Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Bivouac is fast approaching, and we are looking forward to taking our recruits on their first Cadet adventure.
On Friday, 25 August, cadets are asked to come to school in their DPCU Field Dress, complete with field hat, and their backpack labelled and packed with their gear. There will be designated areas on the lower tennis courts to store bags in Company locations until lunchtime.
Cadets will form up in bus lines on the Centenary Quad directly after lunch.
Legacy Day
The Cadet Unit will be supporting local Legacy branches by selling badges and bears on Friday, 1 September to the local community. There will be cadets at Charing Cross and Bondi Junction, so please look out for them and support this worthy cause. Merchandise will also be available in the Staff Common Room and to students at recess. Cash only, I’m afraid, so please come prepared.

Image: courtesy Legacy website