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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Brennan and O’Connor Celebrate 2022 House Masses

This week, both Brennan and O’Connor Houses celebrated their House Mass and Suppers. After two years of COVID-19 preventing our Waverley families from joining us, it was wonderful to see the chapel full of all our families.

A special thank you to all those who made these wonderful celebrations possible. Fr Bernie for celebrating the masses, our wonderful musicians Mr Balkizas and Ms Dolzo, the fabulous choirs from each of the Houses, our Prefects and of course our Heads of House, Ms Downey and Mr Barr for coordinating such wonderful celebrations.

Quinn House Mass is next Thursday, and we look forward to welcoming all our Quinn families then.


Ms Sue Walsh

Director of Identity & Student Formation
