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Applications are closing soon for the NSW School of Languages for students in Years 9-12 wishing to study a foreign language via correspondence, (other than Spanish which is offered at Waverley College).

Please submit your application by Wednesday, 10 November, 2021. 

>>> Click here to view the application form.

>>> Click here to view the Years 11 and 12 languages enrolment application form for study in 2022.

>>> Click here to view the Single Course Provision Application for Years 9 and 10 for study in 2022. 

If you have any questions regarding your son’s interest, suitability and eligibility in studying a foreign language or would like some further information, please do not hesitate to email me as soon as possible.


Mrs Priscilla Quintana

Head of Languages


Could you imagine Julius Caesar, Christopher Columbus, Charles Darwin and Eddie Mabo all in the same Zoom chat?

Well — this is what has been happening in Term 3 for Tournament of the Minds — a co-curricular competition designed to enhance critical thinking, creativity, teamwork and problem solving.

Due to COVID-19, the entire competition was planned, recorded, edited and performed via Zoom. Students put together an interview-style presentation where they asked pertinent questions about topics in today’s society such as medical advancements, human rights issues, climate change, and how each of the aforementioned people would react.


These students worked tirelessly over Term 3 through online meetings and Google Docs to put this all together — an absolutely wonderful effort and amazing dedication to seeing through their winter co-curricular.

Well done to the following students:


Ms Stephanie Boyce

Academic Enrichment Coordinator


We have received further communication from the NSW Public Health School-Based Vaccination Program in regards to the cancelled 2021 Year 7 vaccination clinic.

The vaccination program will be rescheduled to 2022 however we are waiting for confirmation on the date. Please note, as students will be provided a catch-up clinic there is no requirement to follow up with their GP.

Please note that this is not related to any COVID-19 vaccines. This is in regards to the annual school-based vaccination program for Year 7 (catch up doses).

If you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Health Centre via email:


Ms Adele Cutbush

College Registered Nurse


Read more: R U OK? Day, ChatStarter resource, 6 Gold art competition, Term 4 Co-Curricular Sport (Online Sports Programs via Waverley app), ‘Be Your Greatest Webinar’ Paralympic Athletes, supporting reading at home, Online Bookshop one more week to go!

Welcome to Week 10! It is hard to believe we are here and have accomplished so much as a College and community. We endured a full term of online learning and a challenging lockdown. Our students have shown that they are able to be resilient and focused in their learning during some of the hardest circumstances. As we close Term 3, I’m pleased to share some recent highlights.

R U OK? Day

Last Friday, students were tasked to create a powerful poster or piece of art that promoted the important message from R U OK? Day. Once again, they went over and beyond and did an amazing job.

The winners were:

By Finn McIvor

By Finn McIvor

By Lachlan O'Brien

By Lachlan O’Brien

ChatStarter Resource

Two weeks ago, some of you may have seen the 3 September NSW COVID-19 press conference where the NSW Chief Psychiatrist Dr Murray Wright spoke for a short time. He provided advice directed towards parents of primary school-aged children. As we are approaching the school holidays, I thought it may be helpful for me to provide his advice again here.

Dr Wright suggested checking in with children if their behaviour at home had changed noticeably, and also choosing a good time to open up a conversation — for example, over the dinner table — and not ‘on the run.’ His suggested resource is ‘ChatStarter’ developed by the National Mental Health Commission. It promotes the benefits of supportive conversations with children and young people.

Should you wish to investigate this resource, the link is provided below.

>>> Click here to view ChatStarter.

6 Gold Art Competition

6 Gold finished the term off with a bang. They were tasked with creating an art piece of their choice to share in the 6 Gold Art Competition. Thank you for sharing your creative art pieces that depict your talent and passions. 

By Auguste Gibson

By Auguste Gibson

By Carter Kennedy

By Carter Kennedy

By Harry Austin

By Harry Austin

Happy Holidays

I want to thank all parents and carers for your unwavering support this term. Is has been challenging for everyone and the amount of positive emails I have received throughout the term has been truly refreshing. Everyone deserves a break to rejuvenate, move away from screens and reconnect. I wish everyone a safe, enjoyable and relaxing break.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Supporting Reading At Home

I read an article ‘Infographic: Which Generation Reads the Most?’ This article zoomed in on the five types of generations and their reading habits.

Our boys being Generation Z, 5-25 years of age was of greatest interest to me. What did I learn? I discovered that GenZ reads for the least amount of time, still reads for fun, but this number halves when they become teenagers, and they prefer fantasy genres and books with humour.

After reading this article, I reflected on the importance of catering for our different learners. Reading, however, does not necessarily have to mean opening up a book and staring tentatively at pages and pages of endless words. For the auditory learners among us, the option of audio books is one our society is increasingly turning to, and for good reason. There are many options out there, and I guess the most important aspect is that your son is reading or listening to audiobooks, if that is his preferred choice.

Your son has access to eBooks, audio books, newspapers and other online reading material in the Learning Hub CANVAS page; just remember it does not always have to be a hard copy book.

eBooks & Audio Books

eBooks & Audio Books

Newspapers & Encyclopedias

Newspapers & Encyclopedias

Online Bookshop 1 More Week to go!

Our pop-up book shop which is proudly supported by ‘The Children’s Bookshop & Speakers’ Agency’ has gone online. Allowing your son to make his own reading choices is an important part of encouraging reading.

>>> Click here to purchase books.

Books you purchase will be delivered to your door free of charge!

Junior School reading

The benefits of reading

The benefits of reading

The positives of reading

The benefits of reading


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Term 4 Co-Curricular Sport (Online Sports Programs)

After consultation with the IPSHA Executive Team and as a result of the return to school information issued by NSW Department of Education, all IPSHA Interschool Sport has been cancelled for Term 4, 2021. This includes Saturday Sport and IPSHA Athletics. It is very hopeful that IPSHA Sport will resume at the commencement of Term 1, 2022.

To cater for this and the possibility that no internal sports competition or training occurs in Term 4, the College is providing online sports skills programs and training resources on the Waverley College app. This will allow students to further develop their fundamental gross locomotor and fine motor skills whilst encouraging students to stay physically active and healthy.

These online resources have already begun to be embedded on the Waverley College app and will continue to be updated throughout the Term 3 holiday break.

How to Access These Online Resources via the Waverley App

>>> Click here for Apple.

>>> Click here for Google Play.

Waverley app

Waverley App


Be Your Greatest Webinar (Paralympic Athletes)

On Monday, 13 September the Junior School participated in the ‘Be Your Greatest Webinar’ which allowed thirty of our students to virtually meet members of our Australia Paralympic Team. The athletes were quarantining in Australia, having just competed at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games.

During the live, interactive session with two Australian Paralympic athletes, students learned about the Paralympic Games and engaged in a question and answer session with the athletes about their sporting career, training and challenges living with a disability. 

The two athletes who volunteered their time included:

1X Paralympic Games Silver Medal (London 2012)

2X World Championships Silver Medals (St Catharines 2011/ Beijing 2015)

>>> Click here to read more about Amber Merritt.

2X Paralympic Games Silver Medals — Tokyo 2020 (5000m and Marathon)

1X Paralympic Games Bronze Medal — Tokyo 2020 (1500m)

2X World Championships Gold Medals — Dubai 2019 (1500m and 5000m)

1X World Championships Bronze Medal — London 2017 (1500m)

>>> Click here to read more about Jaryd Clifford.

Be Your Greatest Webinar (Paralympic Athletes)

Be Your Greatest Webinar (Paralympic Athletes)

Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


Dear Year 12 Students, Parents and Carers,

Thank you for attending the meeting this week where we outlined the plan for Year 12 students in Term 4.

>>> Click here to view the Term 4 Year 12 Overview.

>>> Click here to view the Weeks 2-4 Extended Seminar timetable. 

Significant Wellbeing Events

Please know that all Year 12 students, both HSC plus ATAR and HSC plus Vocational, will be invited to attend significant wellbeing events next term such as the Graduation Assembly.

Senior School Library Opening Hours in School Holidays

The Library will be open from 8am – 4pm Monday to Friday of the school holidays for students who cannot study at home.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Congratulations to all students in Year 10 Photography and Digital Media for submitting excellent portfolios for their most recent Assessment Task which focused on contrast in Photography.

Students explored the three types of photography in their individual portfolios, including tonal contrast, colour contrast, and conceptual contrast. These are just a few of the photos from their portfolios!

Photographer: Finlay Chandler

Photographer: Finlay Chandler

Photographer: Logan McAuliffe

Photographer: Logan McAuliffe

Photographer: Luke White

Photographer: Luke White

Photographer: James Iatrou

Photographer: James Iatrou

Photographer: Finlay Chandler

Photographer: Finlay Chandler

Photographer: Fynn Weston

Photographer: Fynn Weston

Photographer: Tom Stewart

Photographer: Tom Stewart

Photographer: Logan McAuliffe

Photographer: Logan McAuliffe

Photographer: James Iatrou

Photographer: James Iatrou

Photographer: Fynn Weston

Photographer: Fynn Weston

Photographer: James Iatrou

Photographer: James Iatrou

Photographer: Thomas Walker

Photographer: Thomas Walker

Soothing Sunrises by Tom Stewart (Year 10)

Photographer: Tom Stewart

Photographer: Finlay Chandler

Photographer: Finlay Chandler

Photographer: Luke White

Photographer: Luke White


Ms Stephanie Falk

Teacher of Visual Arts


>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers Newsletter.

I encourage you to read the newsletter and contact me if you require any further information.

Early Entry Opportunities and Closing Dates

Closing in September and October


SCU is accepting applications to the 2022 STAR Early Offer program and offers close Thursday, 30 September. SCU has a proud history of supporting schools from across Australia to transition chosen students into a range of undergraduate degrees. Their STAR Early Offer program is a partnership with selected schools to match individual students to a course based on their sustained level of academic achievement throughout their Year 12 studies and the likelihood of success.

Please email me at for more information about the SCU STAR Early Offer program.


Early entry has been extended and now closes on Friday, 1 October. Students get a guaranteed offer in November. Year 12 students can apply now.

>>> Click here to view information about Early Entry to UNE.

>>> Click here to apply directly to UNE for Early Entry.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Today, NESA has released the HSC Examination Timetable for 2021 which commences on Tuesday 9 November.

>>> Click here to view the HSC Timetable for 2021.

The timetable outlines that students will be sitting a full set of examinations.

NESA has provided updates on key dates:

NESA have also released advice regarding COVID-safe examination protocols which include:

>>> Click here to view information about the illness and misadventure process.

>>> Click here to view further details about COVID-safe exam rules.

Plans for Term 4 — Zoom Meeting 15 September 12:05pm

The College will now be able to finalise our plans for Term 4 in terms of classes, seminars and significant events. Year 12 students and parents will be invited to a meeting next Wednesday 15 September at 12:05pm via Zoom Webinar to go through these plans. Further details of this meeting will be shared on Monday.

Your agility, patience and positivity in the face of all of these changes and announcements has been second to none. Now we have some certainty, we look forward to walking with you in this final part of such a unique HSC journey.

Ms Gabrielle Smith

Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning



As the end of Term 3 approaches, I give thanks for the resilience and work ethic displayed by staff, parents and students throughout this unusual and challenging term. I thank the staff for the energy and resources that they have put into online learning, pastoral care and their lessons. I thank parents for their continued support of their sons and their partnership with staff in trying to achieve good outcomes whilst balancing their own work situations. And I thank the students for their resilience, dedication to learning and their engagement with a different learning paradigm. 

In speaking with many parents, most students have made progress throughout the term and have performed well under the challenging circumstances that are in play. That said, there have certainly been days, when everyone has been tested and had to bounce back from a lockdown wall, both perceived and real. 

I have certainly seen many examples of the 2021 Year 12 motto of “Real Gratitude: Deeds Not Words” being lived out throughout the term across many College situations and circumstances. And I am guided by Pope Francis in trying to achieve this motto myself through his following words:

“Rivers do not drink their own water;
trees do not eat their own fruit;
the sun does not shine on itself and
flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves.
Living for others is a rule of nature.
We are all born to help each other.
No matter how difficult it is …
Life is good when you are happy;
but much better when others are happy because of YOU.”

This segues nicely into a special day celebrated each year in that of RUOK? Day. I want to acknowledge the College’s long association with the RUOK? charity and acknowledge the amazing work of the Larkin family in assisting all Australians to take an active role in checking in on each other and having a conversation.

>>> Click here to view the RUOK? Nurrunga article by the Deputy Principal – Student and Staff Wellbeing, Mr Patrick Brennan.

Updated HSC Timetable and Important Information for Year 12

Today NESA released the updated HSC timetable and as a result UAC has released their key dates. There are no changes to the SRS (Schools Recommendation Scheme) timetable, and offers will be released on 12 November. Year 12 students will not receive ATAR-based offers in December. The first ATAR-based offer round for Year 12 students will be January Round 2 on 26 January 2022.

UAC Timetable

Key Dates for Year 12

Early Entry Program

Further to my message in last week’s edition of Nurrunga, below is further information about early entry programs to UTS (University of Technology, Sydney) and ACU (Australian Catholic University).

UTS — With the recent changes to the HSC, UTS has made some changes to their Early Entry Program.

>>> Click here to view an update about the UTS Early Entry Program.

ACU Guarantee — this program offers eligible Year 12 students an unconditional place at ACU based on their Year 11 results. In response to UAC’s decision to delay the main offer round until January, ACU has added another round of offers to students. Applications will now close on Friday 8 October 2021.

>>> Click here to view further information about ACU Guarantee.

Year 12 HSC Examination Timetable

Today, NESA released the HSC Examination Timetable for 2021.

>>> Click here to view more in the Nurrunga article by Acting Deputy Principal — Teaching & Learning, Ms Gabrielle Smith.

National Child Protection Week 5-11 September 2021

At this week’s College Assembly, I reminded students of being vigilant in being safe, particularly online at this time. This week we celebrate National Child Protection Week and this year’s theme is ‘Every child, in every community, needs a fair go’. I made mention of the recent increase in online crimes and the need for boys to be mindful of random people trying to make contact with them and to be suspicious of their motivations. If your gut feeling tells you something is wrong or off, it usually is. Please encourage your son to tell someone or report directly to the E-commissioner. 

Wingara Update (Junior School) 

As you know, the College is seeking to utilise the land that it owns at the back of the Junior School to provide a natural environment connection experience and outdoor play space that will benefit student learning and wellbeing. 

A primary objective for the design team is addressing any foreseeable impacts to our neighbours, the natural environment and the local area. We have started a consultation period with our neighbours who live behind the Junior School. Next week we are meeting with Waverley Council’s Urban Ecology team

EREA Climate Crisis Statement

The EREA Climate Crisis Statement was launched on 19 August 2021. The Statement speaks to us with hope and optimism grounded in a call for renewed and reimagined action. It has been developed over 18 months through consultation with over 1600 young people from EREA schools and various other members of our school communities. We are seeking a shift in attitudes and actions, to address the climate crisis and to restore harmony to God’s creation.

>>> Click here to view the EREA Climate Crisis Statement.

COVID-19 Update 

Whilst most of the media focuses on transmission in the South Western or Western parts of Sydney, I have picked up in my comms that comes to Principals directly from the Health Department, of an increased transmission in our area. A few of our students have contracted COVID-19 and I pray for them and their families at this time. 

Please follow the Health Department warnings at this time. When students return to school, all of our teachers and staff will be vaccinated, most already are. If your son is eligible to be vaccinated, I certainly encourage you to have that conversation and get this organised. I know that I am safer being vaccinated and that I am safer for ‘other people’ being vaccinated.  The College Nurse, Ms Adele Cutbush will continue to provide you with any new information we receive about vaccination availability.

>>> Click here to view the Nurrunga article by our College registered nurse.

Online Lessons Conclude 

Wednesday 15 September will be the last day of online learning for Term 3 with Thursday and Friday being screen-free days. There will be no supervision at the Junior or Senior Schools on these two days. 

Waverley College’s long association with RUOK? Day continued this week as we celebrated this important day with an assembly and wellbeing activities led by Conlon House who have RUOK? Day as their charity.

Across Australia and the world, people are facing an unprecedented situation as our health authorities and governments act to manage the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). There has been no greater time for our students to be equipped with the skills and knowledge to navigate such challenging times.

The coronavirus pandemic comes as many Australians are still feeling the impact of recent bushfires, floods and drought. It’s very normal to not feel OK at times such as these. Watching and listening to media and Social Media coverage and commentary can be confronting and confusing. However, at a time when we’re being asked to physically distance ourselves from one another, students are being encouraged to make use of freed up time and their digital devices to stay connected. 

It is now even more important that we promote a sense of community, reach out and ask our friends, family and colleagues, “Are you OK?”

Over the past few weeks, our staff have been reaching out to families to check in and to see how our students have been going with online learning. At this week’s RUOK? Day assembly, I congratulated the vast majority of students who have demonstrated amazing levels of resilience and determination during these challenging times.

At our assembly, our own RUOK? Ambassador, Mr Kevin Heath spoke about the importance of the four steps of the charity; Ask, Listen, Encourage Action & Check-In.

This year, RUOK launched “Are they really OK? Ask them today”, as this year’s call to arms. This comes in response to new research which found 22 per cent of Australians aren’t reaching out to ask “are you OK?” because there hasn’t been an occasion where they felt someone needed their help.

Are They Really Ok?

Plans for RUOK? Day in 2021 for the College which usually turns ‘yellow’ are a little different with the current lockdown restrictions, meaning no mass participation events, but plans are afoot to stay connected and check on those in our community.

Things may look a little different for RUOK? Day for us this year, in the physical sense, but the message remains the same. Our aim is to encourage everyone to consider how the people in their world are really going.

In wellbeing groups, mentors have been using resources and activities from the RUOK? website that provide resources and tools on how our students can share the message in our community. Importantly, this day should provide us with capacity to acknowledge and combat mental illness throughout the year.

Our wellbeing framework tracks and develops the entire student across five wellbeing foundations. Our vertical House system cultivates positive relationships across the year groups supported by Mentors and Heads of House. At the acute end, the College employs four counsellors and works closely with external agencies such as Headspace and Beyond Blue. The majority of staff (teaching and non-teaching) at the College are accredited mental health first aiders making Waverley College the gold standard in terms of student mental health.

Screen-Free Days – Thursday 16 – Friday 17 September

Unplug to recharge! All students are invited to enjoy two screen-free days next week to turn off their devices in favour of connection, reflection, and quality time during online learning and social distancing.

As teachers, parents and students, we are more dependent on digital technologies than ever. Families across Sydney have had to loosen their screen time rules just to get through the week. 

A screen-free end to the term is a tool for us to take the time we need to prioritise our families, friends and wellbeing. They offer a sanctuary: a space in stressful times for us to be present. It is hoped these two days will provide us with a chance to play, explore, and rediscover the joys of life beyond our screens. And they are great for our mental and physical health to boot!

So well done to everyone on a great term of online learning. The finish line looks in sight with our vaccination rates increasing at a record pace. We can’t wait to see everyone hopefully back on campus during Term Four.

Some Ideas for Screen-Free Time

Ideas for non screen time


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal (Staff and Student Wellbeing)


 7 September 2021

2022 Fees Reminder and Withdrawal Notice

2022 Fees

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2021/2022 are below:


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services


Every September, Australia celebrates and takes time out to read for Australian Reading Hour.

This year, Years 7 and 8 have the opportunity to join us on Monday 13 September and Tuesday 14 September at 12:50pm for two great readings. Students will be read to for five minutes on both days.

Who Will be Reading?

Monday session: Mr Roberts (Head of Library Services)

Tuesday session: we hope to have our new School Captain reading with Mr Robert Tall (College Literacy Coordinator).

>>> Click here to view more information about Australian Reading Hour.

How Do I Access Australian Reading Hour?

Access to this event is via your sons accepting the Google Meet invite sent. You are welcome to join your sons in this event via your sons’ Google Meet.

What Book/s Will be Read?

One reading will feature the highly anticipated new book by Morris Gleitzman, Always.

>>> Click here to view information about the book Always by Morris Gleitzman.

“Morris Gleitzman has a rare gift for writing very funny stories and an even rarer gift of wrapping very serious stories inside them.” – The Guardian.

The final powerful episode in the life of Felix, hero of the moving and multi-award-winning Once, Then, After, Soon, Maybe and Now. Includes a personal Afterword from the author, Morris Gleitzman … It’s 15 years since readers were first introduced to Felix in Once and, across six celebrated books, our brave young hero has survived many unforgettable and emotional journeys. 2021 sees the publication of the seventh and final part of Felix’s story.

Always by Morris Gleitzman


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services
