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Gentlemen, I hope that your Week 3 onsite HSC seminars went well this week and we are looking forward to having you back onsite for face-to-face lessons and wellbeing activities next week. Please remember that the final extended HSC session is next Monday, 25 October with the Studies of Religion I and Studies of Religion II practice exams.  

Please arrive promptly at 8:40am for an 8:45am start to the following venues organised by class:

Week 4 from Tuesday, 26 October will be face-to-face classes and a series of activities organised by the wellbeing team.

Week 5 will be a time for at home study.

For those of you who need assistance with organisation and/or motivation, the recording of the HSC examination preparation by Dr Prue Salter and a range of other useful resources can be accessed in the link below:

>>> Click here to view Dr Prue Salter’s HSC exam preparation recording and other useful resources.

Username: forwaverleycollegeonly

Password: 94 results

Follow the steps in the video and if you need help with your plan, Dr Prue Salter provides info in the video on how to send notes through to her for feedback. 


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Weekly Careers Newsletter

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers Newsletter.

If you require any assistance with anything please do not hesitate to contact me.


Warm regards

Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator



Semester 1, 2022 — Fee Increases

Thank you for taking the time to fill in the survey on fees recently. The survey asked parents about various aspects of the importance of different school attributes in selecting a school, their current methods for paying fees, and their willingness to pay year-on-year school fee increases. It was pleasing that a total of 1,200 responses were recorded from Waverley College parents.

Whilst I appreciate the timing of this survey is poor and the very topic of fee increases in a pandemic is even worse, this is not something that has been orchestrated by the College. To be clear, we are receiving $27M less funding from the Government (both State and Commonwealth) over the next eight years. We therefore do not have a choice but to address this issue at this time. As stated earlier in the year, we have absorbed $1.6M of reduced government funding in 2021, but unfortunately, this practice is not sustainable. 

Parents responding to the fees survey were asked whether they were willing to pay more for the same service they currently receive. Their feedback indicated that they ranked particular attributes more highly than others. Those ranked most important were the quality of education (quality of teaching and learning, and the quality of teachers), as well as value for money. Many of the respondents considered a fee increase reasonable and affordable (still representing good value for money). However, some respondents stated an unwillingness to pay higher fees. A large number of these, and indeed most parents, indicated a deep connection to the College. They indicated that they would be resistant to leaving, but also acknowledged that, in some cases, they would need to absorb the cost themselves, or seek other finance options to pay fees.

I want to give you as much advance notice as possible that we are looking at an approximate fee increase of $375 per student for each term for 2022. We are going to add more options to assist with the payment of school fees including quarterly (four terms), monthly and fortnightly payment options. For those families that need some additional time for payment, further flexible payment options are available via Edstart. Parents can apply at any time during the year, and Edstart will tailor a plan to meet your needs based on your remaining school fee balance. Edstart is able to provide flexibility to families where their payments are set at a manageable level over the entire schooling period and beyond. This means that families are able to better manage their budget and are less likely to fall behind on their school fee payments.

>>> Click here to calculate your plan and apply online.

P: 1800 139 445


In terms of where does this fee increase place Waverley compared to other independent schools in Sydney? These fee increases due to our reduction in government funding still leaves Waverley as good value when compared to other independent schools which are considerably higher. Even with fee increases in 2022, our pricing will remain significantly lower than comparable independent schools.

New School Fees for 2022


Year Group


Tuition Fees

Year 5 $13,500
Year 6 $14,300
Year 7 $15,800
Year 8 $15,800
Year 9 $16,200
Year 10 $16,500
Year 11 $17,400
Year 12 $17,400

Return to College

We look forward to welcoming our Year 12s back on campus next week with an extended seminar program. There is certainly an air of excitement as the students put in their final preparations for their upcoming HSC examinations. The community’s thoughts and prayers are certainly behind our Year 12s right now. Mr Brennan has written to the Year 12s outlining the safety protocols that need to be followed to reduce health risks at this time. We are also still trying to finalise graduation options and will be in touch shortly. 

Staff Update

Farewell to Jaimi Walker who finishes up at the College today.  Jaimi has packed a lot into her nearly three years at Waverley as the Marketing and Development Manager, including a rebrand and advertising campaign, uniform redesign, digitised enrolment process and customer relationship management system, Waverley app, updated publications program, Foundation launch, successful inaugural Giving Day, and a strong focus on content development. Jaimi’s strong work ethic and business acumen have left our Marketing team in a strong position. We wish her the very best in her future endeavours at IMC Trading as their Asia Pacific Marketing Manager. 

And we would like to welcome Tarryn Thompson to the College as the new Marketing and Development Manager. Tarryn comes to us with over 18 years of marketing, communication and design experience. Tarryn has worked in three independent schools based in Sydney;  Pymble Ladies’ College, The King’s School and most recently, Trinity Grammar School. Tarryn will start on 1/11/21. 

In the meantime, if you need to contact marketing please reach out via email:

‘Walk the World’ Walkathon: Monday 18 October — Tuesday 16 November

I encourage the entire College to participate in Waverley’s historic walkathon which runs over 30 days from Monday, 18 October. As we emerge from lockdown I urge students, staff and parents to get involved to improve fitness, encourage team spirit, raise funds for charity and potentially, win prizes!

In this COVID-19 year, the walkathon will look different, as participants will virtually walk, run, swim or cycle in House groups to major cities around the world. All you need to do is download an app, track your movements for 30 days, and make a donation to support our charities: Edmund Rice Camps, Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation, Snowdome Foundation, Children’s Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation, or Christmas hampers (for families within our community needing a spiritual lift owing to extraordinary circumstances).

To learn more about the history of the walkathon, prizes and how to enter the event, you will need to register through the events link on the Waverley College website:

>>> Click here to view more information about the walkathon and to register.

Best of luck, everyone!

Read more: Parent seminar, student wellbeing over the coming weeks, sleep and wellbeing.

An event that I believe will be of great interest is a parent seminar with author and education consultant Mr Paul Dillon (Drug and Alcohol Research Training Australia), who has been working in drug education for more than 25 years. The College has been able to exclusively secure Paul on Thursday, 28 October at 6pm. This seminar has been moved online.

Reenforcing our ‘wellbeing partnership’, Paul will also be presenting to students in Years 10 and 11, and to staff earlier in the day.

Whenever and wherever Paul speaks, parents, staff and students deeply appreciate the currency of his knowledge, his insights into young people and his engaging manner. He has closely observed the impact of the pandemic on the drug and alcohol habits of young Australians, and will share this with us in an online seminar.

I hope you can find the time to invest an hour before the long summer holidays, during which Paul anticipates a return to large scale ‘gatherings’ of young people. Among his concerns is that many of these will be outdoor gatherings in high-risk settings such as parks and beaches, with possible risk-taking behaviours.

Parent Seminar: Thursday 28 October, 6pm-7:15pm

>>> Click here to view the Zoom link to the parent seminar by Paul Dillon.

Meeting ID: 844 1268 5711

Passcode: 156047

Paul Dillon

Paul Dillon

Student Wellbeing Over the Coming Weeks

At Tuesday’s staff professional learning day, the wellbeing team spoke about a consistent transition to best support our students as they move from online learning back to the classroom.

After looking at other countries that have transitioned back to face-to-face learning, there was a distinct need for students to reconnect with their peers, teachers and indeed their school. Many countries found this to initially be a higher priority than teaching and learning.

Teachers and parents are encouraged to show empathy and understanding towards students who may be struggling after an extended time absent of routine, sport and their friends. Any feelings should be validated by adults in their lives.

Our own College psychologists have noted that during the COVID-19 outbreak, our students who may have previously been experiencing anxiety, have tended to feel calmer and more in control during the online learning experience. This could be due to not being confronted by triggers and reinforcers that increase their anxiety, as well as being in the safety and comfort of their home environment. However, as we see a return to school, we may notice a spike in anxiety for these students (and others). The most likely forms will be related to workload/school pressures, social pressures and safety/concerns regarding COVID-19.

Maintaining routine after lockdown is important

Maintaining routine after lockdown is important

During the initial stages of face-to-face learning, teachers will be providing students with positive reinforcement to help with their adjustment back at College. This will be reflected in the notes sent home to parents. Parents should also be proving positive feedback to their sons for the positive ways they are adjusting to life back on campus.

The College is also aware that some friendship groups may have changed, particularly in the younger year groups. Subjects and activities that promote group work and interaction will gain additional value such as PDHPE, Science, TAS and our co-curricular program.

The Wellbeing Team values any information about recent changes in a student’s life that may impact their wellbeing, particularly those that have occurred during lockdown. Loss, grief, anxiety, family breakup or trauma are important pieces of information. It is asked that parents contact their son’s Head of House so the appropriate staff can help with their son’s journey.

Finally, there is no doubting the importance of routine and maintaining our high expectations. From uniform (including haircuts), behaviour to and from school, as well as in the classroom and attendance, the College will be reinforcing these from the moment students return to campus until the last day of school.

Sleep and Wellbeing

The importance of quality sleep has been reenforced by our wellbeing team during lockdown. Quality sleep and effective sleep hygiene are strong protective factors against stress and disease by allowing our bodies to rest and recharge.

Dr Meeta Singh

Dr Meeta Singh

Dr Meeta Singh is a psychiatrist and sleep specialist from the United States who presents practical ideas to ensure we are doing the correct things to allow our bodies to get the sleep we need. In her podcast she discusses common sleep disorders and useful ways we can improve our quality of sleep and therefore our quality of life.

>>> Click here to access A Crash Course on Sleep Science with Dr Meeta Singh.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal (Staff and Student Wellbeing)


By the time our students start to return to campus next week, all Waverley College staff will be fully vaccinated.

To provide our community with the best possible protection, we are encouraging all students over the age of 12 years to follow the health advice from NSW Health, by getting their COVID-19 vaccination. This will not only protect them, but everyone else, as it appears likely that a single COVID-19 transmission at our College will still trigger a chain of casual and close contacts. The implications of such are considerable and anything we can do to reduce the likelihood is worthwhile.

Protecting the health and wellbeing of our community is our number one priority. The Health Centre is now accepting copies of your sons’ vaccination status.

Please send them to

This data will be added to the immunisation history entered at the time of his enrolment.

Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal — Staff and Student Wellbeing


Bondi Road Medical Centre has been in touch with Waverley College to let us know that they are offering COVID-19 vaccinations to all children over 12 years old and adults. They stock the Pfizer and Astra-Zeneca brands.

If you would like to secure a booking to have yourself or your child vaccinated, please contact the medical practice directly on (02) 9389 8000.

They are open from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm, and on Sunday from 10am to 1pm. Please do not book through their website online.

Their address is 248 Bondi Road in Bondi Beach. They are situated on Bondi Road, Bondi, approximately halfway down the road between Bondi Junction and Bondi Beach, opposite the Green BP Petrol Station at the corner of Henderson Street. You can contact them on (02) 9389 8000.

When you arrive, please ensure that you are wearing a mask. Their policy is that everyone must wear a mask, even children under 12 years old. Please bring along your Medicare card and also a pen to complete paperwork. If you want to save time by already bringing along the paperwork, please print out and complete the PDF in the link below before attending:

>>> Click here to view the Consent Form for COVID-19 Vaccination.

Bondi Road Medical Centre practices social distancing and COVID-19 safe routine practice.

Please be reminded Waverley College is not affiliated with the Bondi Road Medical Centre. They have just reached out to us to let you know that they want to provide access to COVID-19 vaccinations for the Waverley College community.


Ms Adele Cutbush

College Registered Nurse


Defence Youth Safety Training

As part of our partnership with Australian Army Cadets, we ensure our boys and girls are aware of appropriate and healthy working relationships in Cadets through the Defence Youth Safety Training. This is a short presentation and quiz that is required of all recruits when they join the Cadet Unit. This week, it is B Company’s turn and I would encourage all to ensure they join the Zoom at 3:15pm on Friday.

CAS Milskills Team

Each year, the CAS Cadet Units compete against each other in the CAS Military Skills Competition, vying for the CAS Milskills Trophy. Due to COVID-19, the 2021 event had to be postponed to March 2022. Our team has commenced their training in fieldcraft, ratel, first aid, leadership and initiative and we are proud to announce our representatives for 2021:

Term 4 Training

Cadets continues online for Friday, 15 October and Friday, 22 October. Please stay tuned for further information regarding the rest of the term.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer — WCCU


Welcome back to term 4. We are looking forward to finally seeing students back on site over the next couple of weeks. We have received inquiries regarding the commencement of co-curricular activities in Term 4, particularly with the announcements around community sport starting under COVID-restricted guidelines.

The current information we have from NSW Health and the NSW Department of Education is that when students return to school, we will be under Tier 3+ restrictions which means no school sport or activities outside of normal school hours.

Practical PE lessons are permitted to proceed, however, there are restrictions regarding cohorts mixing and reducing crowding in certain areas. We also need to plan to keep our Year 12s, who are sitting their upcoming HSC examinations, as safe as possible.

>>> Click here to view the roadmap for school return.

Whilst it seems contradictory that community sport and community facilities are able to proceed and open, we are seeking advice on clarification around school sport and training, and are hopeful that we will be able to commence some activities this term. All Independent schools in Sydney are under these same restrictions, and as a part of CAS, all six schools will be following the same roadmap. This may involve training within Year cohorts and limiting the number of sessions, as well as having Saturday fixtures amongst Waverley teams or against local schools only.

When we have further information on start dates, we will publish this to the wider community as soon as possible. I appreciate your patience with this. These rules will also apply to the commencement of activities such as Cadets and Duke of Ed. Once we are given the go ahead to return, it is a mandated requirement that all staff and coaches are fully vaccinated to be able to work within the co-curricular program.

I have been really impressed with some of the videos and activities a number of students have been submitting in regards to undertaking their own training and fitness over the recent holidays. It is still critical that all students remain physically active for their overall wellbeing. We will also continue to provide recommended activities via the Waverley College app.

Best wishes to Year 12 in preparation for their HSC examinations, as well as to all students for their return to face-to-face teaching and learning.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular



Term 4 Week 3

Monday, 18 October — Sunday, 24 October


Term 4 Week 4

Monday, 25 October — Sunday, 31 October

This weekend will be the final chance to collect Cadet Uniform before your sons return to College.

If you’ve not yet done so:

  1. >>> Click here to complete the Google Form with your son’s measurements.

  2. >>> Click here to book a timeslot to collect on Saturday 16 or Sunday 17 October.

Please follow these COVID-safe guidelines:                      

If you would like to exchange sizes this weekend, you may do so using the booking system above. Otherwise, your sons are welcome to bring ill-fitting items to Q Store in their first week back for exchange. Q Store (near the entrance to the Senior Library) will be open each lunchtime for this purpose.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer — WCCU


Read more: Fun Friday activity, Healthy Lunches webinar, Year 6 graduation photos, Term 4 Co-curricular activities, ‘Walk the World’ walkathon.

Welcome back to Week 2! I want thank everyone for their patience during this difficult time. We will continue to communicate information as soon as we receive it and constantly keep you updated when changes occur. I want to congratulate our students for coming back to Term 4 motivated and ready to learn. The students have been excited to tell me all the fun things they have done since restrictions have been lifted during our Meets. Hearing families reunite has been my favourite of all. 

Fun Friday Activity

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The Masterchef challenge blew me away. I can not believe how well students in Year 5 and Year 6 can cook. The final products were of such a high standard — from donuts to cakes to chicken pesto pasta to pizza scrolls. They all looked so delicious and the skill level was outstanding. I want to congratulate all students for their hard work.

The following students were the winners for last week:

Watch two of the winning videos below by Max and Jack.


Healthy Lunchboxes and Snacks Made Easy Webinar

Waverley Council have partnered with NSW Health to present a free webinar for parents and carers. With children transitioning to primary school in 2022, it is titled: ‘Healthy Lunchboxes and Snacks Made Easy.’ I thought for those — like myself — this webinar might have some great practical ideas!

>>> Click here to view more information about the webinar. 


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director Junior School



Year 6 Graduation

We need photos of your sons in Kindergarten!

As part of the Year 6 Graduation, I will be putting together a slideshow presentation that will showcase the students’ time at the Junior School. I would appreciate it if you could send through a photo of them on their first day of Kindergarten (or similar), as this will form part of the presentation.

If you could please send a labelled photo through to by no later than Friday, 29 October (Week 4).


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Term 4 Co-Curricular Activities

Please see the message below from Head of Co-Curricular, Mr Steve O’Donnell, which outlines the return to school plan for Co-Curricular activities, depending on the current NSW guidelines. This is a similar plan to the Junior School, and is dependent on what transpires over the remaining six weeks of Term 4. I will be sure to keep you informed as things change, and whether Co-Curricular Sport is able to return for Term 4, 2021.

>>> Click here to view the Term 4 Co-Curricular Activities article by Mr Steve O’Donnell.

‘Walk the World’ Walkathon

Monday 18 October — Tuesday 16 November

Everyone in the College is invited to participate in Waverley’s historic walkathon which runs over 30 days from Monday, 18 October. As we emerge from lockdown we urge students, staff and parents to get involved to improve fitness, encourage team spirit, raise funds for charity and potentially, win prizes!

In this COVID-19 year, the walkathon will look different, as participants will virtually walk, run, swim or cycle in House groups to major cities around the world. All you need to do is download an app, track your movements for 30 days, and make a donation to support our charities: Edmund Rice Camps, Sydney Children’s Hospital Foundation, Snowdome Foundation, Children’s Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation, or Christmas hampers (for families within our community needing a spiritual lift owing to extraordinary circumstances).

To learn more about the history of the walkathon, the brilliant prizes and how to enter the event, you will need to register through the events link on the Waverley College website:

>>> Click here to register and view more information about the walkathon.

I strongly encourage PDHPE teachers to use this event as a motivating factor for students during PE lessons throughout the 30 days and once we return to College.

Best of luck, everyone!


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


Dear Year 12 Students, Parents and Carers,

Gentlemen, I hope that your Week 2 online seminars went well. Please remember that extended seminars during Week 3 and Monday of Week 4 (Monday, 25 October) will be conducted as face-to-face sessions. This will provide a valuable opportunity to work with your teachers in preparation for the HSC Examinations commencing on Tuesday, 9 November.  

The rooming and times for the SOR I and SOR II exams in Week 4 will be communicated to you next week.

Please be reminded that face-to-face classes will resume in Week 4 from Tuesday, 26 October. Week 5 will be a time for at home study.

>>> Click here to view the updated seminar schedule, including onsite venues.

All the best with the final lap of this journey.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum
