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19 July – 25 July



26 July – 1 August


Term 3 Week 4

2 August – 8 August

>>> Click here for this week’s Careers News


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

E: kknowles@waverley.nsw.​

Year 12 Tutorials will recommence when the HSC Trial examination period has concluded.


Ms Lauren Ryan

Executive Assistant to Deputy Principal


We are currently evaluating all upcoming events and will communicate with you as soon as information becomes available.

Week 1 Term 3

12 July – 18 July 


Week 2 Term 3

19 July – 25 July

Further to my welcome back and online learning correspondence on Wednesday evening, I would like to welcome five new families who are joining the College Community this semester. I am sure they will receive a warm Waverley community welcome. 


The NAIDOC 2021 theme – Heal Country! – calls for all of us to continue to seek greater protections for our lands, our waters, our sacred sites and Aboriginal people’s cultural heritage from exploitation, desecration, and destruction.

The theme resonates closely with what we have been called to do as Church through Laudato Si. Pope Francis calls us to to “show special care for Indigenous communities and their cultural traditions.” (>>> Click here to view Laudato Si).

Naidoc Week 2021

Celebrate NAIDOC Week!

Smart Goals 

Next week brings the start of a new semester and it is the perfect time for students to set new goals for the term ahead. Each student in Years 5-11 will be asked to write their SMART Goals down for the term ahead in their student diary on page 111. Discussion, reflection and input from parents/carers, wellbeing mentors and each student will bring the best results from this process. These should be finalised by the end of Week 2. 

Positive Mindset 

Whilst this term brings with it a start that we all would prefer to be different, it is important for everyone to engage in what we refer to in our Wellbeing curriculum as having a positive mindset. 

The benefits of a positive mindset are real and demonstrated by multiple scientific studies. Positive thinking is not about sticking your head in the sand when faced with life’s issues and it is not about ignorance and turning away from problems. It is about approaching unpleasant situations with more positivity and productivity and using logic and reason. 

Kendra Cherry, psychologist and author of the book, Everything Psychology, suggests positive thinking consists of four approaches to reality:

  1. Approaching challenges with a positive outlook;
  2. Making the most out of potentially bad situations;
  3. Trying to see the best in other people; and 
  4. Viewing yourself and your abilities in a positive light.

And by engaging in these approaches, she argues that your physical health, mental health, relationships, and schooling/career will improve. 

How to create a positive mindset and attitude to life? 

Our 2021 Year 12 cohort have given us some assistance here in their choice of motto: ‘Real Gratitude: Deeds not words.’ Being grateful for the things we do have can go a long way to changing our attitude, and our Year 12s are encouraging us to do this through action. 

Another way is to keep your own gratitude journal. Hard book copies can be purchased or there are digital apps that are free to download such as The Five Minute Journal app. Spend five minutes every day thinking about the positives in life and writing them down. 

Another way to create a positive mindset is to change the language you use.

If you describe your life as tedious or difficult, it is likely that you will feel the same way. By using positive language you can reframe how you feel. 

Simple changes such as using the word ‘get’ rather than ‘have’ can make a difference. 

For example: 

I have to go to work vs I get to go to work. 

I have to be online vs I get to be online. 

I have to visit my grandparents vs I get to visit my grandparents 

The subtle change in language moves it from a task to an action, it sounds more positive and you are reinforcing gratitude in your life. 

Other ways to create a positive mindset and attitude to life will be unpacked in later newsletters and include: Being present in the now, learning how to accept rejection, volunteering, breathing exercises, surrounding yourself with positive people, rewarding yourself and finding your emotional outlets. 

Online Learning Summary 

Over the next few days, staff will be setting up Google Meets for students across Years 5-12. Can I ask that you support your son in managing these invitations as he will be receiving quite a number of them while the classes are initially set up. Your son will manage this by regularly checking his email over the next few days and accepting these invitations from teachers.

A reminder that on Tuesday the schedule will be slightly different due to Assembly (5-12) and Wellbeing Groups (7-12).

Years 5 – 6

Years 7-12

Classwork will be uploaded to CANVAS. Meetings will take place on Google Meets. All students need to be in their PDHPE uniform on Google Meets. Please ensure your son is familiar with the Online Learning Protocols and expectations including his adjusted timetable, where to find his classwork and online meeting etiquette.

Events and Co-Curricular Activities 

In light of the current Government and Health Department COVID-19 restrictions, all face-to-face events are on hold until further notice.  

Parent/Teacher/Interviews are going ahead on Zoom. 

Please check your son’s year group Action Items below for more information.

Prayer for term ahead

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; 

Courage to change the things I can; 

And wisdom to know the difference. 


Mary of the Cross – pray for us 

Blessed Edmund – pray for us 

Live Jesus in our hearts – forever

It is essential to subscribe to the Waverley app, because the College uses the app as its central portal to communicate with parents/carers. We send regular updates through the app.

The username you need for the Parent Lounge within the app is your Family ID, the same one that you use to access the Parent Lounge online, where you book Parent/Teacher interviews and obtain school reports.

You can download the app by searching ‘Waverley College’ in the App Store or via Google Play. Please be sure to check your subscriptions/Year Groups are correct for 2024. This can be done by clicking Settings > Subscriptions > Tags and searching all groups that are relevant for your family in 2024.

Download the instructions HERE.

Important College notices, contacts calendar, Parent Lounge, co-curricular, absences, maps and links are also available via the Waverley College app.

Should you have any questions, suggestions about the user experience, or are having technical issues, please contact

Week 1 Term 3

As we navigated COVID-19 in 2020 we discovered the dynamic nature of the virus and the need to adapt quickly and demonstrate resilience. Our community was again tested for much of the mid-year break when the State Government announced a Stay-at-Home Order. On Wednesday of this week, the State Government announced that week one of Term 3 will be conducted remotely.

From a curriculum point of view, we were indeed fortunate that the majority of the lockdown period occurred during the term break, so that the impact on teaching and learning was minimal. Year 12 tutorials moved online and students would have had no excuses to find the time to prepare for the HSC Trials due to start early in Term Three.

Week 2 Term 3

If the Government allows us to return to campus in Week 2, it will be particularly important for us to know whether any of our students have become exposed and will therefore be required to complete a period of 14 days of isolation. In such a case we will do our best to provide access to remote learning. Any student who attends school, even with the slightest cold and flu symptoms, will be required to obtain a negative COVID-19 test before returning to school.

Tips to Boost Our Immune System During the Flu Season

Mental Health and Wellbeing – Reach Out

The Wellbeing team appreciates the difficulties that many students impacted by COVID-19 restrictions are facing. Mental health and wellbeing changes over time in response to different stresses and experiences. Remember to reach out to your support networks; teachers, mentors, Heads of House, Psychologists and members of the College Leadership Team. Parents, carers and students are encouraged to reach out if they need our support:

People Available to Help

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing

Mr Patrick Brennan 9369 0765 

Heads of House

Psychologists Years 7 – 12

Psychologists Years 5 and 6

Registered Nurse

Professional Support is Always Available When You Need it Too 

Mental Health Services and Support

The Importance of Students Attending Period One

As well as being the first teaching and learning period of the day, period one serves as the College’s mandatory recording of daily attendance as required by law.

Students who do not attend Period One will be marked absent and their parents will be sent a text message from the College indicating this. This often causes parents who receive this SMS anxiety and concern. This is escalated when parents are under the impression that their son is on campus and in class. To avoid this situation please ensure your son arrives at school on time each day. If he is late, he needs to sign in late at the Wellbeing Centre with his student ID card. 

Academic Uniform In Term 3

A reminder that blazers are compulsory during Term 3. They are to be worn to and from school and at all formal gatherings such as College Assemblies during this time. It’s the first year the entire College will be in the new academic uniform so our expectations are high. Blazers must be worn under the wet weather jacket to and from school.

Any student not in full academic uniform will require a uniform pass from the Wellbeing Centre or face a three-hour detention.

The quality of these garments is high so it is strongly recommended that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your son’s name.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing

As we enter another week of NSW Stay at Home orders Waverley will be enacting its COVID-19 safe plan. This will mean the following: only Parents with a pre-booked appointment can attend either the Senior or Junior Campuses. Entry is through the Reception areas, all other gates will be secured. On entering school grounds, all parents, students and staff must check-in using the site-specific QR codes which are displayed. For students who do not have access to the NSW Service app, a sign in book will be used. Hand sanitisers should be used and face masks must be worn at all times.

As ever, the following must be observed, please do not attend school grounds if any of the following apply: you have been in contact with a suspected COVID-19 case, you have attended any of the listed NSW hotspot venues, are feeling unwell or are waiting for a COVID-19 test result.


Mr Simon Potter

Director of ICT, Innovation & Campus


No Recommencement of Winter Co-curricular Season

Welcome back to all students and families to the start of Term 3. Under the current restrictions we will not be re-commencing the last 3 weeks of the Winter co-curricular season from next week. Once we have further information provided by NSW Health and the Association of Independent Schools, we will communicate regarding a potential start date, and if there are any cancellations, adjustments or postponement of activities. We will also make a decision on presentation evenings and award assemblies over the next couple of weeks.

Physical Health and Wellbeing: House Points Challenge

In the meantime it is essential that all students and their families maintain their physical health and wellbeing through a range of activities. As we did in 2020, we have a House Points Challenge website that has a wide range of activities that students and their families can participate in, that will also allow them to gain points for their Houses.

We will also be posting recommended activities from Mr Jeremy Roff each day in the daily notices where students can undertake appropriate exercises to improve fitness and skills. All students are encouraged to undertake at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day and this is absolutely essential whilst learning from home.

I also strongly recommend that all students get at least 8-9 hours of effective sleep every night as well as ensuring they are maintaining a healthy diet and hydrating throughout the day.

>>> Click here to view the House Points Challenge website

I am looking forward to seeing all of our students contribute to their Houses as well as undertake some important and fun activities.

Years 5-12 House Athletics Carnival an Enormous Success!

At the end of Term 2 we also had our Years 5-12 House Athletics Carnival at ES Marks. It was a wonderful way to end the term and I want to thank all students, parents and in particular our wonderful staff for a great day. I also want to congratulate Mr Damian Thompson and Lacey House for taking out the 2021 House Athletics Shield.


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


2021 Fees

2022 Fees

Discounts and Penalties

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2021/2022 are below:


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services


Since 2008, Waverley College has played host to a series of speakers in Term 3 each year, who might be considered visionary leaders in their respective fields. These speakers are invited to work with our students to:

The speaker series is part of the Year 9 Applied Philosophy program but open to all students who may be interested in the Guest Speakers and their respective career path or leadership roles.

Save the Dates

  • Jeremy Liddle – Tuesday 20 July 9am-10:30am

Learn More About the 2021 Speakers

*Jeremy Liddle – Founding Partner of SDGx, Executive Director Third Hemisphere, Ambassador and Advisor at Junior Achievement Australia

>>> Click here to view Jeremy Liddle’s LinkedIn Profile

From his webpage: During my 20+ years of founding & scaling businesses, I came to realise that entrepreneurs solve the world’s biggest problems. However, a lack of access to smart money & global markets inhibits so many from changing the world. I cofounded SDGx to help solve this problem through investment, advisory, and impact work that targets the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with an initial focus on climate tech. I am also a partner at Third Hemisphere, a tech and finance media relations firm that elevates the voices of innovators & leaders who are breaking new ground & changing the world for the better. I’ve now invested in 25+ tech companies, coached/advised hundreds, and manage all media for organisations such as Australian Ethical ($5bn+ FUM), Volt bank, Cicada Innovations, SocietyOne, and Limepay.’

*Jenny Leong MP – Greens Member for Newtown

>>> Click here to view Jenny Leong’s website bio

Jenny Leong is the State Member for the Electorate of Newtown in the New South Wales Legislative Assembly. The Electorate includes the suburbs of Redfern, Surry Hills, Camperdown, Enmore, Petersham, Darlington, Stanmore, Chippendale, Lewisham, Erskineville and Newtown. The ABC’s Election Analyst Antony Green has described it as “the state’s newest, smallest and funkiest electorate.”

Jenny was elected to parliament at the NSW state election on 28 March 2015. She is the first person to represent the seat of Newtown in its current form, as the electorate was recreated for the 2015 election, to accommodate inner Sydney’s rapidly growing population. However the history of the Electorate of Newtown dates back to 1904 and it was represented by a number of Members before it was merged then abolished in the mid-1900s.

Jenny’s statewide portfolio responsibilities for the NSW Greens include: Housing and Homelessness; Women’s Rights; Human Rights; Sexuality and Gender Identity; Multiculturalism; Western Sydney; Climate Change.

*Troy Douglas – Co-Founder and CEO of Nexba

>>> Click here to view Troy Douglas’ LinkedIn Profile

Troy is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Nexba, one of Australia’s fastest growing beverage brands. Troy leads the global expansion of the brand, infusing his passion for innovation and healthy living to take Nexba’s Naturally Sugar Free movement beyond Australia. Rapidly expanding in the European market Nexba is now stocked in major retailers in the UK including Sainsbury’s and WHSmith.

Troy, alongside his Co-Founder and brother-in-law Drew, were inspired to innovate and shake up the high-sugar and artificial-laden beverages market in Australia after seeing the devastating impact of diabetes and obesity on people at home, and around the world. From humble beginnings selling iced tea from the back of a van in Bondi, Sydney, the pair are now approaching their tenth year in business with consistent 100% YOY growth and major stockists nationally including Coles, Woolworths, 7-Eleven, Caltex, and more.

*Jonathan Moody – Founder of PhysioINQ

>>> Click here to view Jonathan Moody’s LinkedIn Profile

Jonathan Moody is an experienced owner, investor, practitioner and educator of Allied Health businesses, learning many lessons from both his successes and failures in the health space.

As the strategic leader at Physio lnq, Jonathan is big on collaboration, through empowering staff to chase their passion and use Physio Inq as a vehicle to do it. He hopes to position Physio lnq as the benchmark of high quality, patient-orientated and clinician-connected healthcare into the future.

Combine this with a keen interest in Technology and IT, Jonathan has at his core, a passion for innovation, progress and driving change.

Is Your Son Interested in Participating?

Due to the changing nature of COVID-19 restrictions, these dates may be subject to change, and may also be run virtually. Updates will be provided in due course to all interested participants. If your son is interested in participating >>> Click here to complete the Visions of Leadership participation form. (A calendar invitation will be sent before each event).


Ms Stephanie Boyce

Academic Enrichment Coordinator


Father’s Day Mass Friday 3 September 2021

You are formally invited to our Junior School Father’s Day Mass on Friday 3 September 2021 at Mary Immaculate Church. 

We are still yet to finalise the times for the Mass as we are still not too sure what restrictions will be in place. We will let you know closer to the date.

As part of the celebration, there is a slideshow presentation showcasing our fathers/grandfathers with their son(s). If you would like to send a photo through, please email it by Friday 27 August (Week 7) to

We hope that you can join us for this special occasion.


Mr Stephen Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School/Student Formation



Book Week Celebrations and Competitions 

Term 3 is nearly upon us and in August we will be celebrating Book Week at the Junior School. The theme this year is ‘Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds.’

Pop-up Bookshop to Kick Off in August

Our Waverley pop-up bookshop proudly supported by The Children’s Bookshop in Glebe will kick off our celebrations on Monday 23 August from 9am – 12:45 pm in the Learning Hub. 

Students will visit the bookshop with their class on Monday from 9am. Payment method will be determined closer to the date.  

Allowing your son to make his own choices on what to purchase is a great way to encourage him to read!

Book prices will begin at $15.00.

Harry Laing Author Presentation 

Harry Laing is a poet, children’s author, creative writing teacher and comic performer. He will be our guest author on Wednesday 25 August. The presentation aims at promoting reading and creative writing. 

Harry Laing

Guest author Harry Laing will visit Waverley in August

Competitions to Help Hone Talent

All students from the Junior campus are encouraged to enter one or both of the competitions running for Book Week. I will be promoting these competitions in the first few weeks of Term 3. Winners will be announced on Friday 27 August!

Book Week Writing Competition 2021

Are you good with words? Enter the Book Week Writing Competition!

Book Week Visual Arts Competition 2021

Competitions are an excellent way to showcase your talent. Enter the Book Week Visual Arts Competition!


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



History Hysteria Showcase

In term 2 Week 9, Year 5 students hosted their annual History Showcase. This was the students’ culminating event for their term’s History research, from which they chose a historical figure and historical event from the 1800s-1900s. This inquiry unit explored the significance of people, groups, places, and events that have led to the development of Australia. The day proved to be a huge success, with parents coming onto the grounds to witness the hysteria that took place. 

A huge thank you to all of the teachers for their tireless work, Mr Brennan for being our guest judge, the parents who attended, and finally, well done to all of Year 5 for their incredible efforts. It was undoubtedly one to remember!

History Hysteria Junior School 2021

History Hysteria Junior School 2021

History Hysteria Junior School 2021

History Hysteria Junior School 2021

History Hysteria Junior School 2021

History Hysteria Junior School 2021


Mr Thomas Mitton

Director of Curriculum – Junior School
