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This week, Dr Prue Salter from Enhanced Learning Educational Services ran a study skills evening with Year 7 parents and students.

The evening helped families assess what changes could be made to help students move towards achieving their personal best, efficiently and effectively. Families examined the following areas: home study environment, the way they organise and manage their resources, how to work effectively at home and deal with distractions, and how to manage the workload in high school.

Families also have access to a video about the steps to studying in high school: making study notes, learning the notes by testing yourself, and doing as much practise as possible. Parents/carers are encouraged to review the slides and handout from the session with students, and discuss the main areas identified where changes need to be made.

Parents/carers can also find extra study skills tips on the following website:

All secondary students at our College also have access to a great study skills website to help students develop their skills.

Go to
username: forwaverleycollegeonly
password: 94results

Two More Rounds of Summer to go

Waverley hosted local rivals Cranbrook in a number of fixtures last weekend. The Friday evening 1sts and 2nds Basketball was very well attended, and whilst the results did not go our way, the spirit and support was fantastic.

One of the highlights was the Year 8 Rock Band playing a Bon Jovi cover at half time in the 1sts, and they were outstanding. Thanks to these students, Mr Jesse Johnson and the Music Department for their impressive work with this.

Our Swim Squad also competed at the annual Christian Brothers Carnival where we successfully won the overall shield. This was a tremendous effort considering we had so many students competing over the weekend at the State Nippers, State Oztag, State Athletics and Metropolitan Swimming Titles.

Well done to those students at the Carnival, as well as all the students competing in a range of State competitions.

Swim squad representatives, Luke and Scott, at the annual Christian Brothers Carnival where we successfully won the overall shield!

Swim squad representatives, Luke and Scott, at the annual Christian Brothers Carnival where we successfully won the overall shield!

State Athletics Mentions

As part of the State Athletics competitions, I want to especially congratulate the following students on qualifying for the National Titles in April.

Ricardo Zanapalis at the CAS Track and Field Championships in 2022

The incredible Ricardo Zanapalis at the CAS Track and Field Championships in 2022

Final Home Round Hosting Trinity and Thank Yous

This week, we have our final home round hosting Trinity Grammar School. We are once again playing on Friday evening for Basketball, and any supporters must be in full summer uniform.

I also want to wish all Year 12 students the very best for their final home match, and also thank all of their parents/carers, particularly those who always assist with BBQs, lunches, canteens and functions.

Please Support Our Presentation Evenings – Aquatics, Basketball and Cricket

We also have a number of Presentation Evenings coming up for Aquatics, Basketball and Cricket and we hope to see as many members of the College community at these as possible.

Good luck to all activities this weekend!

The Big Brother Little Brother program matches our Junior School students in Year 5 with our Senior School students in Year 10, to provide guidance and friendship with the aim of becoming a long-term positive role model. 

Throughout the year, students connect with their brothers twice per term, to allow for genuine friendships to form, the building of trust, mutual respect and collaboration. By the time our Little Brothers start Year 7, their Big Brothers are in Year 12, and this helps to provide a positive start to their Senior School experience.

The first session of Big Brother Little Brother began last Friday. Teamed into House groups, the boys began with a ‘Getting to Know You’ activity to find out more about each other.

Later activities in the year will include Big Brothers designing their own activities to deliver to their Little Brothers, demonstrating their leadership, creativity and teamwork work skills.

A big thank you to all the Heads of House and Junior School staff who assisted on the day to make the program possible.


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director of Student Formation

Student Report


On Friday, the 1st V faced off against Cranbrook at home in a once-in-a-lifetime atmosphere with a crowd of 300+ people. Unfortunately, Cranbrook was able to get the better of Waverley, with the game going down to the wire. The final score was 78-80, with the final play deciding the game.

The boys were led by Marko Rangan’s dominance as he scored countless times when Waverley needed it. The game started off in Waverley’s favour, as they got ahead to a strong start, 19-11. However, Cranbrook went on a run, ending the second quarter in the lead by 10 points.

After the amazing half-time rock band performance, Cranbrook pushed again as Waverley began to dig themselves out of a 17-point hole. The boys were motivated by Tom Gleeson, as they brought the lead to a tie.

Unfortunately, the team couldn’t hold it down and ended up losing such a close game. Good luck to the 1st V who face off against Trinity at Waverley next Friday night, a game that will surely be great to watch.


Before the 1sts, the still undefeated 2nd V suited up to play against a top-of-the-table clash with Cranbrook at home. Unfortunately, the boys fell short to some free throws, as Cranbrook conquered the crowd once again, winning 39-41.

The game was close the whole way, with the boys going into half almost tied up. They were led by Aren Yaghoubian’s offensive efforts, as he got to the line multiple times in the second quarter.

In the second half, the boys were led by Ehren Little’s defence, as his size and athleticism helped prevent multiple points with fantastic blocks, to keep Waverley in the game. Unfortunately, the boys were not able to finish off the game with multiple missed baskets, however, they strongly fought for the entirety of the game.

Good luck to the 2nd V who also faces Trinity at Waverley next Friday night, another top-of-the-table clash as they try to maintain their 1st place spot.


On Saturday, the 10As faced off against a tough opponent in Cranbrook, in their new gym courts. The boys were unfortunately not able to overcome Cranbrook’s tough defence, as they fell short 53-65. They were led by Kayden Baker, Ben Pignatelli and Giles Strachan.

10A Basketball

10A Basketball

10A Basketball

10A Basketball

10A Basketball

10A Basketball

10A Basketball

10A Basketball

10A Basketball

10A Basketball

10A Basketball

10A Basketball


The 9As were fortunately able to defeat Cranbrook in a close game at Cranbrook, with many 1sts and 2nds players in attendance to support. The team were led by Angus Peshos’ leadership and Jonte Garvey’s hustle, as they closed out the tight game, winning 44-38.


The 8As played a tough Cranbrook team, first thing Saturday morning. The boys played the most dominant and organised half of basketball in the first half, ending the half 44-12, as they were led by Dom Dametto, Phil Falaniko and Duke Thomas. They ended up dominating the game, coming up on top with the final score, 67-34.


Daniel Palacio (Captain of Basketball)


Convenor’s Report

1st V

Local bragging rights were at stake when the 1st V and 2nd V took on our closest rivals, Cranbrook, which had only posted a single win to date. The 1st V won this fixture at Cranbrook’s new stadium in Term 4 by 13 points, but as has generally been the case in recent times, these games are usually close affairs that are decided by similar margins.

By the time the game had started, a sizeable crowd had assembled to watch the game that included about 50 Cranbrook student supporters as well as around 200 Waverley student supporters. The game began under the raucous cheering of each school’s supporters and, as has not been the case in most games this season, Waverley began the game well, jumping out to a 17-11 lead by the end of the first quarter.

Unfortunately, a poor second quarter by Waverley saw Cranbrook post 26 points to Waverley’s 9, which gave Cranbrook a 37-26 advantage at the big break.

The 1st V were able to lift their game in the third quarter, matching Cranbrook point-for-point, but were unable to eat into their opponent’s advantage, and the quarter ended 61-51 in Cranbrook’s favour. Knowing that they needed to really lift their game to overhaul Cranbrook in the final quarter, Waverley outscored their rivals by 27 to 19 points, but some key missed shots and turnovers in a frantic finish, meant it was not enough to win the game.

The 1st V take on cellar dwellers Trinity next game, and will be looking to finish the season on a high.

2nd V

The 2nd V also won their Term 4 fixture against Cranbrook, 48-12, and came into the game with a one-win buffer over Trinity. It was a close first quarter with neither school able to create any substantial advantage, and it ended 11-8 to Waverley.

In the second quarter, Waverley started to exert some ascendency over their rivals, pushing out to a 20-9 lead by half-time.

During the third quarter, the 2nd V were able to extend their lead to a game-high 13 points, however, Cranbrook was able to claw their way back into the game to pull within 6 points, and close out the quarter 32-26.

The final quarter saw Cranbrook draw level with Waverley early on, and then take the lead halfway through. The remaining half of the game was frenetic as both teams traded baskets to share the lead. With 13 seconds left, Cranbrook scored to take a 2-point lead. On the next possession, the 2nd V was able to score 1 point from a free throw after being fouled to be 39-40. With less than 3 seconds left, Waverley was forced to foul Cranbrook on their possession. The resulting made free-throw saw Cranbrook take a 41-39 lead. With 3 seconds still left on the clock, a last-ditch effort at a 3-point shot under pressure went agonisingly close to falling in.

The 2nd V were bitterly disappointed with the loss, but will have no time to dwell as they take on a Trinity side in their next game, that was able to win their fixture and draw level with Waverley on 7 wins for the season. The 2nd V will need to improve their shooting percentage if they are to get over the top of Trinity and go into the last round against Barker, with a one-win advantage over the team from Summer Hill.

10As, 9As, 8As, 7As

The 10As sit 5th on their ladder, the 9As remain in 1st place after their win, still two wins ahead of their next rival, the 8As win sees them move to equal 3rd, while the 7As are still searching for their first win after drawing with Knox in their first game.

7A Basketball

7A Basketball

7A Basketball

7A Basketball

7A Basketball

7A Basketball

7A Basketball

7A Basketball

Other Games

In other games, Waverley was highly successful against Cranbrook winning the majority of our fixtures including impressive results across our Year 7-10 cohorts: 3rd V (35-29), 4th V (44-27), 10D (38-25), 10E (43-37), 10F (47-32), 10G (34-22), 9A (44-38), 9B (39-20), 9C (38-22), 9D (35-26), 9E (30-29), 9G (28-20), 9H (35-23), 8A (67-34), 8B (45-30), 8D (60-27), 8E (31-26), 8F (31-28), 8G (24-14), 8H (20-0), 7B (38-33), 7C (51-31), 7D (40-15), 7E (48-18), 7F (77-14), 7G (48-8) and 7H (54-4).

Supporters’ Club BBQ

If you can help on our Supporters’ Club BBQ for one hour this Saturday, before or after your son’s game, please contact Rachael Smith 0412 693 243

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. The program is looking to purchase and upgrade more backboards and rims for the campus, and the Saturday BBQ is our primary means of fundraising.

Annual Basketball Presentation Night – Saturday, 18 March 2023, 6pm-8:30pm

Book tickets now for our annual Basketball Presentation Night, which will occur the week after the final CAS round against Barker.

Click here to view more information and to book tickets

Basketball Presentation Night Flyer

Good luck to all teams this week against Trinity!

This fortnight, Year 8 Visual Arts students have been enjoying the bright weather, drawing ‘En plein air’. Setting up in different locations around the College, students have been learning one point and two point perspective drawing skills.

These quick sketches outdoors will form the composition for individual landscape artworks referencing artists Jeffery Smart, David Hockney and Howard Arkley.

Charlie Company did a great job on Friday with their Hutchie activity, mastering their knots and hutchie construction for a weatherproof shelter on AFX. Moving night locations each day on camp means that, by the end of camp, our recruits will be experts at quickly setting up and taking down a shelter.

Delta Company enjoyed the Snake Man who brought in his live reptiles to explain what to look out for when in the Australian bush. While waiting for their turn with the snakes, Delta worked really well on their basic Drill Skills, mastering Right Dress, Right Turn, Attention and At Ease.

AFX 2023

*Registration for all cadets attending AFX was due on Wednesday, 1 March.

Thank you to the parents/carers who have completed the Google Form.

If you have not attended to this, please click the button below to do so as soon as possible, as final plans for rations and medical requirements need to be finalised to ensure the best care for your son on camp.

Click here to complete the Google form

Q Store

There are still recruits who have not yet collected their second set of DPCU from the Q Store. Recruits from platoons 9-12 are also invited to now collect their uniform.

Parents/carers, please be aware that Q Store will be open until Friday, 24 March 2023. There will be no provision to issue any gear after 24 March. If your son only has one set of uniform when packing for camp, he will have to make it last the week.

Four weeks to go!

Munich – Salzburg – Vienna – Padua – Lausanne – Milan

Expressions of interest are sought for a Music Tour to Europe including cities such as Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Padua, Lausanne and Milan in June 2024.

The tour is open to all new and existing Waverley College musicians, choir and ensemble members. If you are unsure as to your eligibility, please speak to a member of the music staff.

An information evening will be held on Tuesday, 7 March 2023 at 6pm in the Performing Arts Centre Theatre (PAC), Waverley College, 131 Birrell Street Waverley.

A Tour Operator representative will be attending to share details of the planned tour. EFTPOS facilities will be available on the evening for tour deposits.

Click here to indicate your expression of interest by Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Click here to view the Music Tour concert flyer

Year 11 Entertainment, SLR and Marine Studies students are required to undertake a First Aid Course as part of their studies. This course will be delivered by Australian Lifesaving Academy, NSW, and requires the successful completion of both an online First Aid module and the attendance at a face-to-face practical day at Waverley College.

The boys should have already enrolled in the course, and they will shortly be emailed directly by the course provider with details on how to log on and complete the online component. Students need to have their USI (unique student identifier) number for this purpose.

NOTE: The online component needs to have been successfully completed before attending the practical day.

The practical component of the course will be delivered at the College in the Fitzgerald Room on Friday, 10 March 2023. The course will begin at 8:45am and conclude at approximately 3pm.

Boys must be dressed in their school uniform.

All participants must bring the following to the training day:

The total cost of the course will be billed to parent/carer accounts.

Parents/carers are invited to give their permission in the notification email that will be sent to them.

Any questions should be directed to their class teachers please.

During the forthcoming school holidays, the University of Wollongong and Tottenham Hotspur will offer an ‘Elite Football Camp.’

The Program runs from Wednesday, 12 – Friday, 14 April 2023.

For the first time, this camp will be hosted at Waverley College, from 10am-3pm.

The Program is open to students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12, who are looking for an intensive football training program which covers more than just the on-field components of the game.

Robert Gold has been working closely with Waverley College in the last year to establish a strong relationship between us and the University of Wollongong.

We hope many Waverley students will take advantage of this unique and valuable opportunity.

Click here to view more information


Email Robert Gold for further information:


Mr Steve O’Donnell

Director of Co-curricular

The Year 12 students studying Design & Technology will be attending SHAPE 2023 at the Powerhouse Museum. 

Students will engage with industry professionals in a masterclass session. This will allow Year 12 students to examine the marking guidelines relevant to their subject, and gain understanding of the marking guidelines. 

Students will unpack projects in the exhibition and see the standard of HSC work, looking at Band 6 HSC projects presented from around the state from the 2022 HSC.

In addition there will be a variety of aspects of the accompanying folio.

Excursion Details – Friday, 17 March 2023

Assemble: students assemble in the Braidwood area, 8:30am

Travel: we will walk to Bondi Junction to catch the train to Central Station, then walk to the Powerhouse Museum at 500 Harris Street, Ultimo

Dismissal: students will be dismissed from the Powerhouse Museum around 2:15pm to make their own way home

Uniform: full school Summer uniform is to be worn

Missed Classes: it is your son’s responsibility to ensure he completes the work from classes missed on the day

Lunch: students are required to bring a packed lunch to eat during a break outside the venue

Cadets: any student who has Cadets must inform us, so that they can be released early to get back to school by 3:15pm

Cost: approximately $80, billed to your account


Please feel free to email me at

On Saturday, the mighty 8As looked to avenge their previous loss to Cranbrook, at the hallowed turf of Queens Park. The boys had to step up with two players away on State Nippers and Oztag duties. After winning the toss and electing to bat, the energy was high.

After losing an early wicket, Sebastian Loyd-Paul (23) and Henry Reid (30) steadied the ship to put on a 41-run partnership. Henry and William Roberts (33) then played extremely well, putting on 69 runs together that put us in a position to have a defendable total. After the 32 overs, Waverley ended up on 5/132.

In return, William Shelley (2/21) started his spell with tight bowling to remove both openers and get us off to a flyer. The spin twins then restricted any scoring opportunities, with Lachlan Chalmers taking 2/6 off his six overs.

Some fantastic fielding from the team, taking six great catches, and therefore restricting Cranbrook to be all out for 86 in reply. Henry Reid also bowled extremely well with figures of 4/13 off 5 overs.

The boys have played extremely well this season with four wins, and looking to finish strong with another two!

I hope you enjoy the photo above, taken at the fall of another Cranbrook wicket, highlighting the fantastic camaraderie between the boys.

In support of the Visual Arts and Design curriculum, Years 11 and 12 Visual Arts students will be attending an excursion to the Art Gallery of NSW on Thursday, 23 March, 2023.  

Students will attend the ARTEXPRESS Lecture from 2022 High Achievers and explore the exhibition to provide further stimulus and direction for the practical components of the Visual Arts, HSC Major Work.

Students will also explore the new North Building Public Gallery spaces to broaden their understanding of audience participation in installation and traditional works.

Excursion Details: Years 11/12 Visual Arts – AGNSW – ARTEXPRESS Excursion  Organising Teacher: Ms Jenna Turnbull
Date: Thursday, 23 March 2023 

Term 1, Week 8

Location: Art Gallery of NSW (Art Gallery Road)


Start time: 9am

Students are to meet at school for their name to be marked off. 

Students will have a half an hour for recess and lunch at the Domain Park. There are limited food outlets in the area and students must bring their own packed recess and lunch. 

Supervision will be provided during this time.
Students will be released from the Art Gallery of NSW at 3pm.  

In the permission note, there is an opt in/out for this dismissal. And if students have co-curricular activities on at school, they must return to school for their co-curricular. 

Uniform: Students are to wear full academic school uniform (including blazer)
Transport: Students will be travelling via public transport. They will be walking from the school grounds to Bondi Junction station, walking to the Art Gallery of NSW from Martin Place Station.
*All students are required to bring a loaded Opal card. 
Cost: $35.00

Click here to view and complete the permission slip

*Please complete this permission slip no later than Thursday, 16 March, 2023 (Week 7)

If you have any questions regarding the excursion, please do not hesitate to contact the Visual Arts Department.