2017 CAS Rugby Premiers
From the Deputy Head of College, Patrick Brennan
At last week’s assembly I once again reminded the boys about the importance of wearing the College uniform correctly and with pride particularly at Queens Park on Saturday where our performance on the field had to be matched with our uniform and behaviour off it.
Across the historic day I can confidently say that in front of 5000 spectators, Waverley College were the best both on and off the field.
Our uniform and behaviour sends a clear message about our school and the people who attend it. Wearing the uniform correctly is a sign of respect to the College and the entire school community. The blue and gold uniform that we wear demonstrates to the public the ongoing cultural change occurring at Waverley College and makes a statement to Sydney that we are ready and mean business.
Driving to School
Many senior students have their driver’s license and the responsibility and independence that comes with this privilege.
The College supports license holder’s right to drive to and from school. It is the College’s expectation is that students drive in a lawful manner and be mindful of the local road regulations and parking restrictions around the College.
From time to time the College receives complaints from the public about boys parking across driveways, driving in a dangerous manner or boys sounding their horns or calling out of their cars. All of these actions are illegal.
The College will support the New South Wales Police and Waverley Council in enforcing the road rules. Young males are overrepresented in statistics associated with motor vehicle injuries and fatalities. This is for your safety.
Any information supplied to us by a member of the public identifying a Waverley College student not respecting the rights and responsibilities that come with driving a motor vehicle will be dealt with accordingly by your Head of House or member of the College Executive. This is for your safety.
Safe driving.
Waverley Bowling Club
There is currently a proposal to sell the Waverley Bowling Club in Birrell Street.
Many in the community believe that a high density residential development is not the best use of the site. This will also impact the College in terms of our co-curricular program and a significant increase in traffic in an already busy area of the eastern suburbs.
Easts Leagues own the bowling club and are have called a member’s meeting on Tuesday 22nd August @ 5.30pm at their Bondi Junction premises (93-97 Spring St) to vote on the proposal. Club members are eligible to vote on whether the proposal should proceed.
I would strongly encourage all members of the Waverley College community to reflect on the negative impact these changes would have in our local area.
Please pass this information on to old boys, residents or other parties who would be directly affected by this proposal.