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Please click here to access the Year 7 Examination Timetable


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum



Please click here to access the Year 8 Examination Timetable


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


One of the important components of a Waverley student’s education is participation in the Cadet Program with the Waverley College Cadet Unit. This exciting adventure will be starting in Term 3 for the Year 8 cohort. To give you some understanding of this compulsory co-curricular activity, Year 8 parents are invited to attend an information evening in the PAC on Monday 31 May at 6:30pm.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU



Please click here to access the Year 9 Examination Timetable


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum



Please click here to access the Year 10 Examinations Timetable

Year 10 students will also be undertaking their first attempt of the HSC Minimum Standards Tests.

The following link provides information on this testing from the Director of Curriculum, Ms Lynsey Porter.

Minimum Standards Testing Information


Mr Chris Soden

Assistant Director of Curriculum


As per the communication in Nurrunga in Week 3, the Subject Selection process continues for Year 10 with Heads of Department presenting to them during their Careers lessons every fortnight.

Alongside the Subject Selection Information Booklet Stage 6 which you received in Week 3 (also attached this week), the Heads of Department have recorded information on each course which can be viewed in this Web Link:

Please allocate a time during this term to sit down with your son and complete the following:

In Week 9 this term on Tuesday 15 June, there will be an onsite presentation in the College Gymnasium going through the Subject Selection process at 6pm.  This is a compulsory event for Year 10 students. Heads of Department will then be available in classrooms onsite from 6:30pm – 7:30pm for you to pop in with any individual questions that you may have following viewing the videos. Specific locations will be provided closer to the time.

Students will not be asked to submit their initial selections until early Term 3 after the Parent/Teacher Interviews.

The College uses an online system for the students to nominate their subject selections for Stage 6.  

Students will receive an email with a link and a password to access  the system  in mid-June. Students should complete their subject selections online, print the confirmation and submit this in hard copy form via the box outside Ms Lamonica’s office on Level 1 by Thursday 22 July.

Timeline – Term 2

Timeline – Term 3


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum


Year 11 students will be attending a study skills session by Elevate next Wednesday 26 May during Period 1 called Memory Mnemonics. The session works through practical strategies to assist students with revision techniques. Students will attend in house groups and venues will be confirmed early next week.


Ms Lynsey Porter

Director of Curriculum



The Sydney Morning Herald HSC and Careers Expo is on Friday, 4 June 2021 at the Royal Hall of Industries, Moore Park. The HSC and Careers Expo is to allow students to discover and to investigate Courses and Careers for which they may apply for 2022.

The Expo features over 120 exhibitors, seminars on HSC subjects, tertiary courses, careers and study advice. Students should be encouraged to attend seminars and to collect booklets, brochures and information for courses or jobs in which they are interested and intend pursuing as careers.

Students will travel to and from the HSC and Careers Expo by hired buses leaving the College at 8:45am and returning by 11:55am. The total cost will be $17.00 and will be added to the fees account. Entry is valid for all three days of the Expo, so students are encouraged to return to the Expo with their parents. The Expo will continue on Saturday, 5 June and Sunday, 6 June from 9am to 3pm.



Ms Kath Knowles, Senior Studies and Careers Coordinator and Ms Gabrielle Smith, Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning



The Waverley College Choir rehearse and perform a variety of repertoire under the Direction of Ms Jaz Dolso and Mrs Anne Fahy. Rehearsals are held on Friday mornings at 7:30am in the Recital Room of the Performing Arts Centre. There is no audition required, all students are invited to join. 

The College Choir is engaged throughout the year to sing at many College events, College liturgies, masses and concerts. Over the last 10 years the Choir has participated in several overseas tours performing in Germany and Italy. Students also have the opportunity to attend a Music Camp and to participate in performances across the wider community.

If you would like more information, please come and see Ms Dolso in the PAC.


Ms Jaz Dolso

Music Teacher


Waverley College Music Festival will showcase the abundant talent of Waverley College students in vocal, brass, strings, elective music and ensemble performances from both the Junior and Senior Schools.

Guitar Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, The Cliff Goodchild Concert Band, Matthew Coorey Concert Band, Waterford Concert Band, College Choir, Cantores, Elective Music Students and Soloists will showcase the event.

Tickets are available to purchase using TryBooking. Click here to purchase tickets.

You will need to be quick, only a few tickets remaining! Performers do not need to buy a ticket.

Entry: Adults $25, Children $15.

Location: Br R J Wallace Performing Arts Centre, 131 Birrell Street Waverley.

Performers should arrive no later than 5.30pm.

Hot food and drinks will be available to purchase from 5.15pm prior to the commencement of the concert. Some of the delicious offerings include: butter chicken and rice, steamed chicken and shitake mushroom or vegetable dumplings, pulled pork tacos, pies, sausage rolls, cakes and sweet treats. 

PAC Supporters Group are looking for parents to assist with the evening. Please email: if you can help with donations or service on the night.

Raffle tickets are available from the Music Office and will also be sold at the Festival. Any unwanted tickets and monies should be sent back to school by Tuesday 8 June with your son. Please remember to complete your details on the dockets. Great prizes including musical instruments and vouchers. The raffle will be drawn on the night.


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

PAC Coordinator


Music Festival 2021

The Matthew Coorey Concert Band and the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band rehearsing for the upcoming Music Festival

The Matthew Coorey Concert Band and the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band rehearsing for the upcoming Music Festival

The Matthew Coorey Concert Band and the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band rehearsing for the upcoming Music Festival

The Matthew Coorey Concert Band and the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band rehearsing for the upcoming Music Festival

The Matthew Coorey Concert Band and the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band rehearsing for the upcoming Music Festival

The Matthew Coorey Concert Band and the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band rehearsing for the upcoming Music Festival

The Matthew Coorey Concert Band and the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band rehearsing for the upcoming Music Festival

The Matthew Coorey Concert Band and the Cliff Goodchild Concert Band rehearsing for the upcoming Music Festival

The Music Supporters Annual General Meeting was held last Thursday, 13 May in the Performing Arts Centre.

The new Office Bearers for 2021 are:

President: Christina Leonard

Secretary: Joe Rede

Treasurer: Karen Birrell

Thank you to all those who attended the meeting. Your support and assistance is welcomed. Parents interested in being part of the Music Supporters Group are encouraged to email: to register your interest.


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

PAC Coordinator


The Music Camp this year was held at Naamaro in Lane Cove from 5 – 7 May. We had students attend from the Matthew Coorey Concert Band, Cliff Goodchild Concert Band, College Choir, Guitar Ensemble and Strings Ensembles. It was three days of intensive musical rehearsal and the obligatory talent quest at night.

I would like to congratulate all students on their exemplary behaviour and on the amount of musical output from these three days. I would like to thank all staff including, Mr Blenkinsopp, Ms Dolso, Mr Williams and Mr Lee for their generosity in time and for their professionalism. I would also like to thank Ms Kossenberg on providing such wonderful support in making the camp run as smoothly as it did.

Looking forward to the Music Festival!


Mr Chris Balkizas

Head of Music


Music Camp 2021

Exemplary Behaviour at the Music Camp 2021

Music Camp 2021

Music Teacher Ms Jaz Dolso with Students at the Music Camp 2021

Music Camp 2021

Music Camp 2021