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As per the College Diary, there is a compulsory parent and student information evening scheduled for Wednesday, 27 October at 6pm. This event will run online for approximately 30 minutes. A link to join the session will be sent via the Waverley College app nearer to the time.

The session will cover key aspects of the HSC year including: important assessment and HSC credentialing information, wellbeing, retreats, co-curricular and HSC tutorials. Please save the date.


Warm regards,

Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


To assist all students in their return to face-to-face learning this term, Heads of Department and their teams have carefully reviewed the assessment task programs for students in Years 7-10 in accordance with NESA guidelines. Students were scheduled to sit examinations in Weeks 5-6, but this has now been adjusted with the following considerations:

Please rest assured that Heads of Department have also worked with each other to ensure a balance across the expectations for tasks due in the same week. 

Students should reach out to their teachers, Heads of Department or Heads of House if they need any support with the assessments that are due.  

Adjusted Assessment Schedule

>>> Click here to view Year 7 Adjusted Term 4 2021 Assessment Schedule.

>>> Click here to view Year 8 Adjusted Term 4 2021 Assessment Schedule.

>>> Click here to view Year 9 Adjusted Term 4 2021 Assessment Schedule.

>>> Click here to view Year 10 Adjusted Term 4 2021 Assessment Schedule.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Read more: weekly Careers newsletter, UAC updates, UTS Parents’ 1-1 Consultations.

Careers Newsletter

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

UAC Updates, Key Dates and Tips

>>> Click here to view information about UAC updates, key dates and tips.

UTS Parents’ 1-1 Consultations

This consultation is a live chat for parents of future undergraduate students interested in studying at UTS. Current students will be online and ready to answer any parent questions, including those related to:

  • course content
  • admission requirements
  • student life
  • and more!

Online Consultations in November and December

  • Tuesday, 23 November 2021 — Online 5pm-6pm
  • Tuesday, 14 December 2021 — Online 12pm-1pm.

>>> Click here to order tickets for UTS Parents’ 1-1 Consultations.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


The WCPA (Waverley College Parents’ Association) will provide a Welcome Back Breakfast for Year 12 students on Wednesday, 27 October.

Students can collect it from the canteen from 8:30am, and if they’re unable to collect it before school, then Nina will have the breakfast available at recess to pick up from the quadrangle.

We hope their last few weeks at the College are enjoyed. We’re thinking of them as they commence their HSC exams.


Best wishes

Jade Stapleton and the Parents’ Association


All Year 10 students attended an online session by Elevate on Wednesday 13 October on Time Management. This was a valuable session to support them with their preparation for Term 4 assessment tasks and the transition into Year 11.

The session guided students on finding the time to study by building a weekly planner; prioritising work, particularly study notes; building tips on efficiency of work and how to combat procrastination. All students received a booklet of resources to assist them with their learning from the session.

>>> Click here for student access to further resources.

They should enter as a [Student] and the password is Rondo


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


The Year 11 Semester 2 Report is available today for you to view and download on the Parent Lounge in TASS.

This report provides an overview of your son’s performance in Semester 2 for each subject including: A-E grades for the focus subject outcomes, at least two recommendations and commendations outlining suggested targets and areas of strength for your son, Learner Profile grades and a mark, cohort average (mean) and course ranking based on his assessment tasks in Year 11.

The weightings are as per the assessment grids that were sent at the start of the year and are available on the Waverley College website. Once you log on, select the [Academic Reports] option from the menu on the left. You will then be presented with a list of available reports. In this case it will be the Year 11 Semester Two Report where you will be able to download a PDF.

Further information about how your son has performed in his cohort is available via the Parent Lounge Analytics. You should go to the [Student Details] drop down menu and select [Academic Analytics]. Please note that this will be available approximately 24 hours after the release of these reports. This area provides a box and whiskers graph that allows parents to view the position of their son’s mark in relation to the rest of the cohort in each subject. The box and whiskers plot indicates student groupings by quartile and median.

>>> Click here to access the Waverley College Parent Lounge

User id = Your family ID

Password =  If you cannot remember your password you can reset by selecting ‘forgot password.’

For any technical issues or if you need to confirm your son’s ID please contact iAssist at

If you are unsure of your FamilyID or need assistance logging into the Parent Portal, please contact the iAssist Team at


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


Read more: Welcome back, return to campus date, Super Fun Friday, ICAS at home, Year 6 graduation.

Welcome back to Term 4. It is hard to believe we have entered the last term for 2021. We are so excited to know that all our students will be returning to campus on Monday, 25 October. We know how challenging online learning has been and are keen to have our students back in the classroom. 

Starting a new term also means setting goals. We know that students tend to achieve more when they set goals, as it allows them to take control of their future by implementing meaningful and achievable goals and taking action. This has never been more important as they have endured such a disruptive time during their learning. I encourage you to sit down with your son and have a discussion about what they would like to achieve for Term 4. They can set their S.M.A.R.T goal/s and record them on page 137 in the College diary. Having it recorded, allows them to revisit their goal throughout the term and build on strategies to make sure they achieve their goal/s. 

Super Fun Friday

I want to congratulate all the students who submitted amazing montages for our Super Fun Friday on the last day of Term 3. It was extraordinary to see how many students completed all 12 tasks! I loved watching families complete the activities together, having a great time. It was extremely hard picking the winners but the following students really shone:

Cooper Hawkins

Jasper Lumsden

Cooper Mott

Watch the brilliant winning video by Cooper Hawkins

I’m excited we have started Term 4 and can’t wait till we are back on campus! Enjoy your weekend.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director Junior School




Our College made the decision to use ICAS earlier this year to recognise and reward top academic achievement in our students. As we have been learning from home these past few months, the ICAS Assessments team has given our College the opportunity to run ICAS from home.

These are exceptional circumstances and we are keen for learning to continue whilst your child learns from home. The ICAS timetable is below. **This may be subject to change.**

Week 2  Wednesday, 13 October Thursday, 14 October Friday, 15 October 
Time  9:30am – 10:30am  9:30am – 10:30am  9:30am – 10:30am 
Assessment  Writing 

Locked down browser required 

English  Spelling BEE

Locked down browser and earphones required 


Week 3 Wednesday 20 October Thursday 21 October Friday 22 October 
Time  9:30am – 10:30am  9:30am – 10:30am  9:30am – 10:30am 
Assessment  Mathematics   Science   Digital Technologies 

Before Test Day

Please complete these important steps BEFORE test day:

The day before the assessment your son will receive an email with his unique code. 

Assessment Day

On the morning of the assessment your son will meet on a Google Meet at 9:30am (an invitation will be in his calendar). 

Your son must have:


Mrs Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Year 6 Graduation (Photos of your sons in Kindergarten)

As part of the Year 6 Graduation, I will be putting together a slideshow presentation that will showcase the students’ time at the Junior School. I would appreciate it if you could send through a photo of them on their first day of Kindergarten (or similar), as this will form part of the presentation.

If you could please send a labelled photo through to by no later than Friday Week 4 (29 October).


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation


Year 7, 2022 Orientation Day Update

I would like to update you on recent developments regarding Year 7 Orientation Day which was originally scheduled as an on-campus event for Friday, 15 October.

Following the Government and NSW Health’s COVID-19 advice, unfortunately the College is required to suspend all on-campus events, including our planned Orientation Day. 

Instead, we are pivoting to an online Orientation Morning, rescheduled to Wednesday, 3 November from 9am until 10:30am. Members of our College Leadership team and Heads of House are currently refining details for the program to ensure that your son has an engaging and enjoyable morning with his peers. 

Your son will be supervised at the College during the online Orientation and then his classes will resume as normal. He will attend an online session specific to his House and his Head of House shall be his key point of contact throughout the morning.

The College will provide further information via Nurrunga early in Term 4 with specifics for the Online Orientation Morning. Please note that this session is specifically for your son, and parents do not need to be present.

Year 7, 2022 Parent Information Session

The College is also pleased to confirm that we will be holding a one-hour Parent Information Session followed by morning tea on Thursday, 27 January 2022. The session will commence at 9am after you have farewelled your son on his first day of school. Please mark this date on your calendar. Further details on this event will be provided early in Term 4. 

If your circumstances have changed and your son will no longer attend Waverley College in the forthcoming year, it is imperative that you advise me immediately via email at 


Ms Kylie Anderson



Welcome back to week 1 of Term 4. I hope your sons were able to find some rhythm this week with online learning and that they are starting to think about returning to face-to-face learning quicker than expected as a result of the Premier’s announcement this week. 

Supervision at school 

Students of parents who are essential workers/cannot be supervised at home, and are currently working on campus, will remain on our supervision list until the completion of online learning. If your son is not being supervised at school, but you now require supervision, please email Mrs Gabrielle Smith —

Over the last 21 months I have spoken of the need for us all to be able to pivot, find daily gratitude amongst the uncertainty, and be resilient. Of course these words are easy to say, and my thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost loved ones, seen their businesses struggle and close, and all who have endured lost freedoms that we normally take for granted.  

This week I had the privilege of speaking with Professor Kristine Macartney, Director of the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance, along with other Catholic School Principals. I came away buoyed that we will continue to need to excel across these three attributes more than ever. Professor Macartney spoke of the need to embrace a multilayered approach to reduce the risk of transmission within school environments. Vaccination, mask wearing, ventilation, isolation when sick, use of outdoor spaces, sanitisation, and physical distancing and cohort separation where possible, will all be part of the College’s risk management strategies

However, Professor Macartney outlined that with the opening up of society, transmission of COVID-19 will increase, and that the most important element of protection is vaccination for the majority and for the minority who can not get vaccinated due to medical reasons. There really is not a plan B, those unvaccinated will face greater risk and cause greater risk within the community. All three TGA-approved vaccines are now available — Moderna and Pfizer are available for everyone aged 12 years and older, and AstraZeneca is available to everyone 18 years and older.

>>> Click here to find a clinic and book your vaccination

New Phone App to Support Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing 

The Federal Government recently launched the Raising Healthy Children app. Developed by the Raising Children Network, this free phone app supports the mental health literacy and confidence of parents regarding the social and emotional wellbeing of their children. The app targets parents with children aged 12 years and younger, and is available via Android and iOS app stores.

R U OK? Video, Lean on Me

If you have not already seen the Waverley College 2021 R U OK? Video, Lean on Me, I encourage you to. It is a beautiful message from our vibrant, supportive community of students, staff and Old Boys, who are always there when you need someone to lean on! Our musicians took on the challenge of recording remotely and contributing to this important cause, reminding everyone to start a conversation and ask are they really OK.

We would like to thank the following people for their contribution.

Students: Axel Stapleton, Axl Igra, Caleb Secton, Callum Macarthur, Campbell Porteus, Elliott Barton, Enzo Rossi, Fox Stapleton, George Ellis, Guy Hammerschmidt, Isaac Barton, Oliver Isaac, Lachlan Isaac, Alisatir Isaac, Ishaan Jeena, Liam Russell, Lucas Dubois, Max Leedham, Tom Park, William Dubois, Jone Tuqiri, Lieme Chan.

Old Boys: Dom Augoustis (2018), Will Baker (2020), Pat Byrne (2012), Lachlan Drew-Morris (2016), Tom Jaeger (2019), Angus Mullins (2017), Chris Salem (2020).

Staff: Chris Balkizas, Jaz Dolso, Jesse Johnston (2012), Cathy O’Sullivan, Michelle Rollins, Sue Walsh.

I would also like to thank Venettia Miller, Jaimi Walker, Angus McPherson, Michelle Rollins, Jaz Dolso, Jesse Johnston and Chris Balkizas for all their hard work behind the scenes to bring this project together.

>>> Click here to view the RU OK? video on Facebook.

>>> Click here to view the RU OK? video on Instagram.

>>> Click here to view the RU OK? video on YouTube.

Options Post School

Recently, I have been highlighting early university entry programs that are available. An alternative to these is the PwC Higher Apprenticeship Program that offers an alternative option to university for individuals who are primarily school leavers. Students can join straight out of school and develop business and technology skills to work towards a qualification in I.T. Applications are open and there are 13 places available for 2022 in Sydney.

PwC 2022 Higher Apprenticeship Information webinar for interested students:

>>> Click here to register for the Higher Apprenticeship Information webinar.

25th Anniversary of the Beatification of our founder, Blessed Edmund Rice

This week we celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the beatification of our founder, Blessed Edmund Rice. The Edmund Rice Schools Trust – Ireland, is hosting an online global gathering on Thursday, 14 October to celebrate this event, at 10am GMT. The NSW time is 9pm. You are very welcome.

>>> Click here to register for the 25th beatification anniversary of Blessed Edmund Rice.

Many of my students’ parents have asked me how they can keep their sons actively engaged, whether this is in lockdown or generally!

As a Geography teacher, I have a natural inquisitive character and a healthy thirst for knowledge, but in this day and age where there are so many different ways of discovering new ideas and increasing our knowledge, we can get a little overwhelmed. 

In response to this, I have created a document containing Geography activities to help keep your sons globally connected. It contains a few of my ideas and suggestions for students and/or families to get you started. Please note, parental guidance may be required for some documentaries and around Social Media use.

>>> Click here to view Geography activities to help keep your sons globally connected.

If you are already subscribed to, or frequently use, a particular outlet you find engaging and informative, please do let me know. Below is a link to a Google Form where you can add suggestions. These can include: websites, podcasts, Social Media handles, documentaries, news articles etc.

>>> Click here to view the Google Form to add your suggestions.

I look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, get exploring, it’s a big world out there!


Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe

Geography Teacher and Ecology Coordinator


Are you 14-16 Years Old? Waverley Council wants to hear from you!

Join a fun, online Youth Summit on Wednesday, 13 October 3:30pm-5pm, where you’ll have the opportunity to give your opinion on what Council should be doing. You could even win a gift voucher!

Don’t delay as places are limited.

>>> Click here to view information about QR code registration.

Lunge for Legacy

September saw the Cadet Unit raise monies for Legacy through the Lunge for Legacy Activity. The 33, 998 collective lunges contributed to the Unit raising $3,230 towards this worthy cause. Your efforts will help the families of many veterans in Australia and I am so proud of you all.

Service is such an important component of your participation in Cadets, and we thank LT Kelly for organising this opportunity for the young men and women of the Waverley College Cadet Unit to serve their community.

Along with our existing Community events, Service to the Community will now be an annual activity in our Cadet Training Program. As we speak, we are preparing to support our soldiers overseas, with messages for Christmas. Stay tuned for more information.

Congratulations to the following cadets, who excelled and won our major prizes:


Monies Raised

Cadets Term 4

Please bear with us while we navigate the return to school and co-curricular activities in line with COVID-19 requirements. Cadets will continue online for October. We wait to see what November and December will look like and will let you know in due course.

Thank you to our rank for their excellent engagement with their respective platoons and companies via Zoom in Term 3, and we look forward to the day that they can strengthen these connections face to face.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer — WCCU
