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Year 12 Meeting Friday 6 August 2021 – Plan B

Thank you for attending the Year 12 meeting today outlining that we will be enacting Plan B for the HSC Trial Period.

>>> Click here to view a Student Overview of HSC Trials 2021 Plan B.

I thank the Heads of Department for their tremendous hard work in creating a task that is best suited for each course’s context.

You will still follow the HSC Trial Examinations Timetable that begins on Wednesday 18 August but you will access an alternate online open book task via Canvas during each examination period.

These open book tasks will replace HSC Trial Examinations for your school-based assessment. Once the CSSA and Independent Trial security periods are over, we will make sure you have copies for practice before the final HSC Examinations.

Further details will be shared next week about logistics as will further instructions from Heads of Department.

Year 12 HSC Trial Examinations Timetable 2021

>>> Click here to view the Year 12 HSC Trial Examinations Timetable 2021.

This revised timetable has also been posted on the Waverley College App. Please read the details carefully as there are now staggered starting times for some of the bigger exams, particularly English and Studies of Religion.


Warm regards,

Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


We congratulate Cadet of the Week, SGT Caleb Urquhart, who has been working really hard to get to know his recruits online and making his lessons engaging and interactive. Three weeks into online learning and we can all sympathise that this is not an easy task. Well done, Caleb!

SGT Caleb Urquhart

SGT Caleb Urquhart

After the first three weeks of participation, 7 Platoon is ahead in the Platoon Points Competition. Remember, attendance, participation and engagement all count towards points from week to week. Bonus points are also up for grabs. The platoon with the most points upon our return wins the Pizza and Popcorn Party.

This week’s training starts looking at the skills recruits need for Bivouac and AFX by covering Health and Hygiene in the Field and the principles of First Aid, while our Seniors in Support Company are enjoying a Company-based activity in an Online Escape Room.

 I wish everyone a safe and healthy week.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


What makes a book ‘good’ for you? What about for your son? There will probably be a different set of criteria for you, as parents, as against your son, as a teen. Try to think back to your own teen years and think about what made a book ‘good’ for you.

One way to view some ‘good’ quality reading is via the Reading Lists we have compiled and are accessible in our Catalogue. You can view the title, cover, format as well as get a summary all from the same place. And if it’s in electronic format, you can click on a link to take you straight to the borrowing screen.


Feel free to send an email to with any questions. One of our staff will get back to you as soon as possible.


This is the Oliver Catalogue Screen. Access the Reading Lists from the black ribbon under Waverley Senior Resource Search.



This is the sample screen for CBCA (Children’s Book Council Awards) Reading Lists. Click on the blue title of the Reading List to view the list in full (and access ebooks of these titles.)

CBCA Reading Lists Senior Library


Ms Sue Bognar

Senior School Teacher Librarian


Looking for an additional activity to keep your son engaged and entertained?

Private music lessons are well underway online. Students are to be reminded to check their schedule, be punctual to their lessons and sign-in/out.

*Students are required to inform the tutor at least the day prior to their lesson if they are unable to attend due to an online class lesson clash. 

Additional Music Lesson Places are Available!

We have excellent, well-qualified peripatetic teachers at Waverley College and lessons are available on a large variety of instruments.

Learning a musical instrument has so many benefits. Did you know that it engages practically every area of the brain at once? It can help grow discipline, language and maths skills, memory, concentration and coordination. It’s also fun!

Any student who wishes to learn an instrument online or join in the Band program are welcome to contact Mrs Kossenberg or any of the music staff. A range of instruments are available for hire at this time.

>>> Click here to view and complete the Online Private Music Registration Form.


Mrs Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


Rock Band 2020

Learn an instrument and join one of our bands!

The Matthew Coorey Concert Band and the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band rehearsing for the upcoming Music Festival

Woodwind and Brass Rehearsing for the 2021 Music Festival

Music Festival 2021

Come and Join the Band Program!

With the extension of lockdown for four more weeks, any students in Years 7-11 will need to complete any summer change of activity requests before Saturday 7 August please.

Touch Football and Basketball: As communicated in last week’s Nurrunga, there are a number of activities that have very limited spots including Touch Football and Basketball.

Mountain Biking and Diving: Unfortunately, Mountain Biking and Diving are full and are not available.

Weights and Fitness: For any senior students requesting Weights and Fitness, these requests will be dependent on coaching staff approving.

Sailing: We are also offering Sailing as a potential summer sport, however, there will be costs involved and this amount will be determined by the numbers of students interested in participating in this activity at Woollahra Sailing Club.

Cricket and Tennis: We also want to maintain the integrity of our traditional sports such as Cricket and Tennis and would not normally approve changes for players in As teams.

*Please also note that all Senior School Term 4 activities are labelled by their 2022 Year Groups (eg: Year 7 Cricket will be labelled as Year 8 Cricket).

*It is vital that students select 2nd and 3rd preferences, as well as understand that a request does not mean that approval will be given. We will assess all changes accordingly and notify those students who have made a request of their summer activities following the completion of the request period.

>>> Click here to view Change of Summer Sport form.

4-Week Training Program

As we have now concluded the winter season and are technically in the Track and Field season, our Head Coach Mr Jeremy Roff, along with some of our fantastic Athletics coaching staff, have created a 4-week training program for all students. This schedule can be found below and also on the Waverley College App under Track and Field.

With the possibility of a carnival in early Term 4, we hope that all potential athletes keep working on their relevant disciplines and use the Olympics as inspiration to train hard following this recommended program.

>>> Click here to view the 4-Week Training Program Schedule.

Below you can watch a 1.5 minute video of Track and Field Remote Training with Mr Roff:

Winter Co-curricular Photos

In early Term 4 we will also reschedule the winter co-curricular photos that were to be held last week. Once we have finalised the schedule we will communicate this to all students and families.

Online Wellbeing and Pilates Classes and House Points Challenge

I also want to encourage all students to keep up the great work in trying the online wellbeing and pilates classes, as well as contributing to the House Points Challenge website.

Below are links to this week’s classes from the team at Advanz Therapies that can be watched at any time:

>>> Click here for previous Monday Pilates class with Sarah Fensom, 2:30-3:30pm.

>>> Click here for previous Wednesday Athletic Strength and Mobility class with Mark Mitchell, 2:30-3:30pm.

>>> Click here for previous Friday Holistic Health and Training class with Caelum Trott, 2:30-3:30pm.


Best wishes to all of Year 12 with their preparations for Year 12 Trial HSC Examinations.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


‘A passion project is a creative project that gives you satisfaction and happiness. It goes by many names, including Genius Hour and 20% Time. Some businesses, including Google, allow employees to spend a portion of their work week on a passion project as a way of fostering innovation.’ 


With lockdown comes many challenges. One challenge is having limited opportunities to engage with other members of the Waverley community or members of communities you are part of that allow you to pursue hobbies and interests you are passionate about.

Each Passion Project is student directed but with structured guidance. Students select a topic they are passionate about to research, collaborate and investigate deeper concepts in a format of their choice.

It is a fantastic way to connect curriculum to other interests, and maintain engagement throughout remote learning — particularly if you are completing work at a faster pace, or want to pursue topics that fall ‘just outside’ the scope of your current studies.

If you are interested in immersing yourself in a Passion Project, please contact Ms Stephanie Boyce.


Ms Stephanie Boyce

Academic Enrichment Coordinator


>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

>>> Click here to view a summary sheet with details of the 2021 University Open Days.

I encourage you to read the newsletter and contact me if you require any further information.

If you require any assistance with anything whilst you are at home, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Apprenticeship Available

A Carpentry Apprenticeship is available in the Eastern suburbs.

Please contact me if you are interested.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator



Thank you to all Year 12 Parents and Students for attending our meeting today at lunchtime to go through the latest updates regarding the HSC Trial Examinations and other questions surrounding Year 12.

As promised, here is the information that I shared, including key dates, surrounding UAC applications. The latest advice from UAC is that with the rescheduled HSC Exam timetable, UAC has made the following date changes:

There are no additional schemes in place at UAC to consider a COVID-19-related disadvantage. If any students are making any applications to universities, and have any questions, they should contact Ms Knowles who will assist them – particularly if any students are interested in early entry possibilities to ease the pressure.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Our thoughts and prayers are with Mr Anthony Gibbs and Mr Chris Balkizas and their respective families. Both gentlemen’s mothers passed away this week. If you are in one of their classes, gents, it would be nice to offer your condolences at your next interaction with them, and know that their grief will still be very raw, so look after them. 

I would like to welcome Ms Stephanie Falk who has been appointed to replace Ms Dechantel Green in Visual Arts. Stephanie previously worked at Prairiewood High School and Carlingford High School and will be with us for the remainder of the year. 

Each day is an opportunity for students to honour giving preference to one another. From doing what we can to limit the opportunity for the spread of this pandemic, and caring for those who carry heavy burdens, through to the way we speak and conduct ourselves.

The resilience and consideration that I have seen from so many in our school community as we learn from home and live in lockdown, is to be commended. Waverley College is proud of how its students have continued to apply themselves to their studies and demonstrate patience and compassion during a challenging time.

And I want to remind you and all students that every action in life has a consequence. You have the opportunity to be a person who leaves people and places better for you having been there.

Equally, any poor behaviour, even off-campus during lockdown, will be held accountable by the College. 

We are all responsible as individuals to make good choices, and boys who respect themselves will choose to honour others over themselves. Boys who respect themselves will be brave and confront negative behaviours – including in their own lives. They will lift others up, and know that there are healthy ways to ‘blow off some steam’ that are not at the expense of others. There is no acceptable level of disrespect.

Challenges are an opportunity for tenacity and character to be built if we continue to make wise decisions, even when things are hard. 

Here are some of the key principles that we teach students, that you can share at home:

Child Perpetrators of Cyberbullying and Discrimination – There are Consequences

During the NSW COVID-19 lockdown, many of us have spent more time than usual using the Internet to learn, work and communicate. Online interactions can be complex, particularly during a pandemic. Please remind your son/s to be extra careful with their words and actions online and when sending messages by email, phone or computer. 

‘Cyberbullying’ is bullying online via Social Media or via messages sent by email, phone or computer. Although in Australia there is no specific legislation used for cyber-bullying, there are other laws that police can access to arrest and charge offenders. Such offences fall under the Commonwealth Criminal Code, 1955. Division 474, subdivision C. Telecommunications Offences.

The law in the area of cyberbullying is complicated, and even if a perpetrator is under 18, consequences can be serious. Did you know that cyberbullying by children can also be considered a crime? There can be legal repercussions for youth perpetrators, even if they are as young as 10.

Under current national or NSW law, children may be charged by police, and if guilty, may receive a criminal record or be sent to gaol. Parents play a critical role in preventing cyberbullying by helping their son/s to develop empathy for others. 

Discrimination Laws also apply online. Making inappropriate or derogatory comments about someone’s race, colour, sexual orientation, disability, religion, gender, national origin or age is completely inappropriate and a place one should never go, even if the person is in conflict with you or your opinions. Further to discrimination laws, the Australian federal law makes racism and hate speech unlawful under section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act. 

This challenging time is an opportunity for all of us to be mindful of others, and do what we can to demonstrate kindness and lighten each other. In a world of 24/7 news and constant information flow, we can get caught up thinking we need to comment on everything, but with increased screen times, perhaps less engagement and spontaneous opinion being offered is more appropriate. I came across this advice shared with me: 

Today I saw something online I didn’t agree with 

I didn’t get offended 

I didn’t comment 

I didn’t feel the need to change their mind 

I still like the person 

I kept scrolling and went on with my day 

Please work with us to help your son/s to both understand the consequences and be a responsible digital citizen.

CAS Winter Co-curricular Update 

The Heads of the CAS schools yesterday decided that, in the light of current restrictions, the remainder of the winter sport competition for 2021 would be cancelled. Decisions regarding future CAS sporting competitions and fixtures will be made and communicated as guidance is issued by NSW government and health authorities. Whilst we understand the disappointment caused by these developments, the CAS will continue to uphold its overriding duty to act in a manner which promotes the welfare of the wider community. – Chair of CAS General Committee


The winter edition of our biannual alumni magazine Wavelength is nearing publication and will comprehensively cover the many exciting changes and achievements accomplished since the last issue. It celebrates the latest news from Waverley College and its diverse and well connected Old Boy community. If you are an Old Boy and have new email or postal details, please contact alumni liaison officer Ms Venettia Miller. E: | T: 02 9369 0773

Waverley app

We have received exceptional feedback about our Waverley College app which we use as a central portal to communicate with parents. The uptake in subscriptions has far exceeded our expectations, and I’m pleased to report that app is now live on 1481 devices! Features include: Notices, Nurrunga, Co-Curricular, Parent Lounge, Calendar, Absences, Contacts, Maps and Links. It is important to download the app because from Sunday 1 August, SkoolBag app and Team app will be discontinued at Waverley.

>>> Click here to view instructions about how to download the Waverley app.

During Week 5, students from Years 5-11 were due to attend e-safe presentations on campus.

Our commitment to increasing education for students, professional learning for staff, and formation for parents will not be diminished by our current circumstances. We have had to pivot and work with our provider to enable these important e-safe presentations to go ahead in an online forum. These will be conducted at the same time as if they had been held on campus.

Nearer Week 5, students will be provided with a link for the sessions which will be attended by their class teachers along with the rest of their year group.

E-Safe Presentation Dates

Monday 9 August

Tuesday 10 August

Wednesday 11 August

Outside of School Accountability

Despite the majority of students doing a fine job during online learning, the College has received several reports recently of current students making poor decisions, often in groups in public.

The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting every person in Sydney. People have lost their jobs, are forced to work from home, missing loved ones, have had wedding and other major celebrations cancelled, and have not been able to visit family in hospital. For all of us, this is a time of great uncertainty. This is not the time to be causing additional stress on others in our community by thoughtless, selfish actions.

Please use this as a timely reminder that students must be adhering to current NSW Health ‘Stay at Home’ orders. Any student identified in CCTV footage or captured on a mobile phone engaging in anti-social behaviour during remote learning will be held accountable by the College. This is the same as if we were on campus. The College will always assist any investigation conducted by NSW Police.

Parents are encouraged to know who their sons are with during the day, and what activities they are engaged in. All six periods during remote learning involve a Google Meet with their teacher, so it is the College’s expectation that your sons are at home and in front of their computer during school hours. After school, and on the weekend, the College supports and promotes engagement in exercise and recreation, not anti-social behaviours that cause additional stress on our community and that bring the College’s name into disrepute.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


Term 3 Week 3


Term 3 Week 4

2 August – 8 August


Term 3 Week 5

9 August – 15 August


Term 3 Week 6

16 August – 22 August


National Homelessness Week – 2-9 August 2021

This annual Campaign each year in the middle of winter aims to:

Homelessness Australia

The 2021 theme highlights the importance of the social connection of having stability and a place all people can call ‘home.’

National Homelessness Week 2021

Canice’s Kitchen Backyard Winter Sleepout – Saturday 31 July

Would you like to do something to help people who are homeless? Our Opportunity: Join the Virtual Winter Sleep Out This Saturday

This year, the Winter Sleepout will happen at your place! If you take part, you will get an experience of sleeping rough and also hear stories from two people who were formerly homeless. You can sleep on your lounge room floor, balcony, or in your backyard, and even have other immediate family members join you. During Saturday evening, you can log in to hear live discussions from speakers Jai and Alec about their experiences being homeless – and how they overcame these challenges to emerge stronger today.

>>> Click here to log in and take part in Canice’s Kitchen Backyard Winter Sleepout.

Here you can get all the information, and sign up under the Waverley College team to experience this with others. There are also opportunities for others to sponsor you and help raise funds for the food and support services provided by St Canice’s Kitchen in Kings Cross.

Waverley College will continue to advocate for reducing homelessness as this is a preventable issue in Australia and all people have a right to call a safe place “home.”

Canice's Backyard Winter Sleepout 2021

Please contact me if you require further information.


Mr John McCallum

Head of Tevlin House
