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Cadets News

Commanding Officer Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Each week, O Group – comprising the Senior Rank of RHQ and Company Commanders – meets on Monday afternoons to plan the upcoming weeks’ Cadet activities and set the Routine Orders to be passed down the Chain of Command.

The Chain of Command is an important aspect in building trust in the Unit, and is part of the incremental leadership training our rank undertake when fulfilling their responsibilities.

Passing commands down the Chain of Command says to lower ranks, “I trust you in your role and I trust you with this information. I know that you will pass it on for the care of your cadets.” To the higher ranks it says, “I trust that the information you are giving me is correct and I respect that you have entrusted me with this duty.” The Chain of Command is an effective communication tool that allows all to work together for the good of the Unit.

A COY COMD - CUO Matteo Paolella

A COY COMD – CUO Matteo Paolella

At O Group on Monday, the SUO reminded all rank of the importance of respect when communicating with cadets. This was reflected also at the Leadership Assembly this week, when the Unit’s Logistics Warrant Officer, WO2 Bert Cottell, in his role as College Vice Captain, spoke of the importance of servant leadership and treating people with respect.

The motto for the Class of 2023, “Speak with Respect. Act with Integrity”, is an important message for all to consider and one that we heartily support in the Cadet Unit.

Senior Cadet Under Officer (SUO) - CUO Kayla Heng

Senior Cadet Under Officer (SUO) – CUO Kayla Heng

In a compulsory activity, there are always going to be cadets who use their strength of character in unhelpful ways, and addressing these cases with maturity and respect is not always easy, but it is a part of growing up, and learning how to deal with these difficult situations will stand our cadets in good stead in the adult world.

For cadets who make poor behaviour choices on Friday afternoons, there is a simple Charge System to remind them of the importance of working together for the greater good. If your son or daughter has incurred one or more of these 15-minute charges, this will be spent with me the following week, giving back to the Unit the time they have taken from training, in a tangible way in Q Store. I thank you for your support as we work towards respectful and enjoyable relationships across all platoons.

We wish our CAS Milskills Team all the best tomorrow, as they compete in the CAS Military Skills Competition against Barker, Knox, Trinity and St Aloysius’ for the coveted trophy, and thank them for their diligence and commitment to Milskills training across Term 3:

Meg O’Connor and Oliver Malzard (Team Leaders), Rohan Baker, James Birbas, Deuchar Dezarnaulds, Remy Frampton, Archie Godby, Emma Hartwig, Lachlan Isaac, Thomas Jackson-Whitlock, Declan McAuliffe, Campbell McCarthy, Robert Muir, Hayley Paddock, Campbell Porteus, Ruben Stock and Aodhan Williams.