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Dear Parents and Carers

We’re excited to announce that Elevate Education will be hosting a free webinar for our parents and carers on Wednesday, 29 March.

Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high-impact workshops on study skills, motivation, wellbeing, and exam preparation. By tuning into their webinar series you will learn how you can better support your children at home, through reinforcing the skills they learn at school.

In this webinar Elevate will cover:
1. How memory actually works (and how it has nothing to do with brain capacity)
2. The most effective environments to assist in memorisation
3. Techniques you can implement overnight to improve revision

Click here to register for free

Last week the Year 11 Food Technology students looked at how food changes from paddock to plate. In line with this and food product development, it’s an important element when looking at where their food comes from, and why hygiene is taken so seriously in the Australian Food Industry.

They donned their most stylish blue gloves and got to work emaciating some fresh beef and pork cuts. Following this seemingly easy task, they weren’t prepared for what was next.

I had pre-loaded the sausage attachment and the hog casings were there ready to both show to them and test out. A little put off at first, they hesitantly had turns understanding the logistics of the speed and support needed for the skin as the meat comes out; but they were expert sausage handlers within no time at all.

The sausages were cooked a few days later on the barbecue grill, and the boys found a much more interesting appreciation for the work that goes into sausages, as well as noticing the taste differences when made with ingredients you know and understand are being put in.

As the world of food gets more and more processed, it is hoped that these small activities exploring household methods to replicate processed/industrialised food can help students understand what does go into their food, and maybe more price-efficient ways to prepare meals at home as they grow up and move out on their own.

Start of Winter Activities

This week, we commenced our Winter Co-curricular season, and it has been pleasing to see so many enthusiastic students and coaches making a positive start.

This weekend we will have our first round of internal trials for a number of sports. It is still early in the season and no teams will be finalised until Term 2. Please note that selections will be based on performance, attitude and application, and we will continue to make adjustments over the entire season.


Last weekend we saw a number of students representing the College in both Athletics and Sailing.


Congratulations to the following athletes:

U13 Boys 200m Hurdles

U12 Boys 100m Prelims

Heat 1

U13 Boys 100m Prelims

Heat 1

Heat 2

U13 Boys 100m Final 

U13 Boys 1500m Final

U14 Boys 1500m Final

U13 Boys 400m Final

U17 Boys Long Jump

U13 Boys Javelin Final

U13 Boys 80m Hurdles Prelims

Heat 1

Heat 2

U13 Boys 80m Hurdles Final

U13 Boys 200m Prelims

Heat 2

Heat 3

U13 Boys 200m Final

U14 Boys 200m Prelims

Heat 2

U14 Boys 200m Final

U13 Boys High Jump

U13 Boys Long Jump Final

U13 Boys 800m Final

U14 Boys 800m Final

A number of these students are also competing in the National titles this coming weekend and we wish them very well.

NSW Schools Sailing Regatta

Congratulations to the following students also who represented the College in the NSW Schools Sailing Regatta for the first time. A big thank you also to Mr Adam Wallington for facilitating this event:

CAS Swimming and Diving

I also want to say a special thank you to all of the students and staff who were in support of the CAS Swimming and Diving championships last Thursday. Our Swimming and Diving Squads performed admirably to both finish 4th.

The standouts on the night were Darcy Dawson in Diving and Ryan McNamara in Swimming. Well done also to all of our Year 12 swimmers who have now swum their last race for the College.

Best wishes to all students for their trials this weekend.

CAS Swimming and Diving

CAS Swimming and Diving 2023

CAS Swimming and Diving

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships

CAS Swimming and Diving

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,

Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 1, Week 9. Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Monday, 27 March 2023 Visual Arts 3:30pm – 5pm C13 Jenna Turnbull
Tuesday, 28 March 2023 Drama 3:30pm – 5pm P12 Peter Lamb
Mathematics Standard 2 7:30am – 8:30am E42 Phoebe Guirguis
Wednesday, 29 March 2023 Studies of Religion II 3:30pm – 5pm E40s Martina Cooper/ Cath Stewart
PDHPE 7:30am – 8:30am GHR Pat Darvill
Thursday, 30 March 2023 Chemistry 3:30pm – 5pm E02 Emily Pace
Friday, 31 March 2023 Biology 7:45am – 8:30am K2L3 Gemma Brown
Hospitality 7:45am – 8:30am TF1 Bev McCarthy

It is important that we know attendance numbers so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program.

*The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Lauren Ryan has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning

Dear Parents and Carers

Please click the button below to view the Uniform Shop Holiday Trading Hours.

Holiday Trading Hours


A Positive Start

This week, it was so pleasing to see that Rugby is back! Students were involved in training sessions and it was wonderful to see the energy from all players and coaches involved.

With a long season ahead, it is important that our coaching staff have players well prepared for full contact. As players return to Rugby, coaches have been able to assist in developing some of the technical areas, such as the tackle, to ensure injuries can be avoided.

Further to this, coaches have refreshed our young men about the key protocols used such as the MAYDAY procedure at the scrum, to ensure that players are well prepared with key safety terminology during the games played.


Training and Trials – Saturday, 25 March 2023

Please note, that the weekend’s session will be a combination of training sessions and trials. Coaching staff are mindful that this is the first week back into rugby training, and with this in mind, it is important that players are prepared for contact, to avoid potential injury.

Players are encouraged to check the fixtures carefully, and ensure they arrive early with all the required equipment. Players should ensure that they have a mouthguard and a water bottle for the morning.

Rugby mouthguard

Waverley College Rugby Supporters’ Club AGM

On Wednesday, 15 March 2023 the Waverley College Rugby Supporters’ Club held their AGM. Congratulations to the following members of the community who were elected into the following positions:

We thank our outgoing President, Mr Denis Hickey, for all his wonderful work over the years and the effort he constantly provided in keeping the spirit of Waverley College Rugby alive and well!

Team Selections

With the season commencing, there is always a great deal of anticipation around team selections. We thank players and families for their patience, as coaches work through a process of both preparing players for the season, as well as making team selections.

Coaches are working hard to ensure players will be appropriately graded, but this can take time. We are certainly looking forward to the opening trial rounds in Term 2 against Newington College (29 April) and Riverview (6 May), to assist in confirming team selections – these rounds will very much be trials. We thank players and parents for their patience as we work through this important process.

Have a great week.

Waverley to win!

Thank you to those parents/carers who have paid the deposit for the Music Tour to Europe including cities such as Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Padua, Lausanne and Milan in June 2024.

The tour is open to all new and existing Waverley College musicians, choir and ensemble members. If you are unsure as to your eligibility, please speak to a member of the music staff.

The first deposit is due by 26 May 2023 please.

Click here to view the Music Tour flyer

If you have any queries, please contact the Music Office or email


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator

Dear Year 7 Parents and Students,

Access to Dr Salter’s Year 7 study skills session closes in one week. Please take advantage of this valuable learning opportunity to review the videos and resources before access ends on 30/3. Extensions will not be possible.

Access Details

Click here to access Dr Salter's Year 7 Study Skills Session

Username: waverley7
Password: expires30march

Waverley Park – Tuesday, 25 April

The Cliff Goodchild Concert Band and The Matthew Coorey Concert Band will combine to perform in the ANZAC Day Commemoration Service at Waverley Park on Tuesday, 25 April 2023.

Please arrive by 6:30am at the Performing Arts Centre Recital Room, Waverley College. Students will then walk to Waverley Park as a group for a 7am start.

Student attire for this event is: Full school uniform including blazer with polished shoes.

The ceremony commences at 7:45am at Waverley Park Cenotaph.


Waverley College – Monday, 24 April

Students will also perform on Monday, 24 April for the ANZAC Day Commemoration Service and Parade at the College.

Parents/carers are welcome to attend, commencing at 12:15pm.

*Please click the button below to indicate the number of persons attending this ceremony.

Click here to compete the Google form


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator

From the Captains

On Saturday night, Waverley Basketball had its annual Presentation Night to end the season. It was a spectacular event with many laughs, tears and memories created. It was a special night for the Year 12s, because it was a commemoration for all the hard work that they had put into the Program.

A special thanks goes to Racheal Smith the President of the Basketball Supporters’ Club, and Glen Smith for putting in many hours into the night as well as the season. Big recognition also to Mr Anthony Gibbs, Convenor of Basketball, who put in countless hours organising the evening and making sure the season ran smoothly.

The night tipped off with dinner in Braidwood outside the gym, where everyone was able to socialise and have fun. Then moved on to the shooting comps between all players in the Program. Congratulations to Finlay Chandler for winning the three-point competition and Flynn Busteed for winning the free throw competition.

The main event of the night was the presentation of the award winners hosted by Daniel Palacio, Captain of Basketball and Tom Gleeson, Captain of the 1st V. In their opening speech, the hosts looked back on the season:

“The 2022-2023 Basketball has been a memorable one for all, with all teams going through their ups and downs. Basketball is the biggest co-curricular activity within the school, with 44 teams, 443 players, and 28 coaches. With those numbers, this season has been extremely successful in that Waverley won 50% of its games across all teams, a big improvement considering in the 2013 season, 10 years earlier, it was just 19%. This jump in 10 years was not caused by one single person, but by the community that we have all built around Basketball within the school.”

This shows the efforts of all players, season after season.

2nd Basketball v Knox

Award Winners

Congratulations to the following players who won ‘Best & Fairest’: Marko Rangan (1st V), Dom Smith (2nd V), Ben Pignatelli (10A), Angus Peshos (9A), Philip Falaniko (8A) and Lachlan Bayly (7A). These players worked tirelessly throughout the season, never giving up leading their teams to victory.

Impressively, there were also seven CAS premiers recognised on the night, including 9A, 9B, 9G, 7B, 7E, 7F and 7G.

Towards the end of the night, the ‘Service to Basketball’ awards were presented. These awards go to the Year 12s from the 1st V and 2nd V, who continued to work throughout the season, giving up time to go to pre-season, tournaments, camps, extra training sessions, as well as games and helping coach other teams. This was presented to: Daniel Palacio (Captain of Basketball), Tom Gleeson (Captain 1st V), Harry Lee, Marko Rangan, Wylie Durrans, Oscar Walters-Green, Zion Poitaha, Marley Henare, Charlie Smith (Co-captain 2nd V), Toby Longmire (Co-captain 2nd V), Dom Smith, Ashar Te-Rata and Finlay Chandler.

Growth in Culture

Altogether, the 2022/2023 Waverley College Basketball season was extremely successful, both on and off the court. The growth in culture within the sport was amazing. This couldn’t have been done without the coaches, especially 1st V head coach, Mr Mathew Johnston, and 2nd V head coach, Joff Garvey.

1st Basketball V Cranbrook

Another big round of appreciation goes to the Old Boys who were at Waverley every weekend to help set and pack up. Finally, to the parents and carers – you are reserved the biggest thanks of all, for taking your sons to training and games all through the season.

Basketball v Cranbrook T4 2022 Round 3


Tom Gleeson
Captain of 1st V

Daniel Palacio
Captain of Basketball


From the Convenor

The 2022-2023 Basketball season officially came to an end with the annual Presentation Evening. It was a hugely successful event, with 300 attendees enjoying dinner in Braidwood, followed by a formal presentation in the Gym, of 161 awards to players as well as recognition of a number of members of our community.

A big thank you to Old Boy Ryan Abbott (Class of 2020), for recording a welcome message that was played at the start of the evening.

Thank you to Supporters’ Club President, Rachael Smith, for her never-ending hard work organising the night, as well as Juliette Carter for her wonderful work in arranging the raffle prizes. Both our captains, Daniel Palacio and Tom Gleeson did a masterful job of announcing and presenting the awards.

A big thank you goes to all our coaches, players, parents, carers and staff members such as Gym Managers James Mattick and Luca Zanarini, scorers Jacob Gibson, Seb Rasmussen and Ethan Reid, College caretaker Mr John Christoforidis, Food Technology Assistant Anne O’Loughlin, Assistant Director of Business Services Mr Jonathan Phillips, Assistant Director of Co-curricular Mr Stephen Wilmot, and Director of Co-curricular Mr Stephen O’Donnell, for all their help throughout the season.

Daniel Palacio

Daniel Palacio

Award Winners

Captain of Basketball – Daniel Palacio
Captain of 1st V – Thomas Gleeson
1st V Best & Fairest Player – Marko Rangan
1st V Best Defensive Player – Thomas Gleeson
1st V Most Improved Player – Daniel Palacio

1st V – Thomas Gleeson
1st V – Flynn Busteed
1st V – Daniel Palacion
1st V – Harrison Lee
1st V – Marko Rangan
1st V – Oscar Walters-Green
1st V – Marley Henare
1st V – Wylie Durrans
1st V – James Dyson-Merwe
1st V – Zion Poitaha
1st V – Sergej Jakovljevic

2nd V Best & Fairest Player – Dominic Smith
2nd V Best Defensive Player – Tashi Harrison
2nd V Most Improved Player – Eden Byrd

2nd V – Eden Byrd
2nd V – Dominic Smith
2nd V – Tashi Harrison
2nd V – Finlay Chandler
2nd V – Charlie Smith
2nd V – Jack Anasson
2nd V – Toby Longmire
2nd V – Aren Yaghoubian
2nd V – Jock Edwards
2nd V – Ashar Te Rata
2nd V – Ehren Little

3rd V Best & Fairest Player – Jake Walker
4th V Best & Fairest Player – Aston Owens
5th V Best & Fairest Player – Ashton Child
6th V Best & Fairest Player – Alistair Isaac
7th V Best & Fairest Player – Aidan Murray
8th V Best & Fairest Player – Sam Payrard
9th V Best & Fairest Player – Christian Elfes
10th V Best & Fairest Player – Anton Svensson
Internals Best & Fairest Player – Xavier Antonius

Service to Basketball – Marko Rangan
Service to Basketball – Tom Gleeson
Service to Basketball – Marley Henare
Service to Basketball – Daniel Palacio
Service to Basketball – Zion Poitaha
Service to Basketball – Harrison Lee
Service to Basketball – Oscar Walters-Green
Service to Basketball – Wylie Durrans
Service to Basketball – Charlie Smith
Service to Basketball – Finlay Chandler
Service to Basketball – Toby Longmire
Service to Basketball – Ashar Te Rata
Service to Basketball – Dominic Smith

10A Best & Fairest Player – Ben Pignatelli
10A Best Defensive Player – Giles Strachan
10A Most Improved Player – Rory Donnellan
10B Best & Fairest Player – Cameron Vincent Hull
10C Best & Fairest Player – Joseph Dametto
10D Best & Fairest Player – Ethan Hervir
10E Best & Fairest Player – Nate Devereux
10F Best & Fairest Player – Lucas Simcocks
10G Best & Fairest Player – Charlie De Carvalho
10H Best & Fairest Player – Digger Callander

9A Best & Fairest Player – Angus Peshos
9A Best Defensive Player – Petris Kalpouzanis
9A Most Improved Player – Jonte Garvey
9B Best & Fairest Player – Lachlan Gibbins
9C Best & Fairest Player – Ben Cromer
9D Best & Fairest Player – Will Anstis
9E Best & Fairest Player – Lachlan Jones
9F Best & Fairest Player – Bowie Wanda
9G Best & Fairest Player – Jude Sheppard
9H Best & Fairest Player – Sam Hill

8A Best & Fairest Player – Philip Falaniko
8A Best Defensive Player – Liar Barhaim
8A Most Improved Player – Phoenix Miconi
8B Best & Fairest Player – Aidan Busteed
8C Best & Fairest Player – Otto Murcutt
8D Best & Fairest Player – Hugo Black
8E Best & Fairest Player – Luca Green
8F Best & Fairest Player – Axel Stapleton
8G Best & Fairest Player – Sullivan Dominy
8H Best & Fairest Player – Liam Walmsley

7A Best & Fairest Player – Lachlan Bayly
7A Best Defensive Player – Darcy Kidd
7A Most Improved Player – Ngakau Hiroti
7B Best & Fairest Player – Riley Carr
7C Best & Fairest Player – Charlie Hamilton
7D Best & Fairest Player – Kingsley Turinui
7E Best & Fairest Player – Oliver Serret
7F Best & Fairest Player – Cody Chen
7G Best & Fairest Player – Oscar Mac Domhnaill
7H Best & Fairest Player – Brandon French
7I Best & Fairest Player – Langston Bled
7J Best & Fairest Player – Palmer Hill

CAS Champions – 7B

CAS Champions – 7E

CAS Champions – 7F

CAS Champions – 7G

CAS Champions – 9A

CAS Champions – 9B

CAS Champions – 9G

Weekly Careers Newsletter

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.

Click here to view the Week 8 careers newsletter


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator

Last Thursday saw the biggest day in the swimming season with the CAS championships. This is the evening the swimmers train towards all year, and once again they did not disappoint.

The evening saw many fantastic performances with multiple students achieving new Personal Bests. We also had some very close races where we managed to get to the wall only inches before the other schools.

CAS Swimming and Diving

CAS Swimming and Diving

CAS Swimming and Diving

This year was also the first time in four years that we were able to have a stadium full of supporters, and the difference it made was incredible. The cheering and support from the Year 8s and Year 11s was second to none, and they definitely helped towards many of those close finishes.

The evening started well, with our Juniors stealing the limelight by finishing in podium positions in their 50m freestyle races, to give us a strong start. At the first points score update we were confidently in fourth, with Barker not far out of reach in third.

As the evening went on, the cheering became louder and the swimmers were even more determined to perform, and they did not disappoint. The final relays are always the most exciting with our 13s and 14s once again taking centre stage, by placing in both of their races. The support did not falter and all our boys performed to their best for their final swims.

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships

Impressive Results

As the results came through, we were proud to keep our fourth position, closing the gap to third a little more, every year. The evening had its highs with our Junior School students, Roman Szabo, Hugo Bindner and Jacob Roorda competing at a high level against secondary school students.

We also awarded our CAS swimmer of the night to Ryan McNamara, who won all of his individual races which is an incredible achievement!

CAS is also a sad night as we say goodbye to our wonderful Year 12s, who have been fantastic members of the swim team over the years. So a huge congratulations to Scott Swinburn, Luke White, Carter Hjorring, Campbell Groves, James Clarke, Andrew Moloney and Declan Strong. You will be greatly missed by all the team.

Well done to all the boys for a fantastic season, and here’s looking ahead to moving into that third spot next year!

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships

CAS Swimming and Diving Championships