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Welcome back to the College community and a very special welcome to our new members of the College.

School Holiday Achievements

While many of us were holidaying over summer, three of our students were striving for victories in the pool, on the court, at the beach and on the field. I’m delighted to report on their exceptional holiday achievements.

Congratulations to Ryan McNamara (Year 9) who was selected in the NSW team and competed at the 2024 Australian Pool Life Saving Championships in Melbourne. We’re proud that Waverley Old Boy Andrew Bowden (Class of 2001) was his coach.

Ryan had a great championships, and is now a five time Australian Champion after winning gold in all five U14 events, as well as being crowned the U14 Overall Champion.

Congratulations to Cooper Ryan (Year 10) who was selected to play for NSW under 16s at the Australian Indoor Volleyball Championships. He finished with silver after being undefeated in all pool and finals matches.

He also won for the second year in a row, the gold medal at NSW Beach Volleyball Youth Championships (U17s). Selected in the NSW elite squad of 10 boys (he is the youngest), he recently travelled to Adelaide to compete in Australia’s oldest beach volleyball tournament, the adults SA Open. Cooper now plays predominantly in adult tournaments and is the leading points holder in the national rankings for his age.

Congratulations to Kahu Capper (Year 12) who represented New Zealand as the New Zealand Māori Captain for the 2024 Pasifika Youth Cup. Kahu scored an impressive four tries and 14 conversions, resulting in 44 points across four games. Kahu was also awarded the prestigious Pasifika Youth Cup Player of the Tournament.

Congratulations also to James Dyson Merwe (Year 12) who has accepted this week a scholarship to the AIS for Basketball with the possibility of representing Australia at the Junior World Cup being held in Turkey in June this year. Unfortunately, James has had to move to Canberra for this amazing opportunity, leaving behind his Year 12 friends and colleagues. We wish him all the very best in this exciting opportunity.

Kahu Capper

Ryan McNamara, Australian Pool Life Saving Championships 2024

Cooper Ryan

We also had a large number of students and staff who gave up much of their time over the holidays to continue training and preparing for the 2024 season – a huge thank you to these members of the community.


Term 1 is a busy start to the year and I want to remind every parent/carer and students of some of the expectations:

Click to view the CAS Code of Conduct

Winter Activity Changes

We are also accepting applications to change winter activities and this strictly concludes at the end of Week 3. Any student requesting a change will need to come and collect the required form from the Co-curricular office please.


Finally I want to thank and congratulate those students in Year 7 who have made a great start to the year. In particular our Year 7 Manchester City Academy Football students who are under the direction of Mr Ben Charlton.

Any queries regarding the program can be directed towards Mr Charlton via email:

Good luck to those students playing and trialling this weekend.

The latest edition of Wavelength has landed! The 31st edition features articles on our Co-Curricular achievements, 120 Year Celebrations, R U OK? Day, Immersions, the history of the Queens Park Pavilion, interviews with Old Boys and everything in between.

If you would like a printed copy they are available for collection at both Senior and Junior School Receptions.

Click the button below to view Wavelength digitally and happy reading!

Click here to read Issue 31, December 2023

Wavelength Issue 31, December 2024


Ms Vanessa Witton

Marketing Communications Specialist

This year the Health Centre would like to encourage more sun safety at Waverley College. With Australia having the highest rate of skin cancer in the world and skin cancer being the most common type of cancer in Australia, we would like to help protect our students and promote sun protection where possible.

As over 95% of skin cancers are caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, skin cancer is the most preventable of all common cancers. Therefore, we recommend that students wear a hat to school, at recess, at lunch and on their way home. We also have sunscreen at the Health Centre and eventually sunscreen will be placed around the school premises to encourage use when students are out in the sun.

Every sun protection measure is decreasing the chance of your son being diagnosed with skin cancer, so thank you for your co-operation.

Waverley College caps

To view the current Australian skin cancer statistics, click the button below.

Click here to view the Sun Smart infographic

The Duke of Edinburgh International Award resumes for 2024 with a strong cohort of students continuing their participation.

Paramount to the Duke of Edinburgh International Award, is individual ownership and responsibility towards achieving goals in a Skill, Physical Activity and Voluntary Service. The onus is on the students to ensure they are meeting the expectations and demands associated with completing their Award, utilising the many resources available to them through the College as well as the wider community.


Lunchtime meetings will take place in N31 to provide students with an opportunity to troubleshoot any queries and receive support and guidance towards the completion of their respective Awards.

Please feel free to come to these meetings if you would like to register or show an expression of interest. There are currently no openings for students in Year 8 and below, with more information and details to be provided during the course of the year for students in those Year groups.

Duke of Edinburgh

Dear Parents/ Carers and Students in Years 7 – 8,

Our Years 7 and 8 Enrichment Classes are stand-alone curriculum programs that seek to extend students beyond the standard curriculum who exhibit learner readiness for additional challenges. Student placement in these classes are reviewed each Semester based on academic performance, classroom application and classroom engagement.

We use the TrackOne data system to triangulate quantitative and qualitative data to identify the top 52 students of the cohort. This comprehensive identification process is only available to us at the end of each Semester, once report and assessment data is available. Until this point, we encourage parents/carers to monitor their child’s progress through assessment data, available in the TASS Parent Lounge Analytic Dashboard and on CANVAS.

Tournament of Minds

Tournament of Minds

The high school learning process is a journey that can fluctuate, as such, we are committed to monitoring the academic growth and potential of every student. Beyond our Enrichment Classes, interested students are welcome to join our Enrichment Co-curricular Programs including, 

Our first round of the CSDA (Catholic Schools' Debating Association) competition against Marcellin College was highly successful, seeing wins across both junior and senior teams. Congratulations to our Year 7 team who turned up ready to debate with poise and confidence in their first Senior School debating competition.


Literacy, Numeracy and Science Support Available – Before and After School

To assist students to achieve their learning goals the College runs Literacy, Numeracy and Science support for Years 7-10 via the Co-Curricular program in the Senior Library before and after school.

We will communicate different academic opportunities that arise for our students and thank you for your interest and support of our program. 

Image: courtesy Knox Grammar

Da Vinci Decathlon. Image: courtesy Knox Grammar

Dear Parents and Players,

Expressions of Interest are being sought for a proposed Basketball Tour to Japan in December 2024 (4-24 December).

This will be a development tour, comprising three teams: Freshmen, Junior Varsity and Varsity. The total number of players is strictly limited to 36.

To indicate your ‘Expression of Interest’, please use the button at the bottom of this page. Should there be sufficient expressions of interest before this date, an information evening will be held in the PAC from 6pm-7:30pm on Wednesday, 14 February 2024. This information session will cover costs and inclusions, dates and proposed itinerary, policies and procedures as well as other items. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

As part of the selection process, coaching staff, teaching staff, and the College’s Finance Department will be consulted and asked to provide feedback and information on each candidate in terms of basketball-related criteria, wellbeing record, academic performance, and school fee status. This information will be used to determine the final touring group. Please be aware that Years 7, 8 and 12 (2024) students are currently not able to participate in the proposed tour.


To ensure the tour proceeds to the next stage, a ‘non-refundable’ deposit of $2,000 is payable on behalf of any interested player by 3:15pm, Monday, 23 February 2024.

Payment should be made to:

BSB: 062-124
Account number: 0090 3139
Quote: ‘BballTour-SURNAME’

Please send me an email receipt of your deposit.

A minimum of 36 deposits must be paid for the tour to proceed. If more than the required number of deposits are paid, a decision will then be made on which 36 players will be offered a place on the tour. Any player who is not selected to tour will be placed on the waiting list and their deposit will be refunded.

In our preliminary discussions with the tour provider, it is estimated that the tour will cost $8,900. This is subject to change with confirmation of the final itinerary. Currently, the following payment plan is in place:

A list of successful candidates selected to tour will be notified once all tour spots have been filled.

To register your ‘Expression of Interest’, please click the button below to complete and submit the Expression of Interest form no later than 3:15pm on Monday, 12 February 2024.

Click here to view and submit the EOI form

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Click here to view the Week 1 Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Welcome back to Cadets for 2024.

This Term will be a busy and a short one as we make our final preparations for Annual Field Exercise (AFX – Cadet Camp) to be held in the last week of Term 1. This camp doubles as the Year 9 Camp for Waverley Boys and is a compulsory week of school. Our Senior Rank are working very hard in the background, planning an exciting and engaging camp that extends our recruits, as well as their own leadership skills.

All members of the Unit will receive the AFX Joining Instruction this week, along with the Equipment List and instructions for completing medical and dietary information. Please attend to the administration requirements by 1 March 2024 to ensure the best possible care for your sons.

Cadet training continues this Term after school on Friday afternoons from 3:30pm – 5:30pm. Please avoid making medical and other appointments during this time. Should your son be unable to attend due to illness or unavoidable clashes, an application for leave can be made via email to

I would ask all parents/carers and cadets to please take note of key dates below for the first half of 2024. In particular, if your son is interested in pursuing rank and leadership training, please note the Promotions Course dates in the July school holidays as attendance on course is a pre-requisite for promotion.

FRI 2 FEB Home Training First parade for 2024
FRI 9 FEB Golden Boot Competition
FRI 16 FEB Home Training
FRI 23 FEB Home Training
FRI 1 MAR NO CADETS for recruits School Swimming Carnival
FRI 8 MAR Home Training
FRI 15 MAR Home Training
THU 22 MAR AFX Safety Briefing Last parade for our recruits
FRI 5 APR AFX Advance Party Departs Selected senior cadets only
SUN 7 APR AFX Main Body Departs 0630 Whole Unit including Recruits
FRI 12 APR AFX Ends 1630 Whole Unit including Recruits
SUN 28 APR Intention Forms Due Decision to continue Cadets
WED 1 MAY Waverley College ANZAC Ceremonial Parade Selected cadets
SUN 16 JUN Passing Out Parade Year 12 graduation and annual awards ceremony
MON 15 JUL – SAT 20 JUL Promotions Course Camp – Winbourne Conference Centre For recruits to train to become a Corporal


A warm welcome to OrthoBoutique our newest corporate sponsor!

OrthoBoutique excels in providing top-notch orthodontic services for all ages in Sydney, with exceptional patient care and flexible payment options.

Free consultations are offered for orthodontics for Waverley students, please contact OrthoBoutique for more information on: 1800 378 678

This kind of support for our goal of creating our state-of-the-art Science & Innovation Centre on the Senior School campus is extremely important and we thank the OrthoBoutique for their sponsorship.

If you are interested in exploring our sponsorship, please reach out to our Foundation Officer, Mr Billy Nicolas to learn more:

NSW School Vaccination Program 2024 

Each year NSW Health works with schools to offer the vaccines recommended and funded for adolescents by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

The School Vaccination Team at the South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Public Health Unit is excited to work with the parents, carers, students and staff at Waverley College.   

In 2024, the following vaccines will be offered:

Years 7 and 10 vaccinations

Vaccination Date for Year 7

Wednesday, 31 July 2024


Please note that catch-up vaccinations are offered at all visits throughout the year, including for Year 7 and Year 10 students. Any students who miss out during visits will be offered another opportunity at their next scheduled visit. 


For a student to be vaccinated at school, consent must first be provided.

To provide consent, you will need your Service NSW account details and the Medicare Card number for you and your child.

Online Consent Form

Parents/carers: please start providing online consent by clicking the button below – this button is for both Year 7 and Year 10 parents/carers.

Click here to provide online consent

This short video may also be of assistance.

Click here to view the School Vaccination - NSW Health video

QR Codes for Online Consent

Click here to scan the QR codes for the link to the 2024 Year 7 online consent portal

Click here to scan the QR codes for the link to the 2024 Year 10 online consent portal

Click here to scan the QR codes for information for 2024 Year 7 and Year 10 English as an Additional Language Parents/Carers

Please get in contact with the Health Centre nurse if you have any questions about the vaccinations or clinic.

Dear Parents/ Carers and Students in Years 7-12,

All students in Years 7 and 8 should have received their stationery pack and class teachers will advise when and what materials are needed for particular lessons.

Years 9 and 10 teachers will also advise students about subject specific requirements.

In the interim, students are advised to bring writing materials: exercise books and pens, as well as their laptop, to all classes.

The same advice applies to Years 11 and 12 students.  

Dear Parents/ Carers and Students in Years 7-12,

The Years 7-12 Assessment Booklets are currently going through the final checks and will be available on the College Website next week. Parents/ Carers and Students will receive an email with a direct link to the page on the College website where they will be able to download the latest version of the schedules plus other relevant information.

Students should ensure that they save a copy of the schedule on their laptop and it is recommended that they add the key dates to their College Diaries.

All students in Years 11 and 12 will now have received their Assessment Schedules. The Assessment Booklets, which outline further details regarding processes and tasks, are currently going through the final checks and will be available on the College website next week. Parents/ Carers and Students will receive an email with a direct link to the page on the College website where they will be able to download the latest version of the schedules plus other relevant information.

Students should ensure that they save a copy of the schedule on their laptop and it is recommended that they add the key dates to their College Diaries.