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2024 Opening Hours 

Donations Welcome

We are most grateful for all donations of clean and undamaged current uniform items, academic and sports, especially (but not limited to):

We also accept wearable

Please consider the condition of items before dropping them off: if you wouldn’t give it to a friend’s son to wear or are upgrading your son’s items because the old ones are too worn or ripped, please dispose of them in a sustainable way.

Blazer and Japara Jacket Buy-Back

A $30 buy-back option is available for clean blazers and Japara jackets in good condition.  If unable to bring them in during our open times, you may leave them in the donation bin with a note including your name and phone number.

The Secondhand Clothing Pool sells quality used uniform items to continue supporting our Waverley community.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Secondhand Clothing Pool through donating their used uniforms for resale or through shopping with us.

All profits from sales benefit all students directly through projects funded by the Parents’ Association, as well as the Clothing Pool Legacy Fund, which pays for a new uniform for students in need.


You will find us in the main building on Birrell Street. Enter via the Senior School campus reception, and take the lift to Level 3. The Secondhand Clothing Pool is next door to the Uniform Shop.

Where to leave donations

Please leave uniform donations at the Senior School reception in the dedicated uniform donation bin.

Secondhand clothing pool donation box

Secondhand Clothing Pool donation box in Senior School Reception


For more information on stock availability, please email the Secondhand Clothing Pool at or just pop in during our open times. No appointment necessary.

(02) 9369 0703 — feel free to leave a voicemail, and one of our volunteers will get back to you.


Kirsten and Camille

Secondhand Clothing Pool Coordinators

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Click here to view the Week 8 Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

With the end of the school year in sight, please note that all textbooks, across Years 7-12 are now overdue!

As such, we kindly ask that all students return any outstanding textbooks and English novels to Book Hire or drop them off in one of the marked green crates located in the library and main reception area, by Tuesday, 5 December (Presentation Day) at the latest.

*Please note that any outstanding textbooks will unfortunately have to be charged at the end of the year for a replacement copy, therefore if you have any questions at all, feel free to contact me by sending an email to

Lastly, a very big thank you to all students who have already returned their books and wishing everyone the loveliest Christmas holidays spent surrounded by your loved ones :)

Snoopy thank you


Kindest regards,

Ms Tamara Bliznjakovic

Library Technician – Book Hire

Service Week and Reflection Day

Our Year 10 students had a very successful Service Week last week to finish off their year. Students volunteered throughout the Sydney and surrounding region at a variety of placements. These included the Matthew Talbot Hostel, Our Big Kitchen, The Exodus Foundation, St Gabriel’s and Wairoa Special Schools for students living with disabilities, local primary schools and nursing homes, the St Vincent de Paul Society and the Salvation Army, just to name a few.

They assisted the homeless and disadvantaged and generally helped wherever there was a need. We have received an overwhelming number of wonderful letters from people whose lives were touched by the generosity of spirit and kindness that the students exhibited during their week of service.

We then had a Reflection Day and Mass to finish their experience. Congratulations and thank you to all the Year 11 students who facilitated the Reflection Day, and to Ms Maakrun for her co-ordination of Service Week placements, and all those staff who visited our students throughout the week.

It is great to hear about such wonderful experiences and I know that our Social Justice program will continue to provide unique formation opportunities for all students.

Archbishop’s Student Leaders Gathering

Last Friday, our four College Captains Lachlan Miranda, Asher Thomasyu, Ricky Zanapalis and Jack Anasson attended the Archbishop’s Student Leadership Conference. There were around 30 Catholic and Independent schools present who discussed major issues relevant to youth today.

Photos by Giovanni Portelli Photography © 2023

Photos by Giovanni Portelli Photography © 2023

A liturgy was then held in St Mary’s Cathedral and a special blessing was given to all the leaders. Our students led with distinction and it was a wonderful opportunity for them to network with the other schools’ leaders.

Year 12 Archbishop Student Leaders Forum

Year 12 (2024) Hospitality Students Complete Their Work Placement

During Weeks 5 and 7, the Hospitality students completed their final work placement, a mandatory requirement of their course. Venues included cafés, restaurants, catering companies and clubs. The boys received excellent feedback, boosted their culinary skills and experienced how beneficial effective teamwork is. Practical elements of the course help to reinforce theoretical concepts whilst providing hands-on experience.

Week 8: Monday, 27 November – Sunday, 3 December 2023


Week 9: Monday, 4 December – Sunday, 10 December 2023


Looking Ahead 2023-24





April – May

The Waverley College Parents’ Association would like to invite you to attend the 2024 Welcome Summer Vibes Cocktail party.

When: Saturday, 17 February 2024, 6pm-10pm

Location: Braidwood, Senior School campus, 131 Birrell Street, Waverley NSW, 2024

Theme: Summer Vibes

Your $35 ticket includes canapés and a welcome drink.

A range of beer, wine and champagne will be available for purchase at the bar (EFTPOS only).

Dress Code: Smart Casual

Click here to book your parent ticket


Congratulations to Luka Zonich (Class of 2023) in being selected for ARTEXPRESS 2023/2024. Luka’s artwork ‘What Would Pa Do?’ is a graphic design series inspired by Sydney-based artist Reg Mombassa. It is a visual chronicle of tales that his Pa has shared with Luka. Luka’s Body of Work will be exhibited at Ngununggula, Southern Highlands Regional Gallery in 2024. 

Music Encore Nomination

Congratulations to Angus Birrell (Class of 2023) for being nominated for his Music Composition for possible inclusion in Encore. Encore is a selection of outstanding music performances and written compositions from HSC music students and will be held at the Sydney Opera House in March 2024.

Year 10 Service Week

Congratulations to our Year 10s who have made a significant impact across the community during Service Week. The boys have volunteered their time, care and efforts across a range of charities, primary schools, child care centres and nursing homes. Thank you to Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun and Ms Sue Walsh for coordinating the experiences. 

2023 Year 10 Service Week

2023 Year 10 Service Week

2023 Year 10 Service Week

2023 Year 10 Service Week

2023 Year 10 Service Week

2023 Year 10 Service Week

2023 Year 10 Service Week

2023 Year 10 Service Week

2023 Year 10 Service Week

2023 Year 10 Service Week

Year 8 Camp

Congratulations to our Year 8s who have performed very well on their outdoor education experience to Somerset Outdoor Learning Centre. Somerset is located about 90 minutes North-West of Sydney on the Colo River (known as the last pristine river in NSW). The Centre operates from a central Base Camp which services over 40km of the Colo Valley. 

The boys participated in a number of activities including canoeing, rafting, abseiling, hiking, cooking, obstacle course, rock climbing and the wombat hole challenge. It is a wonderful opportunity for the boys to slow down from the fast-paced nature of big city living and no screen time. 

Also our Duke of Edinburgh groups used this as an opportunity to complete some of their Program requirements. Thank you to our dedicated teaching staff who supported the boys on their adventures.

Presentation Day – Tuesday, 5 December

We are looking forward to celebrating our successes in 2023 as a College community at our Presentation Day events on Tuesday, 5 December.

It is compulsory for all students from Years 5-12 to attend the Presentation Day Ceremony for their respective Year group. All students are to wear their full academic summer uniform.

Movember – for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in your life

Mr Bishoy Wasef (ICT Support Staff) has again embraced Movember to raise funds for prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention. He has raised $670 thus far with five days left. If you would like to support this important cause, please donate via myMo Space by clicking the button below.

Click here to donate

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the students on a fantastic Term and a wonderful year. I am incredibly impressed with how all students handled the new ICT policy and have put phones away. I have watched students reconnecting on the playground and enjoying the company of their peers. It has been a very positive experience.

As we enter the final stretch, I encourage all students to persevere and finish strong, wearing their uniform with pride and modelling exemplary behaviour inside and outside the College, particularly on public transport.

I want students to reflect on their accomplishments, draw strength from their efforts, and approach upcoming challenges with the same vigour as we come to the end of another year.

Step Out Speak Out Walk

This morning Waverley College participated in the Step Out Speak Out Walk which raises awareness about domestic violence and asks everyone to stand up and say no to domestic violence.

The annual Walk marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, marking the beginning of 16 days of activism, culminating in Human Rights Day on 10 December 2023. The walk is organised by the NSW Police Eastern Beaches LAC and Randwick Council.

As a College, we are proud to participate in this important community event each year and walk together in solidarity in support of the elimination of violence towards women. Empowering change starts with every step.

Our Waverley College Year 12 students united at the Step Out Speak Out Walk hosted by Randwick City Council in solidarity with other schools in the local community, taking a powerful stand against domestic violence. Together, we raise our voices for a safer, more compassionate future.

2023 Step Out Speak Out Walk

Students Anton Svensson and Remy Frampton spoke about positive relationships and ended their speeches by strongly advocating for commitment to change and accountability.

Anton: “So, let us collectively commit to dismantling the silence surrounding coercive control. By acknowledging past behaviours and actively seeking improvement, we’ll pave the way for a future where empathy and respect will prevail.”

Remy: “As students and advocates for change, we call upon all of us to stand together, unified in holding one another accountable and vehemently opposing any form of violence or disrespect. Today, as we take these steps, let us carry forth the spirit of this walk. Let’s advocate for respect, equality, and healthy relationships not just during these 16 days of activism but as a commitment to every day that follows.”

2023 Step Out Speak Out Walk

Presentation Day – Tuesday, 5 December 

We are looking forward to celebrating our successes in 2023 as a College community at our Presentation Day events on Tuesday, 5 December.

It is compulsory for all students from Years 5-12 to attend the Presentation Day Ceremony for their respective Year group. All students are to wear their full academic summer uniform.

Parents and carers of students who are receiving an award will be invited to attend and will be notified in a separate email including an RSVP form.

Student Attendance will be Recorded


Senior School students should arrive 15 minutes before the event begins, to be seated and have their attendance recorded.

Junior School students are to arrive at school at 8:15am to have their attendance recorded and then make their way to the Senior School gymnasium to be seated.


After the Years 5-8 Presentation Day ceremony, students in Years 7-8 will be dismissed from the Senior School at the conclusion of the event at 10:30am.

Students from the Junior School who have parents/carers attending the event, may leave with them straight after. There will be supervision as normal, however, there is the option for your son to leave after the event with written permission.

After the Years 9-12 Presentation Day Ceremony, students in Years 9-12 will be dismissed from the Senior School at the conclusion of the event at 1:30pm. 

Live Stream Links

The Presentation Day events will be live streamed, see links below. The links will be shared via the Waverley App on the morning of Presentation Day.

The Presentation Day will be a wonderful celebration to conclude the school year.


Ms Gabby Smith

Deputy Principal – Students


Christmas Appeal for the Matthew Talbot Hostel: Donations Requested

Matthew Talbot Hostel is a wonderful organisation helping over 35,000 Sydney men each year in providing accommodation, health, counselling and employment assistance. Waverley has had a long history of boys helping in its kiosk in Woolloomooloo, and strongly contributing towards making Christmas easier for those in need.

All boys from all Houses from Years 5-12 are encouraged to bring in toiletry and other items in order to be able to provide essential packs for the homeless and marginalised groups which the Matt Talbot Hostel provides assistance for.

This will run from Week 4 for the whole month of November. Tevlin House students have their Social Justice focus area in homelessness, and will be actively promoting the request to contribute items, and reflect the new Waverley theme of “stronger together, united as one.”

All donations can be brought into daily Mentor Groups, or to the Wellbeing Centre (Senior School), or Junior School Office.

Item list for Waverley Students to Bring in (please note these items must be new):

Toiletry Pack Items – small traveller size ideal (150 toiletry packs are distributed each fortnight to the men accessing services at MTH)

Many thanks for your support of this great appeal.

2023 Matthew Talbot Hostel Christmas Appeal poster


Mr John McCallum

Head of Tevlin House

NRMA Future of Transport Challenge Sparks Coeducational Innovation

Congratulations to some of our Year 10 STEM students who volunteered their time during Term 3 to work on the NRMA Future of Transport Challenge as a joint initiative with some of the Year 10 girls at OLSH Kensington.

This Wednesday one of our boy and girl groups were declared winners of the challenge after pitching their shortlisted idea to a panel of judges and students from other schools. The aim of the challenge was ‘to encourage young people to follow their natural curiosity to solve real-world issues by innovating and thinking like entrepreneurs’.

You can learn more about the challenge by clicking the button below.

Click here to view information about the Future of Transport Challenge

The lead Waverley College teacher of this initiative was Mr Mark Neale and he has outlined below some further details.

The Year 10 volunteer STEM students and I found that this challenge was a great opportunity to connect with OLSH Kensington, particularly their Director of Learning Integration, Mr James Horrocks, and a volunteer group of Year 10 girls. We collaborated on a range of activities throughout Term 3 including the NRMA Transport Challenge. The boys and girls work in two groups—both split into a boy/girl mix—and they submitted two impressive ideas into the competition. 

NRMA Future of Transport Challenge

Congratulations to the following Waverley College students who were involved in this initiative:

One of the group entries, the SWIFTFORM app by Ben Pelikan, Axl Igra from Waverley College and Clarissa, Marta and Savannah from OLSH Kensington, aimed to address the issue of overcrowding on buses, linking with Opal and social media to track commuters’ movement through tapping on and off buses. 

This idea not only made it through to the finals, but was voted the winner in the Stage 5 category of innovative transport ideas! On Wednesday, 22 November 2023, out at the NRMA HQ in Homebush, the students had to pitch their idea to a panel of judges in front of the other schools. Battling the nerves, these students presented their app, responded to questions and engaged the audience in their ideas. Waverley and OLSH should be immensely proud of the students’ achievements and their efforts over the term-long project. 

NRMA Future of Transport Challenge

NRMA project was cool, thanks for putting up with us and our ideas” – Axl Igra 

This collaboration sparks a new space for including more co-educational learning opportunities for the young men of Waverley as well as future prospects in our new relationship with the girls of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College Kensington. 

Special thanks to Mr James Horrocks, Mr Daniel Levitt and the girls involved in both groups:

NRMA Future of Transport Challenge


Mr Mark Neale

TAS and VET Teacher

School Animal Welfare Officer

Please click the button below to view the Uniform Shop holiday trading hours over the festive season.

Holiday Trading Hours

We look forward to assisting you with your uniform.


Waverley College Uniform Shop

Level 3, Centenary Building,
Senior School Campus
(Enter via reception and take the lift to the 3rd Floor)
131 Birrell Street, Waverley NSW 2024

(02) 9369 0709

Diary Dates

Please find below some reminders about upcoming events. For all of Term 4 events, please refer to the College calendar. 

2023 Presentation Day Years 5-8: Tuesday, 5 December – Reminder 

Time: 9am – 10:30am (students to arrive at school at 8:15am)

Location: Gymnasium (Senior School)

Student Dress Code: Academic Uniform (no blazers)

Only the parents/carers of students who are receiving an award have been invited to this event. These parents/carers will be notified in a separate email.

A Google Doc was sent to you by Mr Ghattas for you to inform us if your son has permission to go home, or if they will require supervision until 3pm. If you have not already done so, could you please fill this out asap.

Semester 2 Reports

Semester 2 Reports will be available on Monday, 27 November at 5pm in the Parent Lounge. Please take the time to go through and read the report with your son. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the Semester 2 Report, please contact your son’s teacher.

After School Code Camp 2024 

Term 1 2024: Coding 

Coding class on a Monday will continue next year. If you would like your son to be part of the session please click the button below to book.

Click here to book for 2024 After School Code Camp

When: Monday, 5 February – Monday, 25 March 2024 (8 sessions)

Time: 3:15pm – 4:30pm.

Click here to view the flyer

Mathematics 2024 

Today you will have received an email regarding the changes in Years 5 and 6 for Mathematics next year. Please click the button below to view the Mathematics PDF that was emailed to you. 

Click here to view the Mathematics PDF

As mentioned, at Waverley College we are constantly reflecting on our practice and how we can continue to innovate and improve the learning of our students. We see this new syllabus as an exciting opportunity to build mathematical confidence and competence in our learners while developing a growth mindset.

We believe in a Primary setting, based on research, that we structure our Mathematics program in a mixed-ability setting and as such we will not be explicitly streaming our Mathematics classes in 2024. The opportunity to learn Mathematics in mixed-ability classes at this age leads to better cognitive and social outcomes, a greater sense of wellbeing and confidence in Mathematics.


Ms Gaby Bransby

Director of the Junior School


2024 House Captain Voting

Dear Parents, Carers and Students

On Thursday 30 November 2023, the current Year 5 students will be voting for 2024 House Captains.

If your son would like to nominate himself for House Captain or Vice Captain for their Colour House, they need to fill out the Google Form below by Tuesday, 28 November. Click the button below to view the Google Form.

Click here to view the Google Form for nominations

They will also need to present a speech to their House before voting takes place. They can use the scaffold here to assist in planning.

Responsibilities include:

Year 6 Excursion to Raging Waters

On Friday 1 December, the Year 6 students will be going on their end of year excursion to Raging Waters. The information below outlines the important details of the day.

Raging Waters - Year 6

Raging Waters – Year 6 (2022)


Mr Steve Ghattas

Assistant Director of Junior School / Identity & Student Formation


News From 5 Gold 

As 5 Gold wraps up the Term and academic year, I am filled with pride witnessing the remarkable growth and achievements of the boys throughout their Year 5 journey. Their unwavering dedication and resilience have shaped a year marked by unparalleled success.

Junior School scriptwriting and performance

Junior School scriptwriting and performance

Junior School scriptwriting and performance

Junior School scriptwriting and performance

Notably, their collaborative scriptwriting and performance showcased creativity and teamwork, fostering a sense of confidence. Their addition of instrumental activities, including learning to play the guitar with Mr Jesse Johnston, enriched their educational experience this Term and also provided valuable skills in music.

Junior School guitar lessons

Junior School guitar lessons

Junior School guitar lessons

Junior School guitar lessons

Moving into Year 6, I am confident that the bright individuals of 5 Gold will continue to shine, embracing new challenges with the same enthusiasm that defined their extraordinary journey this year. I am wishing the boys all the best in all of their future endeavours!


Mr Luke Burns

5 Gold Teacher