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2021/2022 Fees Reminder and Withdrawal Notice

2021 Fees

3rd Payment – Due Date Friday 30/7/2021

2022 Fees

1st Payment – Prompt payment date 21/1/2022; due date 28/1/2022

2nd Payment – Prompt payment date 22/4/2022; due date 6/5/2022

3rd Payment – Prompt payment date 15/7/2022; due date 29/7/2022

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2021/2022 are below:


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services



The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment provides advice to all parents and guardians about its collection of information about your child’s school, its staff, and student body.

>>> Please click here to view the Commonwealth Government Data Collection Notice.


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services


Last Friday our debaters competed against Barker College in the first round of the CAS debating competition. Under extremely unusual circumstances, and following COVID-safe protocols, our staff, coaches and teams navigated their way through remote online debates. 

Under the guidance of their auspicious Captain, Patrick Hoggett, both junior and senior teams articulated complex and nuanced arguments related to the assigned topic of economic issues. In particular, our debaters explored ideas pertaining to the ethical aspects of advertising to children, financial security at the cost of emotional wealth, and the effectiveness and necessity of union strikes. 

Overall, each team proved their ability to be confident, engaging, and well-spoken. I am thoroughly impressed with the collaboration and mateship that was displayed on Friday evening.

I congratulate all teams on their success, and I look forward to round two.


Ms Emma Halpin

Convenor of Debating and Public Speaking


With the extension of lockdown for four more weeks, any students in Years 7-11 will need to complete any summer change of activity requests before Friday 6 August please.

Touch Football and Basketball: As communicated in last week’s Nurrunga, there are a number of activities that have very limited spots including Touch Football and Basketball.

Mountain Biking and Diving: Unfortunately, Mountain Biking and Diving are full and are not available.

Weights and Fitness: For any senior students requesting Weights and Fitness, these requests will be dependent on coaching staff approving.

Sailing: We are also offering Sailing as a potential Summer sport, however, there will be costs involved and this amount will be determined by the numbers of students interested in participating in this activity at Woollahra Sailing Club.

Cricket and Tennis: We also want to maintain the integrity of our traditional sports such as Cricket and Tennis and would not normally approve changes for players in As teams.

*Please also note that all Senior School Term 4 activities are labelled by their 2022 Year Groups (eg: Year 7 Cricket will be labelled as Year 8 Cricket).

*It is vital that students select 2nd and 3rd preferences, as well as understand that a request does not mean that approval will be given. We will assess all changes accordingly and notify those students who have made a request of their summer activities following the completion of the request period. 

>>> Click here to make requests for a Summer Co-curricular change of activity.

Online Pilates and Wellbeing Classes

Mark Mitchell and his team from Advanz Physiotherapies have created some great online Pilates and Wellbeing classes for this past week.

Mark and his team will be running online live classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 2:30-3:30pm and these activities are geared not only for students, but for the whole College community, including extended families. This is also a great way for parents to do some healthy activities with their sons.

These classes can be watched at any time and will be published each week on the Waverley College App as well as in the daily notices.

This past week’s classes are:

2021 Winter Season Cancelled

Unfortunately we now have official word that the 2021 Winter season has been cancelled. Whilst this is disappointing for many students, it is fantastic that we got to complete as much of the season as possible. I want to thank all convenors, staff, coaches, parents and students for their efforts and support over the season.

Thank you Year 12

In particular I want to thank all of the Year 12 students for their mighty efforts over their time at Waverley College and I hope you remember the camaraderie, shared experiences and positive contributions that you have made to keep our Co-curricular Program at a high standard.

2021 Presentation Evening Cancelled and Sports Photos Postponed

The 2021 presentation evening will also have to be cancelled, however, we will recognise all award winners at an online assembly in Week 6. We will also continue to offer suggestions for Track and Field over the rest of term with the potential for a modified CAS carnival in Term 4. We will also postpone Winter Sports photos to the first week of Term 4 and will communicate that schedule closer to the date.

Ways to Keep a Positive Growth Mindset

I understand that the current situation is not ideal, but I encourage all students and families to keep a positive growth mindset and use the current opportunities to learn some new skills, get fit and reconnect with immediate family. We would also really like to see some more videos of students doing their Olympic activities in PDHPE and Wellbeing lessons. 

Best wishes for the week ahead!


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


The Woollahra Youth Photographic Award and Short Film Prize is now open to high school students in the local area.

Students are encouraged to enter their best works whether they are a photographer or filmmaker.

A new category has been introduced this year with a focus on ‘inclusivity’.

Competition winners will be exhibited in the Woollahra Gallery and the competition awards cash prizes of up to $2000!

Entries close on Monday 6 September 2021.

>>> Click here to view more information and to download an entry form.


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts


With news just to hand that the online environment will continue for another four weeks, we are looking at novel ways of engaging our cadets, while still teaching them the skills they need for our return.

Online Escape Room to be Trialed

Some of our most popular options on Friday afternoons include Laser Tag and the Climbing Wall which are obviously not feasible in the current climate. Instead, we are trialling an online Escape Room for our Seniors as a team building exercise and, if successful, we will open this up to the rest of the Unit. In the meantime, our Training Officer is busy pulling together video demonstrations and online presentations to be uploaded from week to week, to teach the many field skills required in the lead up to Bivouac.


Bivouac is now planned for 17-19 September, which is the first weekend of the school holidays. To parents who have already booked holidays for this time, please do not be concerned. We understand completely, given the short notice possible.

New Recruits

To all our new recruits, I would encourage you to keep connected with your platoons. It will make Unit Parades so much more enjoyable upon our return if you spend time getting to know your Corporals and Sergeants and Staff.

Stay safe.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers newsletter.

I encourage you to read the newsletter and contact me if you require any further information.

If you require any assistance with anything whilst you are at home, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Welcome to Week 3!

As we continue our journey through online learning we know how important it is to reflect and refine our practices. With the announcement of another four-week extension of online learning, we have updated the timetable for our Junior School students. 

Our specialist teachers are very keen to teach their lessons and provide a richer online learning experience for our students. As of Monday 2 August, our specialist teachers (Creative Arts, PE, Learning Hub and Spanish) will be meeting with each class weekly to teach a lesson on Google Meet. 

Each class will have a different timetable that will now include a Google Meet with each specialist weekly. The basic outline for Google Meets each day is as follows:

8:45 am Outline of day with class teacher
11am Year 6 Maths
12pm Year 5 Maths
Varied times One Specialist Google Meet
Varied times One Optional Google Meet with Classroom Teacher

Classroom teachers will go through the changes to their timetable on Monday with the students. 

Fun Friday Activity

It was so wonderful to see the time and effort students put into last Friday’s Fun Activity. The mini putt-putt golf courses and target golf courses created by each student were unbelievably creative and imaginative. Picking the winners was a very hard task. I want to congratulate all students for their hard work.

The following students were the winners for last week:

All students have won 50 House points and a $5 canteen voucher for when we return to school. I can’t wait to see what the students create with today’s Fun Friday Activity.

Wishing everyone a safe and happy weekend. 


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Watch Our Uplifting Friday Fun Day Activity Video


KLA Curriculum Overview – Term 2

The links below provide the KLA (Key Learning Area) curriculum overview for Term 3 for Years 5 and 6.

>>> Click here to view the Year 5 KLA Curriculum Overview.

>>> Click here to view the Year 6 KLA Curriculum Overview.


Mr Tom Mitton

5 Indigo Class Teacher and Acting Director of Curriculum – Junior School



Book Week Visual Arts Competition

This week I would like to congratulate the students who have submitted their Visual Arts entries. There is still time if your son would like to enter. Entries will need to be photographed and emailed to by Friday 13 August.

Initially, the students were directly submitting their hard copy, unfortunately, this will not be the case due to the extended lockdown. A soft copy will need to be emailed.

Book Week Visual Arts Competition 2021

A few brilliant examples received so far …

Artwork by Taylor Rogers 6 Red

Artwork by Taylor Rogers 6 Red

Artwork by Charlie Griffin 5 Indigo

Artwork by Charlie Griffin 5 Indigo

Artwork by Nicholas Patakas 5 Indigo

Artwork by Nicholas Patakas 5 Indigo

Artwork by Callum Knight 6 Red

Artwork by Callum Knight 6 Red


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


ICAS 2021 Assessment Date Changes

If you have purchased an ICAS assessment for your son, the assessments will go ahead in Term 4. ICAS has adjusted the sitting window for NSW schools. Dates will be confirmed towards the end of August.

Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher


Wavefest 2021 Competition – Waves Together But Apart – Closes Today!

Wavefest 2021 is running a competition! As part of Waverley’s commitment to engage with students at home during online learning and keep us all connected, we are seeking fun and creative video content from students, families and teachers to show what they have been doing at home #wavestogetherbutapart

Email a 15-second video of you engaging in exciting classroom or outdoor physical activities. It could be a funny class activity, dance, physical workout challenge or family activity. 

We will post video entries on our Waverley Social Media platforms. Please keep content family friendly as it will be shared on College Instagram and Facebook.

The best video entry will win a hamper from a school community local business. 

>>> Please click here if your family business would like to take part in this uplifting community initiative.

Please email your videos to by Friday 30 July.


Ms Belinda Buchan

Academic Mentoring Coordinator


Waves Together But Apart

We received some fantastic parent suggestions about compiling lists of great family film viewing with the idea of devoting time for families to relax and learn together via film. As we are all locked down, we can relive or start the tradition of family viewing nights!

We recognise that not all families have access to all viewing platforms, so below you will find films suitable for family film viewing nights that can be accessed via each platform. Some films will be more suitable for Junior School students and others for Senior School students.

1. ClickView

The tip today is to consider the College’s subscription to ClickView. We have a large bank of family films to view here.

Access is available via:

ClickView Children's Films

>>> Click here to view Family Films.

ClickView Family Viewing

Award Winning Films on ClickView

ClickView award winning films

2. STAN and Netflix

*These sites could be considered for evaluating films to view on streaming services such as STAN and Netflix. This can be a tool to help you find suitable content.

>>> Click here to view the Common Sense Media best Netflix original movies.

>>> Click here to view the Common Sense Media best family movies for 2020.


*This site is also of interest, as it reviews films with parents in mind. It rates films according to such categories as language, violence, positive messages, consumerism, drinking, drugs and smoking.

>>> Click here to view Common Sense Media movie reviews.



>>> Click here to view family movies on STAN.


>>> Click here to view Hugo.

>>> Click here to view Stargate.

>>> Click here to view Earth to Echo.

>>> Click here to view Inkheart.

>>> Click here to view Wallace and Gromit: A Grand Day Out.

>>> Click here to view Phar Lap.

>>> Click here to view The Great Escape.



>>> Click here to view family movies on Netflix.


>>> Click here to view The Water Man.

>>> Click here to view The Secret Garden.

>>> Click here to view Paper Planes.

>>> Click here to view The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep.

>>> Click here to view Satellite Boy.

>>> Click here to view Babe.

>>> Click here to view The Little Prince.

>>> Click here to view The Adventures of TinTin.

>>> Click here to view Back to the Future.

>>> Click here to view Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.

>>> Click here to view Labyrinth.

>>> Click here to view Watership Down.

>>> Click here to view Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga’Hoole.

>>> Click here to view My Octopus Teacher.

>>> Click here to view The Mars Generation.


3. SBS On Demand

>>> Click here to view family movies.


>>> Click here to view Rabbit-Proof Fence.

>>> Click here to view Hawaiian: The Legend Of Eddie Aikau.

>>> Click here to view Alone in Space.

>>> Click here to view Storm Boy.

>>> Click here to view Boychoir.

>>> Click here to view Toast.

>>> Click here to view Jungle Book.

>>> Click here to view Abe.

>>> Click here to view Offside.

>>> Click here to view Bend it Like Beckham.


3. ABC iView

>>> Click here to view family movies.


>>> Click here to view The Boy in the Dress.

>>> Click here to view The Adventures of ARI: My Robot Friend.

>>> Click here to view The Legend of the Five.

>>> Click here to view Thalu.

>>> Click here to view Great Barrier Reef – The Next Generation.


Happy viewing!


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services


Waverley Library is running the online talk How to Set Up Your Child For High School Success with Mr Jesse Whelan from Sandbox Learning Australia on Thursday, 12 August 2021 from 6pm-7:30pm.

This event is for parents and students in Years 5, 6 and 7.

>>> Click here to book via Eventbrite.

Dear Parents and Carers of students in Year 12,

Thank you for your ongoing support of your son and the College as we continue to navigate the challenges of the pandemic.

So you are aware, we had a meeting with Year 12 students today to clarify the following:

The current advice from NESA, in line with Health advice, is that HSC Trial Examinations will go ahead onsite in Week 5 as scheduled. The CSSA (The Catholic Secondary Schools Association), who set the dates for the HSC Trial Timetable, has confirmed that they do not intend to postpone the examinations further. The message to students is that the HSC Trial Examinations will go ahead as scheduled and if there are any changes to this advice we will work with NESA to inform students straight away of any contingencies.

This also applies to students completing Major Works, Projects or Performances. Teachers will continue to work with students if there are essential reasons for being onsite.

Since our meeting at 12.05pm, NESA has released the following update regarding adjustments to timings of the HSC Examinations and Major Work/ Performance due dates which has been communicated to students via email:

These changes mean all students have some additional time to prepare for exams or complete their project and still receive their results this year.

The decision aims to give students as much clarity as possible so they can focus on their studies, their wellbeing and plans for the future.

Revised timetables for the language oral, practical, performance and written exams will be published on the NESA website and Students Online by next Friday.


Kind regards,

Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Dear Parents and Carers, 

The current COVID-19 environment of repeated lockdowns is having a profound impact on the mental health and wellbeing of adults, adolescents and children, far greater, it appears, than the experts have predicted. Now, halfway through 2021, the numbers are in on the emotional and developmental price being paid. 

This Special Report spearheaded by Child Psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, is essential and timely viewing for parents, carers and educators. It reflects new research, what uncertainties for families and young people lay ahead, and solutions and perspectives on how to assist your son and also you! 

The College subscribes to SchoolTV and can be accessed on our website, or in the ‘links’ section of the Waverley College app. Here you will find a range of information, resources and support materials available across relevant social and emotional issues.  

>>> Please click here to view the SPECIAL REPORT: COVID Fatigue & Youth Mental Health.

It only goes for 8 minutes and I highly recommend it.   

Staffing Update 

Farewell to Ms Dechantel Green 

Farewell and thank you to Ms Dechantel Green who left last Friday after 11 years of service at the College in the Visual Arts faculty. Dechantel was integral to the organisation of the Annual Art Shows, Media Group and presentation day videos. Dechantal accepted a new opportunity and we wish her the very best of luck with her future endeavours.

New Staff

We welcome the following staff who have joined our College in Term 3:

Ms Stephanie Falk – Visual Arts Faculty

We warmly welcome a new member to our teaching staff in the Visual Arts faculty, Ms Stephanie Falk. Stephanie will be with us for the remainder of the year and will be teaching Visual Arts and Photography and Digital Media, and has been appointed to replace Ms Dechantel Green. She previously worked at Prairiewood High School and Carlingford High School 2021. 

Mr Kevin Heath – Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Liaison 

Kevin is a proud Butchulla man from Hervey Bay, Queensland and will be assisting and supporting students who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and supporting our cultural understanding and appreciation across the College. Kevin is a qualified social worker and is employed by NSW Health as an Aboriginal Health Project Coordinator. Kevin is also a devoted RUOK? Ambassador, and spends much of his time promoting the importance of the four steps of the charity – Ask, Listen, Encourage Action & Check-In. Along with this, Kevin thoroughly enjoys mentoring and guiding our youth. He prides himself on the example he sets and leads through his actions.