Solar Analytics is a company behind the software program ‘My Solar Dashboard.’ This provides savings analysis, energy insights and system performance alerts to help you get more value from your solar system. In Term 4, with thanks to Mr Simon Potter, the day to day solar generation from Waverley College’s Gymnasium and Performing Arts Centre solar panels is now displayed daily on the TV screens around campus.

Some useful facts: One hour of streaming Netflix consumes 6.1 kilowatt hours (kWh) of electricity, and one return air flight between Sydney to Melbourne generates 165kg of CO2. 

Solar energy display

>>> Click here to view an example of the displays.

Collaboration with our Waverley Community

Special thanks to the Waverley College Parents’ Association for their generous donation towards the Ecology budget. So far, this money has enabled the Ecology group to make plans to split our native bee hive, as well as install a Honey Super to gather honey, both with specialist equipment purchased from Sydney Stingless Bees. They have also supported the Ecology group to concentrate on soft plastic recycling. Furthermore, this money will go towards plans to add more greenery to areas such as the Centenary Quad, which will soften and calm the environment, whilst we wait for renovations under the Master Plan.

We have, in the past month, made our relationship with Waverley Council even stronger by signing up to take part in their new School Uniform Recycling Program, coming in Term 1, 2022. This program is in collaboration with the organisation ‘Worn Up.’ Worn Up will collect our unwearable uniform items and send them to textile companies who will then use them to make something wonderful.

Worn Up logo

>>> Click here to view more information about Worn Up.

We look forward to working even more closely with Waverley Council, Waverley College Parents’ Association, and other local organisations in 2022.

COVID 19 Restrictions

Restrictions kept our students and staff from campus for the whole of Terms 3 and 4. However, the Ecology group continued to meet online via Google Meets, staying connected and keeping momentum with the projects and ideas that will extend into 2022.

If you have any ecological/sustainability ideas that you would like the Students of the World Ecology group to investigate in 2022, please email me, or even better, consider joining the group! Everyone is welcome. 

We wish you a safe and sustainable Summer break.


Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe and the Students of the World Ecology Group

Geography Teacher and Ecology Coordinator


This summer, our coaches will once again offer weekly training sessions for all our swimmers and water polo players. This is not a ‘learn to swim’ program, but is for those students who are already in the Swimming and Water Polo co-curricular teams.

Session Information

Sessions will be held at the Waverley Pool on the following dates:

December 2021: 8am–9:30am

If you wish to attend, please add your name to the Swimfit Summer Sessions Google form below. This is because we need to have an accurate roll of swimmers for each session.

>>> Click here to add your name to the Swimfit Summer Sessions Google form.

I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable summer break and a fantastic start to 2022!


Ms Nicola Silsby

Swimming Convenor


Term 4 Week 9

Monday, 29 November — Sunday, 5 December


School Holiday Period


Looking Ahead to 2022







April, May and June 

A big thank you to all parents who have generously donated their sons’ outgrown uniforms to the Secondhand Clothing Pool. We are slowly rebuilding stock levels, and are so pleased to be able to offer some more items for sale. This will provide someone else with the opportunity to purchase a secondhand uniform well below the new price, whilst at the same time, raising funds for the College through the Parents’ Association.

$30 Buy Back Scheme

The Secondhand Clothing Pool will gladly accept the donation of all clean and wearable current uniform items for resale. There is a $30 ‘buy back scheme’ for the donation of Blazers and All Weather Jackets in excellent condition.

Due to current restrictions for parents, we are still working mostly through email contact ( and over the phone.

Cricket, Judo and Hospitality Gear

In addition, we have for sale:

Where Can Donations Be Left?

At the Senior School campus reception in the special BLUE Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box (courtesy of our fabulous Campus Maintenance Team)

Contact Details

For more information or to make an appointment, you can contact the Secondhand Clothing Pool by:


P: (02) 9369 0703 — please leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you


Once parents are permitted back into the Centenary Building, enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3 — the Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop

Level 3, Centenary Building, Senior School Campus

131 Birrell Street, Waverley

Secondhand Clothing Pool donations

Secondhand clothing donations

Donate today!

Join us to Farewell 2021!

All Year 7 parents and carers are invited for a catch up with fellow Year 7 parents and carers after an unforgettable year. $20 per head includes a drink on arrival and shared pizza platters.


Monday, 29 November | 6:30pm onwards


Clovelly Hotel | 381 Clovelly Road, Clovelly

Do I Need to RSVP?

Yes, your RSVP is essential please.

>>> Click here to RSVP and find out more!


Warm regards,

Camille Owen (Year 7 Parent Rep) and Natalie Vedder

Careers Newsletter

>>> Click here to view this week’s Careers Newsletter.


Summer Skills Training at City East Community College – Register Now!

*Are you interested in kickstarting a future health career?

City East Community College is delivering Summer Skills training in:

All HSC students are eligible for funded training!

>>> Click here to enrol in these two summer courses via the QR code.

*Are you keen to work in construction, building or landscaping industries? If so, you’ll need a White Card.

City East Community College has acquired funded places for White Card training and school leavers are eligible.

>>> Click here to enrol via the QR code.


Would Your Son Like to Help Make the World a Better Place, Right on Bondi Beach?

FLAVE is a business solely focused on flavour-first food, and is seeking genuine, enthusiastic and passionate individuals of all experiences and backgrounds to join their team!

From guest service to kitchen service, if your son is someone who is passionate about people and our planet, read more below.

>>> Click here to view more information about FLAVE.




Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator
