CDT Hunter Eldridge Thinking Through his Ratel
>>> Please click here for the Waverley College Cadet Unit Key Dates 2021.
As we come to the end of each Cadet Year, we look to the future and prepare our leaders to command the Unit for the coming year. The 2021 Promotions Courses will take place in the school holidays and we have 51 keen candidates for the Junior Leaders Course, 25 for the Senior Leaders Course and 26 applying to become Cadet Under Officers. We thank our candidates for giving of their school holiday time to further their leadership development at this residential camp and look forward to their command of the Unit for our new recruits in Term 3.
For our new Recruits from Year 8 and St Catherine’s, uniform issue and platoon placement will be finalised during the school holidays. Please keep an eye on your emails.
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
E: jdekantzow@waverley.nsw.edu.au