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Cadet Promotions Courses

Commanding Officer Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

During the school holidays, 107 cadets gave a week of their precious holiday time to attend the Waverley College Cadet Promotions Courses, learning valuable skills in leadership, team development, instruction and field skills, in order to lead the Unit in the 2024/2025 Cadet Year.

Successful candidates have been posted to their new positions of responsibility across the Unit and this Friday, 26 July we will celebrate the promotion of our successful candidates at the Rank Induction Ceremonial Parade.

We congratulate the new Senior Cadet Under Officer, CUO Lachlan Isaac, as he leads the Unit into the coming year.

Congratulations CUO Lachlan Isaac

It gives me great pleasure to announce the leadership team for the 2024/2025 Cadet Year.

Regimental Headquarters (RHQ)

Senior Cadet Under Officer (SUO)      CUO Lachlan Isaac

2IC                                                       CUO Amelie Salem

Adjutant                                              CUO Taj Lynn

Training Officer                                   CUO Yannick Hott

Operations Officer                              CUO Rohan Baker

Logistics Officer                                  CUO Daniela Comino

Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM)     WO1 Renato Rovacchi

Company Commanders

A COY COMD –                                    CUO Abigail Salem

B COY COMD –                                     CUO Fox Stapleton

C COY COMD –                                     CUO Natalie Ha

D COY COMD –                                    CUO Cameron Vincent-Hull

E COY COMD                                       CUO Alexandra Coffey

SPT COY COMD –                                 CUO Harry Ballesty

Company Sergeants Major

A COY –                                                WO2 Chiara Marshall

B COY –                                                WO2 Nicholas Scerri

C COY –                                                WO2 Luke Nezval

D COY –                                                WO2 Oliver Bracic

E COY –                                                WO2 Ben Darcy

SPT COY –                                            WO2 Finn McCarthy

Duces of Courses

JLC Course                                           CPL Claudia Lynam

SLC Course                                          WO2 Oliver Bracic

CUO Course                                        CUO Lachlan Isaac

Students of Merit

JLC Course                                           CPL Isabel Hunstead

SLC Course                                          WO2 Chiara Marshall

CUO Course                                        CUO Rohan Baker

The whole Unit, including Year 8 recruits, will parade for the first time on Friday, 2 August, and we are looking forward to an engaging and dynamic year ahead.

QCS Store Hours:

All recruits should now be equipped with their Cadet uniform and gear.

Any uniform issues or exchanges can be done from week to week at the QCS Store under the Grange Building on Wednesday – recess,  lunch or after school.