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As part of the continuation of your son’s enrolment into Year 11 in 2022, you are required to pay a fully refundable $750.00 continuation deposit to secure your son’s position. Your refundable deposit will be added to your Term 3, 2021 fees and due on the same date.

You will be credited $250.00 of your deposit in your Term 2, 2022 school fee account. The remaining $500.00 will be refunded to you at the end of Year 12 provided there are no outstanding textbooks, laptops, or other school resources or fees.

Please also note that the continuation deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable should you decide to withdraw your son from Waverley College after Wednesday 6 October 2021.

If your son is withdrawn from the College prior to the conclusion of Year 12, your deposit will be forfeited.

If you have any questions about the deposit, please feel free to contact the accounts department at or 9369 0621.

Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services


With the end of Year 6 fast approaching, we know you will be thinking ahead to the next stage of your son’s education. As such, we would like to inform you that the College is finalising Senior School places for Year 7, 2022.

To secure your son’s place, you are required to pay a $1,000.00 continuation deposit. Your deposit will be included in your Term 3, 2021 fees and due on the same date. The deposit will then be credited against your school fees in Term 2, 2022.

Placement in Year 7 is in high demand and there is a significant waitlist. Please advise us by Tuesday 22 June if you intend to withdraw your son’s enrolment, as this will enable us to offer your place to a waitlisted candidate, and the continuation deposit will not be included in your Term 3 fees. Please also note that the continuation deposit is non-refundable and non-transferable should you decide to withdraw your son from Waverley College.

In order to confirm your son’s transition to Year 7, your school fee account must be up-to-date with no outstanding balance.

We look forward to welcoming your son to the Senior School as he continues his Waverley education. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding your son’s enrolment. For any questions regarding fees, please contact

Ms Kylie Anderson



A most appreciative audience of parents, family members, friends and staff were treated to an evening of wonderful music ranging from soloists, choirs, rock bands, guitar ensembles, string ensemble, jazz ensembles and concert bands. All soloists and ensembles were well prepared and eager to showcase the vast talent of the boys from Waverley College and the girls from St Clare’s who play in our ensembles.

Music Festival 2021

Showcasing our gifts at the Music Festival 2021

This event would not have been such a success without the generous support and work from the following members of the music department:

Music Festival 2021

Talented acoustic guitarists

Music Festival 2021

Bass guitarist extraordinaire!

Music Festival 2021

Evan Service, winner of the inaugural piano competition division 2, plays Solfeggietto by Bach

Other members of staff who did an amazing job assisting on the evening were Ms Catherine Sharp in printing the programme, and Mr Angus McPherson and Mr Bishoy Wasef for their technical, lighting and photographic expertise.

I would also like to acknowledge and thank all the parents who freely volunteered their time on the night to assist in the serving of food and beverages. Thank you to those who baked cakes and donated food and drinks for the night. Thank you to Ms Naomi and Mr Greg Isaac who did an amazing job producing so much delicious food, and Mr Simon Trustrum and Mr Joe Rede for organising all the drinks.

I would especially like to thank the members of the Music Supporters’ Club: Ms Christina Leonard, Ms Karen Birrell and Mr Joe Rede who along with Keiran assisted in making this such a successful night.


Mr Chris Balkizas

Head of Music


Music Festival 2021

Music Festival 2021

Choir at Music Festival 2021

Music teacher Ms Jaz Dolso leads the choir at the Music Festival 2021

Music Festival 2021

Striking strings at the 2021 Music Festival

Music Festival 2021

Thank you for the music!

2021 Fees

3rd Payment – Prompt payment date 16/7/2021; due date 30/7/2021.

2022 Fees

1st Payment – Prompt payment date 21/1/2022; due date 28/1/2022.

2nd Payment – Prompt payment date 22/4/2022; due date 6/5/2022.

3rd Payment – Prompt payment date 15/7/2022; due date 29/7/2022.

Discounts and Penalties

Fees paid before 4pm on the prompt payment date attract a $25.00 discount.

Any payment received after the due date will attract an administrative fee of $110.00.

Please be advised that some financial institutions need more than 48 hours to process their payments (e.g. Internet/BPay/BPoint).

Please see the last page of your account for payment method and contact details.

Enrolment Withdrawal Notice

You are reminded that if you wish to withdraw your son from enrolment at Waverley College, you are required to give one term’s notice in writing to the Principal that your son’s enrolment will cease.

The last day you can give notice that your son’s enrolment is finishing at the end of a school term, is the first day of the same term. If not received by that date, a penalty equivalent to one term’s tuition fees will be payable.

The relevant dates for 2021 are below:


Mr Bryn Gregerson

Director of Business Services


Week 9 Term 2

14 June – 20 June


School Holidays and Beyond


Week 1 Term 3

12 July – 18 July

We are excited to announce that tickets for Waverley’s inaugural short film festival ‘Wavefest’ will be available to purchase through Trybooking today. If you have been following the journey of ‘Wavefest’ and would like to see the final products of hours of filming, creating and learning from our expert alumni, please buy a ticket!

>>> Click here to purchase a ticket.

Come and enjoy a night of festival food by our VET Hospitality students, entertainment from some of our great music students, art installations from our art students, and a night of celebration of our future filmmakers.

Wavefest Poster 2021

Ms Belinda Buchan

Academic Mentoring Coordinator


All Year 12 PDHPE students will be involved in a Sports Medicine seminar presented by physiotherapist Mark Mitchell on campus in the E40s on Friday 16 July (Week 1 Term 3). This seminar will be both practical and theoretical in nature, and will be held during Periods 1 and 2.

The main focus of the seminar will be on ‘taping and bandaging’ with the emphasis on ankle, thumb and wrist injuries. Students will also have an opportunity to ask Mark questions about other syllabus related content.

Students will attend school as normal in full school uniform. The cost is $10 and will be billed to the student’s school fees.

Should you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me at the College.


Mr Patrick Darvill

Head of Department PDHPE


02 9369 0720

The Sacrament of Confirmation – 10 August

The Sacrament of Confirmation will be conferred in Holy Cross Church Woollahra on Tuesday 10 August at 7pm.

Preparation Classes – 10 July

For candidates in Year 6 and older, not attending Holy Cross Primary School, preparation classes will commence on Saturday 10 July from 4:30-5:20pm in Holy Cross Church.

To enrol, please contact Mrs Shirley Bond on 9130 5670 OR 0403 02 8019.

>>> Click here for this week’s Careers News.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

E: kknowles@waverley.nsw.​

Welcome to Week 8! We have been very busy this week interviewing for future enrolments. It is always exciting for our future students to be on campus. Semester One reports will be available tomorrow, Friday 11 June via TASS Parent Lounge. This is an important time to sit down as a family and go through all your son’s achievements and areas for improvement. This is vital for future success. A great idea is to set some goals for Semester Two and have these ready to discuss with your son’s classroom teacher at Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews next Tuesday 15 June.

Reminder – Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews – Tuesday 15 June, Week 9 

When to book?  book with your son’s classroom teacher from Saturday 5 June at 9am.

How to book? – book via the Parent Lounge on TASS, OR click here to book.

Difficulties making the appointment?

If your son is in Learning Support and you would like to book an interview with our Learning Support teachers, please contact them directly via their email addresses below. They will be available to take appointments from 9am to 3pm.

These interviews will be held in your son’s classroom, however, if you would like to have your interview via Zoom, this option will also be available. Details for connecting to Zoom will be sent out tomorrow Friday 11 June.

Tuesday 15 June is a pupil-free day for your son, however, he is required to attend this interview and be in his full academic school uniform. This will be a 10-minute time slot. While brief, this will allow you to discuss your son’s Semester One report and ask any questions you may have about their progress here at Waverley.


Ms Gabrielle Bransby

Acting Director of Junior School



Debating | Cranbrook v Waverley 

Last week the debaters had tough competition and a tough topic : That tests should be banned in primary schools. Both Waverley teams put forward strong arguments and presented their cases clearly and firmly, rebutting the Cranbrook team’s cases. The students did themselves and Waverley very proud. One win and one loss. 

A huge thank you to Cass Spies, Paula McCade, Heidi Taylor and Robert Goldrich for transporting the teams to their away debates this term.

Debating - Waverley Vs Cranbrook 2021

Debating – Waverley Vs Cranbrook

Debating - Waverley Vs Cranbrook

Both Waverley teams put forward strong arguments!

Home Learning Week 9

Home Learning will be operating on Wednesday and Thursday in the final week of Term 2. 

Click here to register your son. 

2021 ICAS Competitions | Years 5 and 6 students

Friday 18 June is the CLOSING DATE to enrol your son in ICAS. Dates regarding the sitting schedule will be out in Term 3. 

If you would like your son to compete in the 2021 ICAS Competitions, you will be asked to nominate which competitions you would like him to be entered through the Parent Payment System. At the Junior School the following ICAS competitions are offered: Writing and Digital Technologies, Science and Spelling Bee, English and Mathematics. This year all the competitions will be held in August / September, Term 3 and will be completed online. 

Click here to register your son.

Through this system, parents can pay for ICAS directly online while tests will still be held at our school. Please use the school’s access code details to register your child no later than 18 June 2021. 

Waverley’s School Access Code QKV852

Please consider carefully before choosing this enrichment opportunity for your son. It is a rigorous competition with many questions set beyond grade level. Participants are required to demonstrate a deeper, integrated and thorough level of learning. If you are unsure of your son’s suitability, please consult with his teacher.

Click here for more information about the assessments. 

If you require additional support registering your son contact the customer service team on 1800 931 775 (Australian Toll-Free).

Home Tip To Encourage Reading at Home

The holidays are fast approaching and it is important to continue to encourage your sons to read at home. Modelling reading at home is so important! Carve out time every day for family reading time. This can be a short amount of time (15-20 minutes) where everyone in the family stops what they are doing and reads. It can be anything from a book, newspaper article, magazine to a cookbook. When children see the important people in their lives reading, they will want to read even more. 

Book Week is 21-27 August  

Term 3 is nearly upon us and in August we will be celebrating Book Week at the Junior School. The theme this year is Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds. Spend the holidays designing your own costume! Stay tuned for more information about Book Week 2021 in Term 3. There will be competitions, author visits, the pop-up bookshop and the book parade. As parents this is an important time to celebrate the wonders that books create.

Book Week is Coming!

Book Week is Coming!


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Primary Literacy and Innovation Teacher



Innovation Club

Throughout this term, we have been learning all about coding and the process of designing educational games through a program called SCRATCH. Our coding project required us to imagine we were app designers and had to create an educational game that would be suitable for Kindergarten students.

To begin our project, we collaborated on different topics that we could teach and ideas on how we could present our games in a fun, simple and challenging way. We co-constructed a rubric to ensure that we all understood the task, and discussed the importance of catering to Early Stage One abilities by incorporating simplified language, with visuals displayed, alongside words and voice-overs.

Some of our learning topics included the alphabet, simple addition and subtraction and water safety. After we coded our own games, we had the opportunity to challenge ourselves by engaging in the coded games designed and created by our friends!

Innovation Club

Coding and designing educational games at Innovation Club

Innovation Club

After students coded their own games, they had the opportunity to challenge themselves by engaging in the coded games designed and created by their friends!

Innovation Club

Coding and designing educational games at Innovation Club


Ms Chloe-Jane Tweedie

5 White Classroom Teacher



CIS Rugby Trials

Waverley College Junior School has had a large number of students representing the College for NSWCIS Sports Trials throughout Term 2. This continued last Friday 4 June, when the following students travelled to Penrith Touch Fields in Werrington to trial for the NSWCIS Touch Football team: Riley Kolster; Jacob Sheehan; Hunter Leondis and Cooper Misson.

The students did fantastically and tried their absolute best, but selections were very competitive for spots. Riley Kolster has been selected in the 2021 NSWCIS Touch Football team and we wish him a huge congratulations on this significant achievement.

Congratulations Riley Kolster!

Selected in the 2021 NSWCIS Touch Football team — Congratulations Riley Kolster!

Athletics Trials

Students competed in the Athletics Trial last Friday 4 June, which consisted of a 100-metre sprint to allow us to place students into racing divisions in preparation for the Athletics Carnival. It was an enjoyable afternoon, with students showcasing their sprint running abilities. 

Athletics Carnival – Permission Slip Due by Wednesday 16 June

When: Friday, 18 June 2021.

Venue: ES Marks Athletics Field (entry via Boronia Street in Kensington — off Anzac Parade).

Departure: from Waverley (Carrington Road) at 8am.

Return: to Waverley (Carrington Road) at 3pm.

How Do I Return the Permission Slip? : there are two options. Choose one of these options.

 1.  >>> Click here to view and complete the Athletics Carnival permission slip.


2. Complete the permission slip that was sent home with your son today and return it to school.

Permission Slip Due Date: Wednesday, 16 June. This permission slip will help us keep track of attendance and alert us to the students who will be requiring a position on the bus.

Can Parents Attend? Yes.

A Compulsory Years 5-12 College Event

The carnival will be a Years 5 to 12 event for the College, with all Junior School events being undertaken in conjunction with the Senior School events. This allows our young men the chance to interact with Senior School students throughout the entire day.

All students are given the opportunity to participate in a wide range of track and field events. Waverley College places a large importance on friendly House competition whilst supporting all ability levels. The Athletics Carnival is an all-inclusive community event that allows our students to cheer on their House group whilst demonstrating positive sportsmanship.

All Junior School students have now trialled for the carnival and have been placed in race divisions for the selected track events. Students are also allowed to be chosen to participate in different field events, including long jump, high jump and shot put.

Parents are warmly welcomed as spectators and can provide transport to and from the venue for your son on the day. The College has arranged four buses for Junior School students to be taken to and from the carnival. Please see the below information about this compulsory College event:





 In the event of rain, students will come to school in their College PE uniform and ask to bring books/equipment for regular lessons (Friday Week A). This information will also be announced on the SkoolBag app if required.

Parents are more than welcome to attend the event. 


Mr Jack Watchtel

Assistant Director of Co-Curricular – Years 5-8

E: jwachtel@waverley.nsw.​

E-cigarettes and Nicotine

Vaping (inhaling a vapour produced by an e-cigarette or electronic vaporizer) amongst young people is increasing across local schools and in the community. As Deputy Principal, I continue to take this issue very seriously. The harmful health effects of vaping are frequently not known by young people, and I ask you to partner with me to help educate your sons about the risks.

Recent data from the Cancer Council shows that one in five students aged 16-17 are trying e-cigarettes. An e-cigarette is a device that heats a flavoured liquid to an aerosol that is inhaled. E-cigarettes are dangerous because e-cigarette liquid is comprised of different chemicals that can include nicotine; flavourings such as the chemical diacetyl (linked to a serious lung disease); heavy metals such as nickel, tin and lead; cancer-causing chemicals; and volatile organic compounds. These chemicals have not been tested for safety when inhaled into the lungs.

E-cigarettes can be small and easily hidden. Many popular vapes look like USB sticks, pens, highlighters or cigarettes.

Types of Vapes

Types of Vapes

Types of Vapes

Types of Vapes

E-cigarettes can cause addiction to nicotine, and we know that nicotine is highly addictive. Nicotine affects the developing teenage brain that does not finish developing until around age 25. Teenagers who use nicotine can damage the sections of their brain that are responsible for learning, mood, attention and impulse control. Research shows that young people who use e-cigarettes also have a higher likelihood of smoking and addiction to cigarettes as adults. Smoking represents the single most preventable cause of death in the developed world.

How Can Parents/Carers Help?

Please prepare yourself with the facts about vaping and speak with your sons about making positive decisions.

>>> Click here to read more about electronic cigarettes.

>>> Click here to watch a video about the effect of vaping on your body.

Consequences of Vaping at Waverley

Just a reminder that vaping is illegal for people under 18. The College has a clear policy for any student in possession of a vape or e-cigarette whilst on campus. Students face a minimum two-day suspension and are subject to a meeting at the College with their Head of House and Deputy Principal. This also applies to any student in the company of a student consuming a vape or e-cigarette.

Any students found selling vapes to other students will put their enrolment at the College in jeopardy, as vapes and e-cigarettes fall under our drug and alcohol policy. Students in this category will have their enrolment suspended and face an enrolment review meeting with the Principal and Deputy Principal.


Mr Patrick Brennan

Deputy Principal – Student & Staff Wellbeing


As we move into this break, it is important that our Year 11 students use this as an opportunity for major revision, preparation for Term 3 and the preliminary exams which begin in Week 8.

It is important to note that Year 11 is simply not just the year to set the groundwork for Year 12, but that it is becoming increasingly evident that Universities are seeking these results when offering places for early entrance.

Year 11 Study Program/Guide

Click here to view our Year 11 Study Program/Guide for June-July Break 2021.

We will also provide the students with a hard copy of this program.


Ms Gabrielle Smith

Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning
