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Academic Curriculum

Bronte to Bondi Geography Field Trip

From Head of Geography, Adam Wallington

 Stage 5 Geography: Year 9 Environmental Change and Management Bronte to Bondi Field Trip

Sydney is world renowned for its beautiful coastline and beaches. Waves and the ocean make up part of the fabric of summer in Sydney. Also, etched in buildings and walls throughout the city is evidence of Sydney’s Hawkesbury Sandstone; the parent material found in the cliff faces between Bronte and Bondi.

On Melbourne Cup Day, Tuesday 7 November 2017, a low pressure system accompanied by strong southerly winds generated a powerful south-east swell. This atmospheric system provided a perfect backdrop to explore coastal processes such as weathering, erosion and longshore drift. Simply put; waves, wind and salt wearing away rocks and removing sand from beaches. Together, these processes result in a dynamic and ever changing coastal landscape.

Field trips and ‘first hand’ learning experiences are an authentic and extremely beneficial way to learn. They allow students to ‘open their eyes’ to their local environment. As part of Year 9 Stage 5 Geography course, Waverley students study Environmental Change and Management. This requires an exploration of biophysical processes; the relationship between the atmosphere, water, earth and other living things. On the day, boys were required investigate coastal processes, make observations and records, complete sketches, evaluate management strategies and assess risk factors between Bronte and Bondi. A worksheet and activities were completed and performed at various intervals.

I would like to commend the Year 9 students on their manner and level of engagement throughout the day. Also, I’d like to extend a special thanks to the Geography Department consisting of Mr. Thompson, Ms. Walker, Mr. Langdale and Mr. Brophy along with special guest budding Geography teachers Mrs. Tanner, Mr. Bryant, Mr. McCallum and Mr. Coleman. Without your support and enthusiasm, the day would have never happened.