From Academic Enrichment Coordinator, Stephanie Boyce
The BRAINways Camps are programs offered by BRAINways Education in conjunction with a number of universities across Australia. The program has two components: a two-day immersion and a challenge.
Participation in the immersion days grants the students the opportunity to complete a submission in the Summer Camp challenge.
Available from Years 5 – 8, a range of different events are available:
Humanities – for students year levels 5-8 – Topics:
The Power of Positioning: Advertising and Media
A World Apart: Heroes and Villains
Where Did You Get the Idea: The Origin of Knowledge
Do the Ends Justify the Means: An Ethical Debate
Mathematics/Science – for students year levels 5-8 – Topics:
Defense Forces: The Science of Immunology
The Heart of a Star: Nuclear Chemistry
What’s Wrong with Reality: Wave-Particle Duality
Out at Sea: The Algebra of Navigation
Registrations are now open! For more information click here.