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Stay Healthy Year 12

Health and wellbeing are more important than ever, as our Year 12 students continue their school assessments and prepare for upcoming Trial HSC exams during the COVID-19 outbreak.

>>> Click here to view the Stay Healthy HSC Hub which is now available to help students and parents with tips for prioritising wellbeing, including:

Also, make sure you access Wednesday’s Sydney Morning Herald which contained another great resource: the HSC Study Guide 2021.

Students are encouraged to join the #StayHealthyHSC conversation on social media to share how your students are taking care of their wellbeing.

Parenting Tips During Online Learning 

Online learning and spending more time online during lockdowns, should not mean our children have free reign. When talking with your sons about their time online, try always to be positive and open. Put healthy boundaries in place immediately. It is essential to know and understand that many of the same behaviours that keep children safe offline can help keep children safe online. 

Here are a just few tips: 

Online library resources

eSafety branding

Ideas for Offline Activities

It is crucial that you also find some time to do offline activities with children and encourage them to do things that we often don’t get a chance to do, like baking, puzzles, and gardening.

Senior Students in the TAS Sustainability Garden

A student preparing a desert as part of a food technology class

Finally, the biggest endorphin booster for adolescent boys (and girls), is exercise. Get them out of the house for a surf, skate or ride around Centennial Park. We are truly blessed with so many movement opportunities on our doorsteps.

Max Leedham

Max Leedham surfing


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal : Staff and Student Wellbeing 


ICT and iAssist Access

During the current NSW lockdown, iAssist are operating a limited onsite support service from the Senior School. Even throughout COVID Lockdown, accidents do still happen, and if your sons needs some hand-on help we ask that you pre-book your visit >>> by clicking here to access iAssistBookings.

Junior and Senior School Campus Access 

A reminder to all members of the school community, that if you do have to attend either the Senior or Junior Campuses that you enter through Reception and use the QR code sign-in system. Face masks are also compulsory on all School property.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation


On Wednesday 28 July, the Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews take place.

>>> Click here to access the Zoom parent codes for these interview meetings.

The codes are also published in the Parent Lounge in the School Links section.

During the evening, if you run into technical issues, iAssist are on hand to help by either email: or by phone: 02 93690784.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Campus and Innovation


Well done to all students on your great efforts so far this term with remote learning, as well as the wide range of physical activities that I have seen across all year groups. I am sure we are all well aware of how important maintaining physical activity and exercise is during this time for our overall holistic health. 

House Points Challenge Website

>>> Click here to view the House Points Challenge website. 

We have had some impressive submissions on this website. Many students have also utilised the recommended exercises from Mr Jeremy Roff each day in the Daily Notices.

Have You Subscribed to the New Waverley College App?

We have also commenced posting specific sport activities on the new Waverley College App under Co-curricular, so please ensure you have subscribed to the App AND those specific activities in which you participate. We will continue to post these over the next couple of weeks to ensure that the students in each of those activities are maintaining and improving their skills and fitness levels. All of these can be done at home and do not require much equipment, as well as being appropriate for all levels of ability.

Waverley College App

Olympic-Style Event Challenges

With the Olympics commencing this week we will also be posting some Olympic-style event challenges across a number of different platforms, with prizes for those students who submit the best results. These will include exercise challenges such as push ups, sit ups, accuracy, standing long jump, trivia questions as well as activity design tasks.

We will also have a medal prediction competition launching next week with the closest students being able to come and select any piece of sports equipment of their choice once we return to school.

Winter Sports Season and Presentation Evenings

At this stage we have no official update on the recommencement of winter sports and the season remains currently suspended. We will also be postponing any current planned presentation evenings and will update the College community based on further health advice and orders to ensure we are keeping everyone safe.

Summer Co-curricular Activities

We have had a number of students and parents in Years 7-11 asking about summer co-curricular activity changes that were due in week 3 of this term. We will postpone these changes until we return to school, or if lockdown is extended, we will look at an online method of making these change requests.

Water Polo, Fitness Group, Weights and Fitness, Touch Football

Please note that some summer activities such as water polo, fitness group, weights and fitness (selected Year 11 and 12 only) and touch football have very limited spots available, so students will need to ensure that they select second and third preferences.

Cricket and Tennis

We also need to maintain the integrity of a number of traditional sports such as cricket and tennis, and would not normally make changes for those students who were selected in As teams last summer season.


We will also be potentially offering a new summer activity in Sailing, depending on the number of students who express interest. Sailing would occur over two afternoons per week as well as on a Saturday morning at Woollahra Sailing Club. For any student selecting this activity, there is a direct cost involved for use of the equipment and instruction. These costs are lower per term the more students that participate, however, we need a minimum of six students for this activity to run.

Stay Motivated!

Keep working on those physical activities and exercises, and please keep uploading this evidence to the House Points Challenge website or please just send them to your Convenors or myself. 

James Fragias (Year 10) staying active at home during 2021 Lockdown

James Fragias (Year 10) staying active at home during 2021 Lockdown


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


As lockdown continues, I would like to encourage our cadets to stay connected and keep checking into their Cadet activities on Friday afternoons. The Training Program has been adapted for the current situation and, each week, there will be Zoom Meetings and activities, lessons and videos posted to the respective Google Classrooms, so cadets can start learning the skills they need for our return.

As part of the Cadet Unit, all members are asked to abide by a Code of Conduct, which our new recruits acknowledged in last week’s activity. This code speaks to the following parameters and is something to particularly keep in mind in the current climate:

As a youth development organisation, Cadets teaches our young people tenacity, fortitude, strength of character, confidence and service. Now, more than ever, we need to harness these skills.

Cadets - teamwork


Cadets - tenacity


Cadets - initiative



MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


Term 3 Week 2


Term 3 Week 3

26 July – 1 August


Term 3 Week 4

2 August – 8 August


Term 3 Week 5

9 August – 15 August

All students Years 5 to 10 have access to Skwirk. Skwirk covers all NSW curriculum content, organised neatly via subject and sub topics.

Here is a Year 5 example:

Skwirk Year 5

More About Skwirk

With over 18,000 Australian animations, videos, images, quizzes, podcasts, games and activities across our English, Maths, Science, History, Geography and Commerce curricula, Skwirk provides a fun and interesting way for students to further explore and develop the concepts taught in school.

>>> Click here to access Skwirk. 

Username is your College email address

 P = waverley


Here is a Year 10 example:

Skwirk Year 10

Here is a Year 5 example:

Skwirk Year 5 example

Please contact me if you have any further questions or need help with access.


Mr William Roberts

Head of Library Services


Welcome to Week 2! It’s hard to believe we have already completed our second week of online learning. I have been so proud of our students and the way they have seamlessly moved into learning online. 

Adjusted timetable for the Junior School

As you are aware, last week I sent out communication about a new timetable to support our students. This timetable has now been adjusted to include optional check-ins with our specialist teachers. Feedback this week from our specialist teachers has been very positive. Can I please ask you to encourage your son to join these sessions if they require extra support.

Time  Monday  Tuesday  Wednesday  Thursday  Friday 
8:45 am-9:00 am Morning Outline

Yrs 5 & 6 

Morning Outline 

Yrs 5 & 6 

Morning Outline

Yrs 5 & 6  

Morning Outline

Yrs 5 & 6  

Morning Outline 

Yrs 5 & 6 

11:00 am Yr 6 Maths  Yr 6 Maths Yr 6 Maths Yr 6 Maths Yr 6 Maths
11:50 am Yr 5 Maths  Yr 5 Maths  Yr 5 Maths  Yr 5 Maths  Yr 5 Maths
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm  Optional Class Check-In Optional Class Check-In Optional Class Check-In Optional Class Check-In Optional Class Check-In
2:00 pm  PDHPE

 Yr 5

Learning Hub

Yr 5


Yr 5

Creative Arts

Yr 5

2:30 pm  PDHPE

Yr 6

Learning Hub 

Yr 6


Yr 6

Creative Arts

Yr 6

Friday Fun Activities 

Starting from today, I have given students a fun, hands-on activity to complete each Friday. Students will be set a task that is designed to be engaging, fun and educational. We know that our students need to stay motivated and engage in activities away from the computer. 

I have booked a session with each class weekly to explain the activity. This is giving me the opportunity to touch base with each student and check-in with them to see how online learning is going as well as their wellbeing. 

Today’s Fun Friday Activity was to make a mini putt-putt course or target golf course using household items and/or recycled materials. I can’t wait to see all the finished products! There will be a top two from each class which is being judged by Ms Rollins, Ms Zivanovic and Mr Watchel. From these entries I will be picking a top five or six. The winners will receive House points, an award, and a $5 canteen voucher for when they return. 

I hope everyone is staying safe and well, and please reach out if you require any assistance.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School


COVID teddy with mask

Lockdown Reading Ebooks, Audio Books and Additional Online Resources

Are you looking for extra reading resources during lockdown? Here are two that can be found on the Learning Hub CANVAS page under eBooks & Audio Books.

For the auditory learners among us, the option of audiobooks is one our society is increasingly turning to, and for good reason. There are many options out there and the most important aspect is that your son is reading or listening to audiobooks, if that is his preferred choice.

Your son has access to audio books from the Learning Hub page, as well as a multitude of options online; just remember it does not always have to be a hard copy book.

Your son can login using his Waverley username and password.

eBooks & Audio Books

eBooks and Audio Books graphic

Newspapers & encyclopedias


>>> Click here for KidsNews – A ready-to-go literacy resource for teachers using current daily news stories for students in the classroom.

>>> Click here for Skwirk Online Education.

>>> Click here for CANVAS.

>>> Click here to subscribe to National Geographic Kids.


Book Week Poetry Writing Competition 

This week I would like to congratulate the students who have submitted their poetry writing for the Book Week competition. There is still time if your son would like to enter, entries close Monday 16 August. Judging will happen after the closing date. 

Book Week Writing Competition 2021

A few examples received so far…

Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds

Max Nicholson 

5 Indigo 

Old worlds, New worlds, Other worlds

A long time ago we didn’t have planes

A long time ago we didn’t have lights

A long time ago we didn’t have cars

Now we have fighter jets

Now we have bright torches

Now we have electric cars

But in other worlds more advanced than any of us

They will have more than twice as many 

Than us


Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds

Maximilian Malley 

5 Gold

He taps at the keyboard with his old, bony fingers,

a message sent back in time to warn about wars that were to come. Warnings fell on deaf


Society rolled its eyes. 

Tears filled his eyes as he shook his head.

Even he could not save humanity.

His final message sent,

The alien leaves this world for his own.


Old Worlds, New Worlds and Other Worlds

Hunter Owen

5 Gold

The olden days feel like so long ago when it was dark and stormy

People wore different clothes and had guns and armies.

The new world feels nice and bright

We have technology, machines and houses and know it’s better not to fight.

Other worlds are mysterious and I want to explore 

I imagine they have flying cars, new aircrafts and magical things galore!



Ms Natasha Zivanovic 

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Exercise During Home Learning

I want to strongly commend all students for their great efforts so far with managing remote learning, as well as the wide range of physical and leisure exercise activities being undertaken each day. I am sure we are all well aware of how important maintaining physical activity and exercise is during this time for our overall holistic health.

Please continue to encourage your sons to take brain breaks throughout each day that involves being active. This can include the exercises and activities in the Exercise Bingo/ Choice Board given to students for PE lessons. 

Olympic-Style Event Challenges

With the Olympics Games in Tokyo commencing this week, we will also be posting some Olympic-style event challenges for PDHPE. These will include exercise challenges, history research, trivia questions and activity design tasks. 

Winter Co-Curricular Season and Presentation Evenings

As mentioned by Mr Stephen O’Donnell (Head of Co-Curricular) regarding Winter Co-Curricular season, we have no official update on the recommencement of winter sports and the season remains currently suspended. The College will also be postponing any current planned presentation evenings and will update the College community based on further health advice and orders to ensure we are keeping everyone safe.


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Years 5-8)


>>> Please click here to view the updated Trial HSC Examination Timetable.

This was sent to Year 12 parents and students on Tuesday 20 July 2021.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Congratulations and thank you to all staff, students, and parents who have helped support the transition to online learning. The NSW Premier, Gladys Berejiklian has extended current community restrictions until Friday 30 July, therefore online learning will continue for the next two weeks.  

CAS Position Statement on Winter Sport

Due to the current Government restrictions and advice, all CAS 2021 winter sport competitions and fixtures are currently suspended. The CAS will work within NSW Government and Health guidelines in preparation for the re-commencement of sporting fixtures when it is deemed safe and appropriate to do so. We will communicate developments as soon as we are in a position to do so.


Whilst other LGAs in Sydney are attracting greater attention at present with respect to COVID-19 transmission to where most of our students live, there are currently 70 cases of COVID-19 in the Waverley LGA. It is vital that we continue to follow health orders and stay at home. Please remember that masks must be worn indoors, unless in your own home. This includes inside apartment building common areas such as lifts, stairwells, corridors, car parks and shared laundry facilities. 

Masks during COVID-19


Ms Gabby Smith (Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning) commended students in her communications today for showing resilience, grit and perseverance and I would reiterate her sentiments. 

These are challenging times that are being presented to us all. How do you help your son develop and improve qualities of resilience? 

Psychologists Lawrence Robinson and Melinda Smith, M.A suggest there are five key areas to practise to improve resilience:

1. Practise acceptance 

Change is an inevitable part of life and many aspects of the changing world are outside of your individual control. Accepting your situation can free up energy to be used on areas that you can control and take action on in your life. It is tempting to believe that the best way to get through hard times is by ignoring painful emotions and ‘putting on a brave face’. Unfortunately, unpleasant emotions exist whether we choose to acknowledge them or not. By allowing yourself to feel emotions, the most intense and upsetting emotions will pass and fade, and you will be able to find a path forward.

2. Reach out to others 

Connecting with friends and family when you’re going through tough times can help ease stress, boost your mood, and make sense of all the change and disruption. Instead of feeling like you’re facing your problems alone, you can draw strength and build resilience from having others to lean on. The people you reach out to don’t need to have answers to the problems you’re facing; they just need to be willing to listen to you without judging.

3. Invest in self-care

When your body feels strong and healthy, so too will your mind. When you’re dealing with chronic stress, you are likely to carry it somewhere in your body.

Make sure you: 

4. Look for meaning and purpose

When you are in the midst of a crisis, it’s common to feel powerless and helpless. By proactively helping others, you can regain a sense of control as well as find purpose in your life. In fact, giving support can be just as beneficial as receiving support. 

In turbulent times, it’s important not to cast aside interests that nourish your spirit. For many of us, it’s these things that define us as individuals and bring meaning to our lives. 

Whether it’s exercising, caring for a pet, an artistic or musical endeavour, home improvement projects, or spending time in nature, continuing to draw pleasure from your pastimes adds to your ability to cope with the stress of difficult times.

5. Stay Motivated 

Deal with your problems one step at a time. If a problem is too big to deal with all at once, try breaking it down into smaller, more manageable steps. If your problem seems to have no possible solution, you can still take action by drawing up a list, researching more about the subject, or seeking the advice of a trusted friend or loved one. You can also take a moment to acknowledge your gratitude for the small things in your life, and these can provide respite from the stress and really boost your mood.


Congratulations to the Cadet program who ran a successful leadership program in the first week of the holidays prior to the lockdown. Congratulations also to those Cadets who have received leadership ranks from both St. Catherine’s School and Waverley College. Please see the full report later in Nurrunga.

>>> Click here to read MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow’s article about the Cadets Leadership Team for 2021/2022

Wavefest 2021 is running a competition! As part of Waverley’s commitment to engage with students at home during online learning and keep us all connected, we are seeking fun and creative video content from students, families and teachers to show what they have been doing at home #wavestogetherbutapart

Email a 15-second video of you engaging in exciting classroom or outdoor physical activities. It could be a funny class activity, dance, physical workout challenge or family activity. 

We will post video entries on our Waverley Social Media platforms. Please keep content family friendly as it will be shared on College Instagram and Facebook.

The best video entry will win a hamper from a school community local business. 

>>> Please click here if your family business would like to take part in this uplifting community initiative.

Please email your videos to by Friday 30 July.


Ms Belinda Buchan

Academic Mentoring Coordinator


Waves Together But Apart

>>> Click here for this week’s Careers News.


This week’s Careers News contains some good information about applying to University and changing preferences.

I encourage you to read the newsletter and contact me if you require any further information.

Should you require any assistance with anything whilst you are at home, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Ms Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator
