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Dear Parents, Carers and Students of Year 11,

We are looking forward to you joining us next Monday, 5 February 2024 at 6pm for the Parent/ Carer and Student Information Evening on Study Skills with Dr Prue Salter in the College Gymnasium.

Parents/ carers and students should attend together as the session is very interactive. Students should wear full school uniform. Both students and parents also need to bring a pen. Handouts will be distributed during the evening.

The main areas that will be covered are:

Study Skills Website

Also, a reminder that Waverley College is a subscriber to the study skills website:

This website will help you develop essential skills for academic success. There are units of work on improving time-management skills, how to study, research skills, summarising, technology use, brain and memory and much more. Everything you need to know about becoming a more powerful learner and improving your marks at school can be found on this site.

For example, you can learn how the colour of your room affects your ability to study, what the best study techniques are for your type of brain, how to improve your handwriting and useful software and Apps to block yourself from technology distractions.

You will also see lots of useful handouts, grids and planners at the bottom of the THINGS TO PRINT page.

To access the handbook, go to and login with these details:
username: forwaverleycollegeonly
password: 94results

The more of this website you can work through, the more you will set yourself up for academic success.

Week 2: Monday 5 February – Sunday, 11 February 2024


Week 3: Monday, 12 February – Sunday, 18 February 2024


Week 4: Monday, 19 February – Sunday, 25 February 2024


Weeks Ahead

Can you volunteer to assist us in our daily operations from 9:30am till 1:45pm? We really need you!

Lunch is provided for all volunteers.

We greatly value the assistance of our volunteer workers as it allows us to be more efficient in our services for students and staff.

We welcome all members of the Waverley College Community – mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and carers.

We are happy to take on any availability, whether it’s once a week, month, or even once a Term – it all helps.

The Term 3 2024 volunteer roster is online, so if you are interested, please volunteer as soon as you can by clicking HERE.

Thank you.


Ms Nina Kormanyos

College Canteen Manager

Join us for our Junior Pre Season Rugby Training in Term 1. This training is open for all Rugby players from Years 7-9. The focus for this will be on improving attacking, defensive and breakdown skills along with conditioning.

The sessions began on Thursday, 8 February 2024 and will run throughout Weeks 2-7. Sessions will run from 6:45am-8am at Waverley Park. Please note that this is an additional session and thereby summer sport training sessions will take preference.

Please send through any questions or queries to


As part of their preparation for HSC Drama, Years 11 and 12 Drama students are required to attend ‘OnSTAGE.’ This is NESA’s presentation of a selection of the best practical work from the Drama HSC practical examination in 2023.

Parent/carer permission is required. Please respond to the notification in the Parent Lounge.

This is an After School Event!

Date: Tuesday, 13 February 2024 (7:30pm to 9:30pm)
Assemble Location: 7pm in Seymour Centre Foyer
Travel Details: Students make their own way there and back
Dismissal Details: Students make own way back home
Uniform Expectations: Smart Casual (school uniform not required)
Missed Classes: None (after school)
Cost: $37.37 (added to school account)
Enquiries to: Mr Peter Lamb (HOD Drama), Ms Gina Cohen (Drama Teacher)

OnSTAGE 2024

Image: courtesy Seymour Centre

Today we celebrated the successes of Waverley College Years 5-11 students at our annual live-streamed Presentation Days in the Brother Lacey Gymnasium. On days like this, we pause to acknowledge the efforts, talents, gifts and achievements of selected students who have made remarkable gains during their 2023 learning journey. It was rewarding to see our well-deserved Junior and Senior School students receive their awards in the presence of their peers, parents, carers, teachers and support staff. We are all very proud of you.

2023 Presentation Day

Our expressive MCs, Constantine Iatrou and Lachlan Hoy, set a professional, animated tone and carried our Presentation Days with eloquence from start to finish. In terms of entertainment, we were spoilt for choice. Thank you to our ever-talented Junior School Cantores singers and the confident Waterford Concert Band that performed ‘Ghosts in the Graveyard’ by Scott Watson.

2023 Presentation Day

We acknowledge each and every one of our Senior School students who also provided captivating performances. Drama student Oscar Wilson (Year 10) provided a moving monologue from the three-act play All Our Sons (Arthur Miller, 1946) and the Year 7 Rock Band’s electrifying rendition of ‘Vertigo’ by U2 featured Oliver Bailey-O’Reilly, Daniel Murphy, Lachlan Crease, Larsen Johnston, James Fanning and Vinny Kapos.

2023 Presentation Day

Lieme Chan (piano), Alex Tarasov (violin) and Cameron Vincent Hull (clarinet) presented ‘Romanian Folk Dances’, a suite of six short piano pieces composed by Béla Bartók in 1915. Movements 1, 2, 4 and 5 were exquisitely performed.

2023 Presentation Day

The 2024 European Tour Band’s closing presentation of soundtrack music from Pixar Animation Studios, complete with animation on the big screens, was certainly something to remember.

2023 Presentation Day

Students, we appreciate your many hours practicing, learning and perfecting all of these pieces for our enjoyment. We also recognise the time and energy that College staff and your families have devoted to helping you get there.

Many staff have diligently worked behind the scenes to make special days like this possible. We hope you took something memorable from our Presentation Days today, whether you were there in person or experiencing them remotely.

2023 Presentation Day

As 2023 draws to a close, this day gives me the opportunity to genuinely reflect on everyone who has given back. I wholeheartedly thank each of our committed educators and support staff for an especially energetic 120th year of teaching, learning and growing. I thank our innovative Parents’ Association and our active Old Boy network. Our collective successes were celebrated in technicolour this year and will long be remembered.

Here’s to Virtus Sola Nobilitat and the next 120 years!

I wish you all a safe, happy and holy Christmas.

Congratulations to our Award Winners

>>> Click here to view our Junior School winners.

>>> Click here to view our Year 7 winners.

>>> Click here to view our Year 8 winners.

>>> Click here to view our Year 9 winners.

>>> Click here to view our Year 10 winners.

>>> Click here to view our Year 11 winners.

Gold Award Winners Draw

Years 5-8 Presentation: to be eligible for this draw, students had to receive a Major Award in Years 5 and 6 and a Gold Award during the year in Years 7 and 8.

Years 9-12 Presentation: to be eligible for this draw, students had to receive a Gold Award during the year in Years 9 to 11.

Congratulations to:

A Christmas Prayer

Loving Father,

Help us remember the birth of Jesus,

that we may share in the song of the angels,

the gladness of the shepherds,

and the worship of the wise men.

Close the door of hate

and open the door of love all over the world.

Let kindness come with every gift

and good desires with every greeting.

Deliver us from evil by the blessing

which Christ brings,

and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.

May the Christmas morning

make us happy to be Thy children,

and the Christmas evening bring us to our beds

with grateful thoughts,

forgiving and forgiven,

for Jesus’ sake.


By Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-1894)


Dear Parents/Carers, 

Thank you for the support of your sons, staff and the College this year. 2023 has been a great year with many successes across all dimensions of College life. Our school is not just a place of learning; it’s a community. Your active participation in your son’s education, supporting his passions and partnering with the College continues to be a strong recipe for success.

A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated and passionate educators and professional support staff who have worked tirelessly to inspire, guide, and nurture our students. Their commitment to fostering a love for learning has truly made a difference in the lives of our students.

I would also like to thank and acknowledge Mr Pasquale Guerrera who is stepping down as Chair of the College Advisory Council. Pasquale has been chair for the last three years and prior to that, Deputy Chair for four years. Pasquale has had a long association with the College – Old Boy (Class of 1987) and his son Nicholas, graduated from Waverley College in 2016. 

During his time on the Council he has demonstrated exemplary leadership, unwavering dedication, and an unyielding passion for the values that define us. His work behind the scenes, collaborating, meeting and bringing groups into alignment with the College’s strategic direction and leadership has been impressive. Furthermore, Pasquale’s involvement in the finance committee has been instrumental in ensuring the fiscal responsibility and sustainability of our institution. 

Pasquale will continue his role on the College’s Foundation Board and assist the College achieve the goals of the Master Plan which includes bringing the Science and Innovation Centre to fruition. 

Mr Pasquale Guerrera

Mr Pasquale Guerrera

We congratulate Mr Patrick McClure AO (Class of 1967) who will take over as Chair of the Advisory Council. Patrick has worked in leadership roles in the social purpose sector over many years. During his tenure as CEO of Mission Australia, it was transformed into a national organisation with revenue of $300 million and 3,000 staff providing innovative employment, education, housing and youth services. He developed strategic partnerships with business and government.

He was also CEO of the Society of St Vincent de Paul (NSW/ACT) which is a major provider of homeless services. Patrick was awarded an Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) and an Australian Centennial Medal. He is an AFR – BOSS True Leader, recipient of the EQT CEO Award for ‘Lifetime Achievement’, Distinguished Alumni Award (Murdoch University, WA) and a Churchill Fellow. He has a Master of Arts (Public Policy), Bachelor of Social Work (Distinction) and Diploma of Theology. 

Mr Patrick McClure

Mr Patrick McClure

Wishing all our families a safe, restful and enjoyable summer break filled with Christmas joy, and quality time with loved ones. 

Southern Cross Cultural Exchange has been supporting Australian students on life-changing high school exchange programs abroad since 1983, fostering longstanding relationships with partner organisations, secondary schools and host families in 16 countries around the world.

Their last Information Session webinar for 2024 is on Wednesday, 6 December 2023, 6pm AEDT.

If students would like to plan ahead for a student exchange in 2024/25, now would be a great time to gather information about:

Register Here for the Information Session Webinar

Students and parents can register by clicking the button below:

Click here to register

Special Offer – Short Programs to France in Late 2024!

Interested in living and learning in Europe?

Students will be placed in a host family with a sibling of the same gender and similar age (+/- two years), and attend a local independent school.

Please click the buttons below to view more information.

Learn More

Click here to view the flyer

You’re invited!

When: Sunday, 24 March 2024, Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf, 12pm-3pm

Click here to book

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 4 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

This week we say our goodbyes to Ms Michelle Rollins who has been with us for 27 years. She will be truly missed by our whole Waverley community and we wish her the very best in her journey ahead.

Junior School Music Captain Joe Madden presents Ms Rollins with a floral token of our deep appreciation of her work

Junior School Music Captain Joe Madden presents Ms Rollins with a floral token of our deep appreciation of her work

We also wish Ms Charlotte Stephens a wonderful maternity leave and look forward to seeing her return to the classroom in 2025. 

I would like to congratulate Ms Jade Sparks who will be replacing Mr Jack Watchel in the position of (Acting) Assistant Director of Co-Curricular. Mr Jack Wachtel has made the decision to step down and work part time at the College. He has some wonderful business opportunities and we wish him all the best. He will continue to teach PDHPE in the Junior School next year. 

I would also like to congratulate Mr Elliott McKimm who will replace Ms Charlotte Stephens as the (Acting) Director of Curriculum for Terms 1, 2 and 3 in 2024. 

I want to thank all parents and carers for your support through such a fantastic year. I continued to be amazed by the commitment, dedication and resilience of each student and I am so proud of their growth and achievements this year in every facet of school life. Together our community has supported each other and made many special memories. I feel blessed to be part of such a wonderful community. 

Have a fantastic Christmas break, stay safe, enjoy the sun and take care of one another. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

Presentation Day Years 5-8 – Tuesday, 5  December 2023 – Reminder 

Time: 9am – 10:30am (students to arrive at school at 8:15 am)

Location: Gym (Senior School)

Student Dress Code: Academic Uniform (no blazers)

Only the parents/carers of students who are receiving an award have been invited to this event. These parents/carers will be notified in a separate email.

A Google Doc was sent to you by Mr Ghattas for you to inform us if your son has permission to go home, or if they will require supervision until 3pm. If you have not already done so, could you please fill this out asap. Link HERE.

Semester 2 Reports

I hope you took the time to go through your son’s Semester 2 report and reflect on the achievements and areas of growth. 

After School Code Camp 2024 

Term 1 2024: Coding 

Coding class on a Monday will continue next year. If you would like your son to be part of the session, please find the booking link HERE.

Monday, 5 February to Monday, 25 March – 8 sessions

Time: 3:15pm – 4:30pm

Click here to view the flyer


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


Year 6 Excursion to Raging Waters

What a delight it was to take the Year 6 students to Raging Waters and share in their end of year celebration. We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day and the boys were full of excitement as they boarded the buses.

Plenty of fun was had by all as they raced around the park venturing down the many different waterslides, lazed around in the dinosaur lagoon or swam in the beach wave pool. Their behaviour throughout the day was exceptional and I am sure they will hold onto some very special memories.

2023 Junior School excursion Raging Waters

2023 Junior School excursion Raging Waters

2023 Junior School excursion Raging Waters

2023 Junior School excursion Raging Waters


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School / Identity & Student Formation


New Assistant Director of Co-Curricular (Year 5 and 6) for 2024

As I reflect, it has been an extremely special year for all areas of co-curricular at Waverley College Junior School. This includes all sports undertaken in both the Summer and Winter seasons and the growth, development and successes that followed.

This includes all of the extra co-curricular activities undertaken throughout the entire year (Innovation Club, Debating, Judo, Hip Hop, Chess, Drawing, Homework and Board Games Clubs), not to mention the amount of time and energy put into all areas of Music and Performing Arts by the amazing Ms Michelle Rollins and music teachers (Wakakirri, Stomp, Junior School Band and Ensembles, and Junior School Rock Band). 

Jack Wachtel, JuniorSchool

In working towards developing this Junior School Co-Curricular program over the past three years, it’s given me immense enjoyment, pride and appreciation to see how it’s grown from year to year. 

As mentioned, I have some exciting new opportunities in sport and business taking place, which means I will be pulling back to working part time at Waverley College. I will still be based at the Junior School teaching PDHPE and look forward to working with the community. 

I just wanted to say a massive thank you to all my colleagues, staff, coaches, parents and carers, and the wider Waverley community for your ongoing support while your son has been at the Junior School.

JS Fun Run

2022 Junior School Fun Run

Ms Jade Sparks, Junior School Rugby Convenor and classroom teacher of 6 Blue will be taking over my position. She will do an outstanding job and will no doubt continue to grow the junior co-curricular program for many years to come. 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Junior School co-curricular, please feel free to direct them to Ms Jade Sparks


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular Years 5-12


Learning Hub

As the school year comes to an end, I would like to acknowledge all the students who immersed themselves in the many activities the Learning Hub offered. 

The Learning Hub aims to inspire, engage and empower students through critical and creative activities, plus allow students to retreat, explore and collaborate with others, whether that be before school, during Learning Hub sessions or during lunch. I look forward to working with all the Junior School students in 2024. 

Learning Hub flyer

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Brad Burke, Jessica Buchanan, Bryn Tilly, Christy Norwood, Dr James Roy, Dr Matt Pelletier, Richard Simpkin, Nicole Draper, Ian Storie, Phil Gartland, Claire Petit, Mark Zimmermann and Monique Kalmar for your time and expertise as guest speakers this year. 

Your contributions have been invaluable to our students, and we could not have achieved our goal to inspire the Junior Schools without your support. Your willingness to share your knowledge and experience with our boys has made a significant impact, and we are truly grateful for your generosity and dedication towards this initiative. The talks aim to inspire the next generation of learners, leaders, entrepreneurs, sportsmen, scientists, writers, and all the other industries. 

If you would like to volunteer to do a presentation in 2024, please email me directly at


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy and Innovation Teacher


News from Science and Mr Max Mancinelli 

In an exciting cross-school collaboration earlier this term, Year 6 boys had a unique opportunity to engage in a co-educational STEM lesson at St Catherine’s School in Waverley.

Leveraging the institution’s state-of-the-art resources, our students immersed themselves in a hands-on experience that left a lasting impact. Back at our own campus, boys in Years 5 and 6 delved into the fascinating world of acids and bases through immersive experiments and keen observations.

This has been an exciting end to our first year in the new science lab. Both cohorts should be proud of their consistent dedication and enthusiasm to science throughout the year.

Junior School Science at St Catherine's School

Junior School Science at St Catherine's School

Junior School Science at St Catherine's School

Junior School Science at St Catherine's School


Mr Max Mancinelli

Specialist Science Teacher

Reading: Resources to Continue to Support Your Son’s Reading Growth 

All holidays, a great range of eBooks, audio books and reading features are available for your sons.

Find the links on the library CANVAS page. Click on eBooks & Audio Books.

The Big Issue Fiction special edition

We have included some reading for you as well, via our special purchase of new Australian short stories via the annual The Big Issue Fiction special edition.

See the Library CANVAS page and click on Library News.

The Big Issue Fiction Edition

Even better, read these stories together with your sons.

Penguin Books

Find something for your son to read via Penguin Books.

Penguin Books image

Click the button below to try out this fun quiz to get recommendations on what to read for Young Adults!

Click here to view the quiz

Library Literacy Reading Program to Expand

In 2024 we will continue and expand our literacy library reading program.

This program is for all Years 7 and 8 classes who have one reading class every two weeks, predominantly offline in the library. Ask your sons about it!

Here is some of the feedback from a sample of students in Years 7 and 8 (2023), reflecting on their experience of the program.

Reading pie chart

Reading pie chart

Reading line graph

Reading Line Graph

Reading pie graph

Guest Readers

We thank our guest readers throughout the year.

Ms Tanner assisting with a Waverley Local Heroes reading lesson

Ms Tanner assisting with a Waverley Local Heroes reading lesson

Throughout the year we have had a range of guests and staff devote their time to inspire reading via participating in our reading sessions. We thank all our dedicated staff who participated.

The new English Syllabus has dedicated reading outcomes. Of note, as we reflect on the role of reading, is that from 2024 there are new dedicated reading outcomes for Years 7 to 10:

As well there is the stipulation of:

Across each stage, the selection of texts must give students experiences of: ‘texts chosen by students for personal interest and enjoyment.’

Happy Reading! 


Mr Bill Roberts

Head of Library Services

Stage 5 Applied Philosophy Teacher


Parents and Students: Enjoy Reading over the Summer Holidays

Mr Roberts and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with all Year 7 and Year 8 students in 2023 to build their reading stamina and introduce them to some thought-provoking texts. 

Our deep-learning focus has been on building empathy and integrity as well as instilling compassion for diverse values and world views. 

We have reinforced the idea that 10 minutes each day has a significant impact on our wider learning capacity and confidence, not to mention the benefits to our reading ability and mental health.

Deep reading of novels is a slow process, where the reader engages with the book and seeks to understand it within its own context, and within the context of the outside world.

Emotional connection is where the reader empathises with the characters, and that promotes social perception and emotional intelligence. 

There are no real downsides to reading, other than making the time for it.

There have been some wonderful book releases in 2023 and here is just a quick sample to suit all readers. All recommendations are suitable for parents/carers too.

Years 7 and 8

300 Minutes of Mystery by Jack Heath

10 stories. 10 mysterious situations. 10 brave kids. 30 minutes of clues. Read 10 dangerous stories, in 30 minutes* reading time!

*Based on average reading speed.

Change the Game by Colin Kaepernick

This touching graphic novel explores the story of how a young change-maker learned to find himself and never compromise. How the right decision is very rarely the easy one, but taking the road less travelled can make all the difference in the world.

Wings of Fire: A Guide to the Dragon World by Tui T Sutherland

The #1 New York Times USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling Wings of Fire series soars to even greater heights with an all-new collection of stories and art from readers’ favourite dragon world! 

Years 9 and 10

Showing Up by Nedd Brockmann

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable – the story of a 23-year-old tradie who put his body ‘through hell and back 10 times’ to prove that anything is possible when you break past your own barriers.

It is an ordinary Thursday, and things should finally be returning to normal. Except trouble is never far away where the Thursday Murder Club are concerned. A decade-old cold case leads them to a local news legend and a murder with no body and no answers.

Yellowface by Rebecca F Kuang

With its totally immersive first-person voice, Yellowface takes on questions of diversity, racism, and cultural appropriation not only in the publishing industry but the persistent erasure of Asian-American voices and history by Western white society. R. F. Kuang’s novel is timely, razor-sharp, and eminently readable.

Prophet Song by Paul Lynch

The explosive literary sensation: a mother faces a terrible choice as Ireland slides into totalitarianism. Winner of the Booker Prize 2023.

Orbital by Samantha Harvey

A team of astronauts in the International Space Station collect meteorological data, conduct scientific experiments and test the limits of the human body. But mostly they observe. Endless shows of spectacular beauty witnessed in a single day.

Julia: A Retelling of George Orwell's 1984 by Sandra Newman

Julia: A Retelling of George Orwell’s 1984. An imaginative, feminist, and brilliantly relevant-to-today retelling of Orwell’s 1984, from the point of view of Winston Smith’s lover, Julia, by critically acclaimed novelist Sandra Newman.


Ms Mary Ryan

Literacy Coordinator and English Teacher


Middle School Ethics Olympiad Teams Delve into Ethical Quandaries

“Are verbal promises as binding as written contracts?” 

“Would your life be diminished in any way if you were surrounded by a completely artificial world?”

Does the overuse of external rewards diminish our capacity to value intrinsic rewards?

In a thought-provoking display of critical thinking and collaboration, our Middle School Ethics Olympiad teams delved into ethical quandaries last Friday, that nurture the decision-making processes and collaborative interdependence of our students.

Ethics Olympiad

Both of our school’s teams demonstrated exceptional collaboration and communication skills throughout the Olympiad, showcasing a commendable understanding of team frameworks. Their ability to navigate complex ethical quandaries and articulate well-reasoned arguments did not go unnoticed. The judges acknowledged their outstanding efforts with an honourable mention, a testament to the dedication and intellectual prowess of James Barber, Dante Fearn, Xavier Kopsiaftis, Ryan Murphy, Ethan Ooi, Hudson Langan- Stark, Liam Chalmers, Jack Ballinger, Liam Murray and Oliver Rahmat.

The retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, articulates the importance of exposing our students to ethical problem solving, “ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do” and we thank Matthew Wills for his tireless work around the world organising Ethics Olympiads for school students. 



Ms Helen Barrie

Head of Academic Enrichment

Thank you to all staff, convenors, coaches, parents/carers and especially the students for their efforts over a successful 2023 co-curricular year.

We continued this success last weekend with the selection of 1sts players Lincoln Tanner and Tristan Lee in the CAS 2024 Water Polo squad. We also had a number of boys competing in the Pacific Islands Rugby fixtures last weekend and all boys playing represented their culture to an incredibly high standard.

Key Co-curricular Dates in 2024 to Diarise

When we return in 2024 I have included some key dates for Term 1 below:




I want to wish the whole College community a happy and Holy Christmas!

Summer Holiday Cricket Camps – Only 25 Players Per Camp

Onsite Waverley College exclusive cricket camps will take place on:

Should you be interested in attending, please view the flyer below.

Waverley exclusive cricket flyer


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular


All Schools Triathlon 2024

Are you ready to take on a challenge in 2024?

Term 1 of the new year will provide Waverley students born between 2005 and 2012 the opportunity to compete in the NSW All Schools Triathlon. This epic event will be held at the Penrith International Regatta Centre on 21 and 22 February 2024. We are now calling upon all enthusiastic Waverley students who are eager to give it a “TRI.”

Individual Triathlon – 21 February 2024

This race will see individuals tackle the swim bike and run, individually racing against other schools from all over the state. Individual entry fee $45.00 per person.

Individual entries will open at the start of the 2024 school year. 

CAS Swimming and Diving 2021


Cross Country - Campbell and Hugo

Teams Triathlon – 22 February 2024

Offering a fantastic opportunity for challenge with mates. Gather your friends and form a team of three ( a swimmer, a cyclist and a runner) and take on a Triathlon together. You will also be racing against other schools from all over the state.

Teams entry fee $60.00 per team. Note that entries for the teams event are now open. Click the links below to enter.

Junior Boys Team Entry: students born in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

Intermediate Boys Team Entry: students born in 2008 and 2009.

Senior Boys Team Entry: students born in 2005, 2006 and 2007.

Both individual and team registrations and entry fees must be received by Wednesday, 14 February 2024.

If you are interested or would simply like more information please reach out to Mr Douglas down in the PDHPE department or via email:

Click here for more information


Mr Samuel Douglas

PDHPE Teacher


Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser!

Please come and support the Waverley Swimming and Water Polo teams with a sausage sizzle at Eastgardens Bunnings on 9 December.

If you are interested in helping out with the fundraiser please email Ms Silsby or Ms Lipman for all the details

We can’t wait to see you there!

sausage sizzle fundraiser


Ms Nicola Silsby and Ms Cath Lipman

Convenor of Swimming and Convenor of Water Polo