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In order for our cadets to enjoy water activities on the Annual Field Exercise (AFX), all cadets need to be swim tested in their cadet uniform, and 12 Platoon started this process last week. Over the course of the next two terms, each platoon will have the chance to demonstrate their capacity to swim 25m and tread water for 2 minutes in their DPCU shirt and pants. We are grateful to St Catherine’s for providing the venue for this competency test.

All Recruit Companies have now been trained in the AAC Defence Youth Safety Program which guides our young people in appropriate behaviours when interacting with each other, with rank, with staff, and in the online environment. Those who have not yet completed this training will need to complete it online with the AAC. An email with further details will follow.

Next week, Friday 16 September, is the last Cadets for this term. We wish all in the Unit a safe and enjoyable break over the school holidays, and look forward to welcoming you back in Term 4, when we will enjoy archery, the climbing wall, the Golden Boot Competition, among other activities building fieldcraft skills in the lead up to AFX.


MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU


As Coordinator of the College’s Indigenous Education Program, Walawaani, Ms Maakrun was fortunate to join ten other EREA staff from across Australia on the Edmund Rice ‘Let’s Talk’ cross-cultural immersion program within Aboriginal communities in rural NSW.

Over 2,750 km Travelled

Over 2,750 km Travelled

The partnership between the Edmund Rice Centre, Edmund Rice Education Australia and the Aboriginal communities of North-West NSW, is based on a philosophy of experiential learning and critical social analysis, supporting the educational achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people and furthering reconciliation in Australia.

Bush Food Education

Bush Food Education

The program makes a connection across the urban-rural divide between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, focusing on issues of peace, identity, human rights, socio-economic issues and reconciliation.

The group visited Dubbo, Myall Creek, Moree, Lightning Ridge, Goodooga and Brewarrina, with the journey integrating dialogue with locals and elders in visited places, and engagement with places of significance to the Aboriginal people of north-west NSW.

Visited sites included: the Myall Creek Massacre site of 1838, the 1965 Freedom Riders protest at Moree Baths, an Aboriginal Cemetery, the Brewarrina Missions and the Hospital Creek massacre site. The immersion included knowledge about bush foods, medicines, artwork and awareness and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander spiritualities. 

Myall Creek Memorial

Myall Creek Memorial

The experience was truly inspirational and very memorable, with a number of relationships built with other EREA schools to further enhance our Walawaani program. It is also hoped that this unique experience could possibly be shared by some of our students and staff in the future.


Ms Marie-Anne Maakrun

Assistant Director of Identity & Student Formation


On Friday, 2 September our Years 11 and 12 Senior Geography students embarked on their field trip to North Narrabeen Coastal Environment Centre (CEC).

The day was heavily centred around the Preliminary course topic Biophysical Interactions, looking at Coastal Sediment Budgets and Dune Succession, as well as the HSC topic Ecosystems at Risk, in particular the beach itself, the Lagoon and Dune systems. A further key syllabus point for these courses is the management strategies that can aid in the ecological sustainability of this environment.

Upon arrival at the CEC, Tim, one of the qualified educators, provided Waverley students with an innovative presentation. Tim discussed the local landscape, its history and the issues being faced due to natural beach movement, urban development and storms such as East Coast Lows.

Students learned about Narrabeen’s geographical structure, and how it makes it significantly susceptible to coastal erosion. This was highlighted by watching a short time lapse video of the annual changes the beach, dunes and lagoon endure. 

>>> Click here to watch the video: CoastSnap Shoreline Tracking Technology: North Narrabeen CoastSnap Station

The most vulnerable Australian coastlines are those that are made up of unconsolidated sediments, such as beaches, dunes and sand cliffs; areas that experience erosion and longshore drift. Narrabeen on the Northern Beaches has seen its fair share of storms, also known to geographers as East Coast Lows. In 2016 and again in 2020, the beach profile was extremely impacted with approximately 25 metres of the beach being swept away due to storms, abnormal high tides and strong winds.

Students were shown the following timelapse video of the 2016 East Coast Low and its impacts on a set of 10 residential buildings:

>>> Click here to view the video Narrabeen Coastal Imaging Timelapse June 2016.

Students then embarked on a bushwalk to Narrabeen Headland (a high vantage lookout area), to visualise Narrabeen’s topography and to utilise their field sketching skills. A walk along the beach followed, where each student used geographical instruments to obtain primary data at regular intervals across the dune transect. A pod of dolphins joined in on the action, happily playing not far from the shore. 

The day ended with a visit to South Collaroy, the location of two enormous sea walls designed to mitigate any future impacts of East Coast Lows. The seawalls consist of a Vertical Sea Wall and an angled rock wall called a Rock Revetment. Students were surprised to learn that 80% of the money required to build these walls came from local residents, with the remaining 20% being paid equally by the Local and the State Governments. 

I was particularly impressed by the students’ enthusiasm to learn and participate. Undoubtedly, this experience will be of great benefit in preparation of their upcoming exams. Lastly, a special thanks is extended to Mr Brad Thompson for being our designated driver on the day.


Ms Rebecca Sutcliffe

Stage 6 Geography Teacher


The NSW School of Languages is a distance education school run by the Department of Education that offers 12 languages for study from Years 9-12. The courses are taught in a blended mode, including online coursework (completed during the scheduled school study lessons in the library), and a weekly 20-minute speaking lesson (delivered online).

The languages available in 2024 are: 

Enrolments are being accepted for students from Waverley College who would like to study an accredited course with NESA (NSW Education Standards Authority) and in Years 11 and 12 which count towards your ATAR.

NSW School of Languages Course Information

Application Form for 2024

Should you require further specific details about your course of interest, please view the NSW School of Languages website or contact Ms Quintana via email or on 02 9369 0619.



Ms Priscilla Quintana

Head of Languages

Private music lessons are well underway. Students are to be reminded to check their schedule, be punctual to their lessons and inform the teacher at least the day prior, if they are unable to attend their scheduled lesson. We have excellent, well qualified peripatetic teachers at Waverley College and lessons are available on a large variety of instruments. 

Parents who would like to enrol their son to commence instrumental lessons are encouraged to complete the following online application form. Private Music lessons are not compulsory, but are strongly encouraged for students performing in the many ensembles on offer at the College.

Music Festival 2021

>>> Click here to view and complete the Private Music Tuition Form.

Any student who wishes to learn an instrument, or join an ensemble, or the Rock Band program, are welcome to visit the PAC and speak to any of the music staff.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to call the Music Office 9369 0623 or email


Ms Keiran Kossenberg

Performing Arts Centre Coordinator


Congratulations to Guy Hammerschmidt (Year 12) on completing and receiving his certificate for his 8th Grade AMEB Trombone Examination. A huge milestone in his musical journey!

Waverley is very proud of you.

Guy Hammerschmidt

Guy Hammerschmidt


Mr Chris Balkizas

Head of Music


The term ‘Literacy’ is all too often considered to belong solely to the domain of English; the task of developing reading and writing skills assigned to the English teacher. However, as our Year 12 students prepare diligently for their upcoming HSC examinations, it is clear that reading, writing and literacy skills play an integral part in ensuring success in every single subject.

The Australian Curriculum defines Literacy in broad terms stating that:

“students become literate as they develop the knowledge, skills and dispositions to interpret and use language confidently for learning and communicating in and out of school and for participating effectively in society. Literacy involves students listening to, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and creating oral, print, visual and digital texts, and using and modifying language for different purposes in a range of contexts.”

With this in mind, as part of their ‘Ed Sheeran Mathematics Tour Assignment’, students in Years 7 and 8 have been given the task of composing a ‘Compare Contrast’ paragraph using Writer’s Toolbox, our new innovative program and online educational writing tool. 

Ed Sheeran Mathematics Tour Assignment

In order to ensure quality teaching and learning, Mr Bill Roberts (Head of Library), Ms Phoebe Guirguis (Head of Mathematics), Ms Mary Ryan (Literacy Coordinator and English teacher) and Mr Michael O’Connell (Maths teacher), have worked collaboratively to deepen the learning of our students. 

The specific goal is to develop students’ literacy skills through the subject of Maths, while allowing students to take ownership of their learning through meaningful and relevant tasks that reflect their interest. Mr Roberts composed a wonderful Literacy task which reflects the need for cross-curricular literacy skills.

Calling Budding Writers Who Wish to Publish Their Work

Publishers Studio, an initiative supported by Northern Beaches Council Arts and Creativity Grants Program, provides budding writers between the ages of 10 – 18 with a wonderful opportunity to publish their work. Publishers Studio also offers invaluable advice to all students who wish to write and need some helpful tips on how to get started. This is a wonderful initiative and their website is well worth a look. 

>>> Click here to view information about Publishers Studio.

Publishers Studio


Ms Mary Ryan

Literacy Coordinator and English Teacher


Last Wednesday evening, Conlon House celebrated our House Mass and Supper. After two years of COVID-19 preventing our Conlon families from joining us, it was wonderful to see the chapel full of all our families.

A special thank you to those who made this wonderful celebration possible. Fr Robin Koning s.j. for celebrating the mass, our wonderful musicians Mr Blenkinsopp and Ms Dolzo, our fabulous choir (including teachers), our Prefects, our dedicated mentors, and all Conlon House students and families for contributing to such a beautiful and meaningful celebration.

Conlon House Mass 2022

Conlon House Mass 2022


Ms Cathy O’Sullivan

Head of Conlon


Please find below the schedule for the Year 12 Tutorials in Term 3, Week 9.

Topics covered during the tutorials include content revision, study skills, exam preparation and practice papers. These tutorials have proven extremely valuable and, while not compulsory, are strongly encouraged.

Date Subject Time Room Teacher
Monday, 12 September 2022 English Standard: Mod A 3:30pm – 4:30pm K13 Michael Couani
Tuesday, 13 September 2022
Business Studies 3:30pm – 5:30pm W33 Adam Wallington/Sean Picone
SOR I & II 3:30pm – 5:30pm W22A Martina Cooper/Cath Stewart
Wednesday, 14 September 2022
Maths Ext 2 3:30pm – 5pm E32 Steven Hall
PDHPE 3:30pm – 5:30pm GHR Patrick Darvill
Thursday, 15 September 2022
Engineering Studies 7:30am – 8:30am Library Silvia Baylie
English Advanced: Mod B 7:30am – 8:30am K13 Michael Couani

It is important that we know attendance numbers, so teachers can prepare accordingly. To that end, the expectation is that students who register for the tutorial, attend. Rolls will be taken to assist us to manage the program. The cut-off time to register for morning tutorials is 3pm the day prior.

Ms Lauren Ryan has emailed the registration sheet to students to register their attendance at the tutorials.


Ms Elizabeth Watson

Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning


Weekly Careers Newsletter

>>> Click here to view the weekly Careers Newsletter.

Please see me if you require any further assistance or information.


Ms Kath Knowles

Senior Studies & Careers Coordinator


Diary Dates

Please find below key event dates you need to be aware of for the Junior School in Term 3. For all of the College events, please refer to the College calendar. 

R U OK? Day

This week, we acknowledged R U OK? Day. This is a national day of action when Australians are reminded that every day is the day to ask, ‘are you OK?’ and start a meaningful conversation whenever they spot the signs that someone they care about, might be struggling with life.

On Thursday, 8 September, students were invited to make a wrist band to mark the day. A splash of yellow might be all that’s needed to spark a conversation and awareness about this great cause.

2023 Year 7 School Fees – Accounts Department 

All Year 6 parents whose son is continuing into Year 7 next year, are reminded that as per the updated conditions of enrolment and as indicated on the College website from 2023, for all Year 7 enrolments, Term 1 tuition fees are charged in Term 4, in the year prior. This applies to continuing Year 6 (2022) students into Year 7 (2023). Year 7 will still receive an invoice in Term 1, 2023 for any applicable sundries, excursion fees, sibling discounts and camps. Please be advised that if this payment is not made by the due date, your son’s enrolment will be forfeited, and his place will be offered to a waitlisted candidate.

The account will be issued around 26/09/2022 with the due date for payment by 4pm on 14/10/2022.

Kids Giving Back Charity

I would like to acknowledge Noah Nunn, Harry Neylon, Taj Gadd and Oscar Litchfield who recently participated in community programs at the charity, Kids Giving Back. They were among over 500 young people who produced over 13,500 hot meals, soup, salads, fruit kebabs, breakfast boxes, snack packs, care packs and decorated tote bags, with empathetic, positive messages, which were distributed to 13 charities around Sydney.

These four very special student volunteers have helped many vulnerable people, many of whom were affected by this year’s floods. Kids Giving Back deeply appreciate their service to others and the kindness they have shown through their actions.


Ms Gabby Smith

Director of the Junior School



Visual Arts Club – Bookings Open

Summer Art Club Expressions in Clay

Summer Art Club Expressions in Clay

Expressions in Clay: Texture Through Sculptural Form.  

Summer Art Club 2022/2023

Visual Arts Club will be offered at Waverley as a Summer activity for students from Years 5-12. It will commence Term 4, Week 2, 2022. 

Visual Arts Club provides an opportunity for students to build skills in critical and creative thinking. This summer, students will be introduced to: Expressions in Clay: Texture Through Sculptural Form.  

Each student will be introduced to a range of ceramic handbuilding techniques such as pinch-pots, slabs and coiling techniques to build the fundamental form for their ceramic sculpture.

Natural and synthetic textures will be used to create impressions in the clay, forming crevices to catch and control glaze. Students will be involved in the firing and glazing process, learning glaze theory to further extend their knowledge on how clay bodies react when heated.

In Visual Arts Club students will:

Cost: $110.00
Materials: all materials will be supplied (all works will be bisque and glaze fired)
Session times: select ONE from the following:


Ms Natalie Oates

Head of Visual Arts – Senior School



Year 5 Activism Day

On Thursday, 15 September (week 9), Year 5 will be taking part in our first ever ‘Activism Day’!

In our English unit ‘Stand Up and Be Counted’, Year 5 have been examining the ways in which authors communicate their passions and causes with the world. They have been working on their own speeches in class, taking inspiration from Greta Thunberg.

On Activism Day, Year 5 will hear from three speakers who have taken their passion for making a difference in the world and put it into action. We will hear from a Human Rights Lawyer, an Environmental Activist, and a representative from the charity Take 3 For the Sea.

After our assembly, we will all head out to have a positive impact on our local community by taking part in a cleanup of some of our local areas.

In the afternoon, we will return to the College for our speech finalists to give their incredible and impactful speeches to the rest of Year 5 and a panel of expert judges, who will decide on an overall winner. 

On the day, we will be off site for recess and lunch, so no canteen orders will be available. Boys need to wear their sports uniform for the day and bring their recess, packed lunch, and a water bottle. A google form will be sent out to you by your son’s teacher to give your son permission to take part in the cleanup.

We are so excited about our inaugural Activism Day, as a culmination of all of the hard work happening in our English classes, an opportunity to showcase some of our outstanding change makers of the future, and a real-world application of our learning.


Ms Charlotte Stephens

Year 5 Indigo Classroom Teacher



Home Learning – Week 9

>>> Click here to register your son.

No Home Learning on Tuesday, 13 September due to Staff Meeting.

If your son is unable to attend, please contact the school via email at or call reception.

Year 5 Public Speaking Competition

Our Year 5 students gained experience in a vital life skill – Public Speaking. Presenting to an audience can be daunting, but utilising our newly-learned techniques, each student presented an engaging speech.

The heats held during their Learning Hub sessions created a hum of excitement, and it was clear that all students were highly engaged in this initiative.

Winners were chosen and progressed to the school finals on Monday, 5 September. 

The six finalists took it all in their stride, and stepped up confidently to deliver their speeches once again.

Our adjudicators Ms Emma Halpin and James Peate (Year 9) had a torturous decision to make, as the standard and quality of all competitors was so high.

Congratulations to our finalists Sebastian Karhan, Taj Gadd, Cormac Maher, Ceilim O’Kelly, Will Thompson, Samuel Powell and our Public Speaking Champion 2022 Cormac Maher.

L-R Sebastian Karhan, Taj Gadd, Cormac Maher, Ceilim O’Kelly, Will Thompson and Samuel Powell

L-R Sebastian Karhan, Taj Gadd, Cormac Maher, Ceilim O’Kelly, Will Thompson and Samuel Powell

Ms Emma Halpin, winner Cormac Maher and James Peate

Ms Emma Halpin, winner Cormac Maher and James Peate

Cormac Maher with his parents

Cormac Maher with his parents

Drawing Club 

Drawing inspiration from our guest author and illustrator, Sami Bayly, during our weekly drawing club session proved to be fun. The students experimented with watercolour paints. Watercolor is a wonderful, versatile medium – and one that scares some artists. The students did an excellent job experimenting with it. 

They focused on the Blue-and-yellow Macaw, one of the dangerous creatures in the book The Illustrated Encyclopaedia of Dangerous Animals.

Drawing Club

Boyd Haslam

Boyd Haslam


Ms Natasha Zivanovic

Literacy & Innovation Teacher



Recommencement of Summer Co-Curricular Sport

It is exciting that we’re near the end of Term 3, with Summer sport returning just after the holidays. With the majority of students having a rest period from school sports while Athletics has been taking place, I wanted to get Summer season training started early. 

Summer training will recommence from Monday, Week 9 (Monday, 12 September) until the end of term. This will give students the opportunity to reconnect with their team and coach from Term 1, and get back to sports training. A number of teams will have new coaches, as it is difficult retaining them between two terms. Some cricket coaching positions are close to being finalised, which is why some are listed as TBA.

I have included two training schedules, as it will be slightly different for some sports in these next two weeks. Tennis and Water Polo will continue with one training, due to lack of availability on campus and externally. Please refer to both Term 3 and Term 4 schedules to be fully organised and prepared. The two documents are below:

  1. >>> Click here to view the Weeks 9 and 10 Training Schedule.
  2. >>> Click here to view the Summer Co-Curricular Training Schedule.

Students are expected to pack the appropriate gear and attire for their training, as in Term 1. No students will need to bring equipment for their training, including Cricket, as there won’t be net sessions until Term 4. 

Due to a Junior School staff meeting next Tuesday afternoon, 13 September, the following adjustments have been made:

 The finalised Term 4 draw will be released in the final week of this term, including the address maps document and any other relevant information.

External Sporting Achievements

Luca Bassera competed over the past two weekends at the Australian Nationals Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championship in Melbourne and the NSW Winter Cup in Sydney. He was awarded a silver medal at Nationals in his division, and Gold this past weekend at the NSW competition.

A massive congratulations to Luca, and moving forward, we look forward to seeing you compete at the highest level.

Luca Bassera

Luca Bassera, Australian Nationals, Melbourne 2022

Luca Bassera, NSW Winter Cup

Luca Bassera, NSW Winter Cup


Mr Jack Wachtel

Assistant Director of Co-curricular (Years 5-8)



News From 6 Gold


This term in English our topic is ‘Make Yourself Heard.’ Students have undertaken a close study of historical fiction and graphic novels. The main subject matter explored in these texts relate to social justice issues of the marginalised, notably, refugees and asylum seekers.

We have just finished reading Illegal by Eoin Colfer and Andrew Donkin. As a class, we not only looked at the powerful storyline, but we delved deep into the visual techniques used in this graphic novel such as: vectors, salience, colour, body language and gaze. From this, students created their own graphic novels and annotated them in detail.

Class English

Class English

Class English

Class English


Class English


This term, the Science topic is ‘Sustainable Citizens.’ The purpose of this unit is for students to recognise that everyone’s actions have an impact on the environment. Through learning about materials, sustainability and waste, students will develop a genuine interest in environmental sustainability that is important for the survival of human beings.

Up-cycling is one area students have looked at this term. Up-cycling is taking an old object and giving it new life. Our planet has a lot of people on it and we produce a lot of rubbish, so students were tasked with finding objects at home that they could up-cycle. As you can see below, they turned their trash into treasure! 

Class Science

Class Science

Class Science

Class Science

Visual Arts

This term, the topic for visual arts is ‘Art of Asia.’ Students are appreciating and re-creating a number of art forms found in the region of Asia. Students designed their own pagoda. Their task was to examine a variety of images of pagodas and to discuss the different designs and styles, e.g. upward curving roof, many tiers. They then commented on the elements of art they could see such as: line, shape, form, colour, texture and space. Students were then tasked with designing their own pagoda. As you can see below they did an incredible job! 

JS Pagoda art

JS Pagoda art

JS Pagoda art

JS Pagoda art

Ms Gaby Bransby

Assistant Director of Junior School and Year 6 Gold Class Teacher


Wishing all fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers and father figures a Happy Father’s Day on Sunday. I also acknowledge families who have lost fathers and grandfathers over this year, and in previous years, and we keep them in our prayers on a day that can be challenging. 

Father’s Day allows us to reflect on the important role fathers and father figures play in helping to shape character through their love, guidance and devotion. Fathers and father figures contribute to their children’s social skills, including the development of bonding, empathy, self-discipline and behaviour.

I enjoyed attending and thanked fathers and father figures for their presence at the Junior School’s Father’s Day Mass, held at Mary Immaculate today. I thank all fathers and father figures for the positive impact they can play in their children’s health and wellbeing, and include this prayer for all. 

Dear God,

Thank you for all the fathers and father-figures in this world and for the many ways you use them to lovingly guide others to Your heart. I ask that you bless them and give them great joy and peace. May they see You and know You in new ways. Show them how much you love them and care about them. Guide their steps, use their hands, and make them a blessing to others as you continue to fulfill your special purpose for their lives.


Br Brian Murphy 

Our thoughts and prayers are with Brother Brian who underwent back surgery today, to alleviate some significant pain and discomfort. We wish him a speedy and pain-free recovery. 

HSC Drama

Congratulations to the following Year 12 students who performed to a high standard last Tuesday evening, in front of parents, carers and staff: Jonty Booy, Aaron Carswell, Dexter Craddock, Cjuba Lord, Daniel McSweeny, Finn Nebauer, Jay Palm, Michael Richmond, Daniel Risk, Tom Sheehan, Lachlan Varcoe, and Achilles Zanapalis.  

Market Day

This week saw the return of Market Day on the senior campus, which was a great success. I congratulate the staff and student organisers who clearly put a lot of thought and effort into their stalls and businesses.

I also congratulate the whole College who helped create a busy and well-behaved marketplace experience. 1,200 students plus staff, all went about their business in the corner of Braidwood with good humour and eyes for a market stall delight. 

I am sure there was some parent assistance behind some of the amazing quality food options – thank you! The total amount raised will be donated to The Chris O’Brien Lifehouse and R U OK? charities. 

Next Thursday, 8 September is the national day of action for R U OK? Day. This has traditionally been a very well-supported Waverley Community event. Please support Conlon House who will be coordinating a Bake Sale – all contributions are welcome and can be dropped off at the Wellbeing Centre.

>>> Click here to view Ms Cathy O’Sullivan’s R U OK? Day article.

Free HSC Help Webinars Zoomed from NSW State Library

The NSW State Library will deliver online HSC Help webinars that provide exam tips and a chance for students to ask questions of experienced teachers who are subject experts on:

Students also have the opportunity to request information from Library staff about resources to help in the final weeks of study.

>>> Click here to register and to learn more about session times.


Congratulations to Lachlan Miranda (Year 10) who has been selected to participate in the inaugural Civics and Citizenship Program at NSW Parliament.

Congratulations to James Peate (Year 9) and Kayden Baker (Year 9) who have been selected to join the National Student Executive Leadership Group for ERA for Change Australia.

For more details on each of these achievements, please read Ms Watson’s article.

>>> Click here to view Ms Elizabeth Watson’s article.