To celebrate two great annual events on the Australian educational calendar – National Book Week (Week 6) and Science Week (Week 5) – the library will be combining forces to promote both with our mega book giveaway competition.
We have 11 books to give away (one per family) in total worth $279.00.
Competition Question
*In 25 words or less, tell us your memorable science memories or moments.
We will share the winners and responses in future Nurrunga editions! We are hoping to get lots of entries.
Email your entries to librarystaff@waverley.nsw.edu.au
Good Luck!
Giveaways – Choose From These 11 Titles
Beyond DNA
Benjamin Oldroyd
NEW! Out September 2023
Made by Humans
Ellen Broad
The Weather Obsession
Lawrie Zion
A Hostile Beauty
Alistair Dermer and Danielle Wood
Little Species, Big Mystery
Debbie Argue
When Galaxies Collide
Lisa Harvey-Smith
The Advocates
Robyn Gulliver and Jill L Ferguson
Sunburnt Country
Joëlle Gergis
Name that Flower: The Identification of Flowering Plants
Ian Clarke and Helen Lee
My Forests
Janine Burke
Backyard Insects Updated Edition
Paul Horne, Denis Crawford