From Head of Religious Education, Martina Cooper
Year 11 Studies of Religion: Buddhism alive in the classroom and on excursion
Studies of Religion focuses on significant aspects of different world religions and their influence in the life of adherents. During Term Two, the focus in Year 11 is on the places of worship for different religions. Excursions were organised to allow students to appreciate and witness how Buddhists and Muslims practise their faith. One excursion group went to the Gallipoli Mosque, Auburn where students were introduced to prayer experience at a Mosque and another three excursions were to the Nan Tien Temple, Wollongong. Here the students engaged in tai chi, meditation and a vegetarian lunch. These immersions contribute greatly to the deeper understanding of what it is like to adhere to another faith and they also help to bring the curriculum alive.
In the classroom, students of Buddhism have enjoyed the opportunity to further engage in a game of life called Enlightenment. This game was developed by Mr Ian Purdie the father of Max Purdie in Year 12. The purpose of the game is to engage students in a game of life, and subsequent lives, in the quest to reach enlightenment. It is somewhat like Monopoly but in this instance the players attempt to gain merit and karma, rather than property. It can be noisy and competitive while teaching Buddhist concepts and terminology. It is hoped that the students will learn from these experiences while also realising the rich history and wisdom of their own faith.