Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Please click here for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021
Cadet Passing Out Parade and Annual Award Ceremony
This Sunday, we farewell our Year 12 cadets after five years of service to the Waverley College Cadet Unit. These incredible young men have formed such close attachments – to the Unit, to their cadets, and to each other – and it will be an emotional time for them as they wear their uniform for the last time at Passing Out Parade on Sunday. We are incredibly proud of their leadership over the past year and the inspiration they have been to the cadets that follow. We thank them for their dedication to, and belief in, the Cadet program.
This is also the occasion to congratulate cadets who have demonstrated exemplary conduct and upheld the tenets of the AAC – service, courage, respect, teamwork and excellence – at our Annual Cadet Awards Ceremony.
On Sunday, all cadets and CPL are to form up in Winter Barracks Dress no later than 10.15am on the driveway in their Companies.
- SGT, WO2 and CUO are to be in Ceremonial Dress 4Z.
- CUOs – don’t forget your Sam Brownes.
Parents are most welcome to attend the Parade which starts promptly at 11am. Seating will be available on the upper levels.
2021 Promotions Courses
As we say goodbye to the Senior Ranks of 2021, we turn our attention to training our new leaders to take us into 2022. A reminder to all parents to register their child for Promotions Courses by Monday 7 June if they wish to apply for promotion. Numbers need to be finalised with the venue on this date.
Click here to register for 2021 Promotions Courses
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
E: jdekantzow@waverley.nsw.edu.au