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Cadets 2024

MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow 


Welcome back to Cadets for 2024.

This Term will be a busy and a short one as we make our final preparations for Annual Field Exercise (AFX – Cadet Camp) to be held in the last week of Term 1. This camp doubles as the Year 9 Camp for Waverley Boys and is a compulsory week of school. Our Senior Rank are working very hard in the background, planning an exciting and engaging camp that extends our recruits, as well as their own leadership skills.

All members of the Unit will receive the AFX Joining Instruction this week, along with the Equipment List and instructions for completing medical and dietary information. Please attend to the administration requirements by 1 March 2024 to ensure the best possible care for your sons.

Cadet training continues this Term after school on Friday afternoons from 3:30pm – 5:30pm. Please avoid making medical and other appointments during this time. Should your son be unable to attend due to illness or unavoidable clashes, an application for leave can be made via email to

I would ask all parents/carers and cadets to please take note of key dates below for the first half of 2024. In particular, if your son is interested in pursuing rank and leadership training, please note the Promotions Course dates in the July school holidays as attendance on course is a pre-requisite for promotion.

FRI 2 FEB Home Training First parade for 2024
FRI 9 FEB Golden Boot Competition
FRI 16 FEB Home Training
FRI 23 FEB Home Training
FRI 1 MAR NO CADETS for recruits School Swimming Carnival
FRI 8 MAR Home Training
FRI 15 MAR Home Training
THU 22 MAR AFX Safety Briefing Last parade for our recruits
FRI 5 APR AFX Advance Party Departs Selected senior cadets only
SUN 7 APR AFX Main Body Departs 0630 Whole Unit including Recruits
FRI 12 APR AFX Ends 1630 Whole Unit including Recruits
SUN 28 APR Intention Forms Due Decision to continue Cadets
WED 1 MAY Waverley College ANZAC Ceremonial Parade Selected cadets
SUN 16 JUN Passing Out Parade Year 12 graduation and annual awards ceremony
MON 15 JUL – SAT 20 JUL Promotions Course Camp – Winbourne Conference Centre For recruits to train to become a Corporal