What a busy start of the year at Book Hire!
Once again, a very warm welcome to the Waverley family and to all our new students.
On the first two days of Term 1, we successfully distributed almost 474 packs to Years 7 and 8 students, followed by hundreds of textbook class sets completed within the first weeks of term across all subjects.
A Few Book Hire Points Worth Noting
- When issued, each textbook is scanned under each student’s profile in our ILMS (Integrated Library Management System) and their name written on the inside front cover of the book.
- If a student is absent when books are issued to their class, the teacher will send the book back to Book Hire. If this happens to your son, he will need to come in person to pick up the book(s), ensuring that the textbook is given to him, rather than left unattended in classrooms.
- Students should not lend or swap books with other students. All books are issued to students directly. Please note that these books are their responsibility (to look after and return), not the responsibility of the respective teacher. This is especially crucial to remember when returning the books at the end of the school year.
- It is particularly important for parents/carers and students to remember that if a textbook is damaged or lost, the cost to replace the book incurred by Years 7-11 students will be added to the school fee account. In the case of Year 12, the outstanding amount will be deducted from any deposit, before released by accounts. We always make sure to send numerous reminders to both students and parents/carers before any replacement costs are charged to the school fee account.
- Should you have any questions regarding the above, please feel free to email me at bookhire@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Book Hire Opening Hours 2023
- Monday: 8am-4pm
- Tuesday: enquiries can be made via the Senior College Library (I do not work Tuesdays)
- Wednesday-Friday: 8am-4pm
Here’s to many happy book borrowings ahead!