CAS Drill Competition
It has been a busy week in the Cadet Unit, with our CAS Drill Team performing brilliantly at the CAS Drill Competition on Wednesday, 31 May. Hosted by Waverley College at St Catherine’s School, we welcomed our friends from Barker, Knox, St Aloysius’ and Trinity, competing for the CAS Trophy with a challenging Drill routine.
While Trinity went home with the trophy, our team was exceptional in their preparation, their uniform, their team spirit and their drill execution. Expertly commanded by the RSM, WO1 Angus Birrell, they were deservedly proud of their performance.
Thank you and congratulations to: WO1 Angus Birrell, WO2 James Birbas, WO2 Emma Hartwig, WO2 Oliver Malzard, WO2 Meg O’Connor, WO2 Hayley Paddock, WO2 Luca Patrick-Watkins, SGT Matthew Garrop, SGT Mitchel Ho, SGT Campbell Porteus, SGT Reuben Seroa, SGT Aodhan Williams, SGT Zara Wiseman, CPL Kimmi Bilmon, CPL Daniela Comino, CPL Toby Fernandez, CPL Yannick Hott, CPL Lachlan Isaac, CPL Lara Karlovsky, CPL Lachlan Marzol, CPL Renato Rovacchi, CPL Amelie Salem, CPL Abigail Salem, CPL Benjamin Webb.
Passing Out Parade
Sunday was a very special day in the Cadet Calendar as we farewelled our graduating Year 12 Cadets at the conclusion of their years of service to the Unit. The Annual Passing Out Parade and Awards Ceremony is a wonderful opportunity to bring our parents and community together to celebrate the successes of the year.
Reviewed by COL Nicholas de Bont, Commander NSW AAC 2nd Brigade, our Unit paraded proudly for the last time under the command of the SUO, Kayla Heng. Our cadets were resplendent in their Ceremonial DPCU, demonstrating their respect for tradition, for the Cadet Unit, and for our Senior Ranks as they complete their leadership of the Unit.
Congratulations to our 2023 Prize Winners for their dedication and commitment to the Unit over the past year:
Waverley College Cadet Unit 2023 Awards
Most Efficient Cadet in the Field
A COY CDT Dante Fearn and CDT Archie Campbell
B COY CDT James Grant
C COY CDT Ryan Murphy and CDT Finnian McCarthy
D COY CDT Ben Cromer
SPT COY CPL Jacques Dezarnaulds
Most Efficient JNCO Awards
A COY CPL Archie Godby and CPL Amelie Salem
B COY CPL Daniela Comino and CPL Yannick Hott
C COY CPL Taj Lynn and CPL Lachlan Marzol
D COY CPL Sophie Jasczyk
SPT COY CPL Jamie Vanderkemp
Commanding Officer’s Most Improved Award
SGT Will Sweetman and CPL Will Priddis
Commanding Officer’s Efficiency Awards
WO2 James Birbas, WO2 Oliver Malzard, WO2 Hayley Paddock, WO2 Luca Patrick-Watkins, SGT Kai Jones, SGT Marcus Kastrissios, SGT Alice Lee
Commanding Officer’s Commendation for Excellence in the Field
CUO Hugh McDonald
The Commanding Officer’s Commendation for Outstanding Contribution to the Unit
CUO Alistair Isaac
The Christopher Blenkinsopp Award for Contribution to Music in the Waverley College Cadet Unit
CPL Lachlan Isaac
The Johnny O’Keefe Award for Excellence in the Band
CUO Hugh McDonald
The ADF Long Tan Award 2022 (Presented at Final Assembly 2022)
Year 10 Cadet Waverley College SGT Lachlan Miranda
Year 12 Cadet Waverley College CUO Zachary Straker
Year 10 Cadet St Catherine’s WO2 Emma Hartwig
Year 12 Cadet St Catherine’s CUO Vanessa Kimpton
The ADF Future Innovators Award 2022 (Presented at Final Assembly 2022)
Year 10 Cadet CPL Bailey Barker
Year 12 Cadet CUO Christopher Kallo
The Adventure Training Award 2023 (Presented by Australian Army Cadets at Lake Barrington, Tasmania)
WO2 Luca Patrick-Watkins SGT Jack Ryan
SGT Jett O’Halloran SGT Charles Thompson-Owens
The Major General Charles H New for Outstanding Leadership in the Field
WO2 Meg O’Connor
The Major F S Farrell Trophy for General Excellence in a Senior Specialty Platoon
CUO Max Van Buuren
The SGT Bede Kenny VC Memorial Award for the Most Efficient NCO
WO2 Robert Muir
The General Cosgrove Shield for the Most Efficient Senior Specialty Platoon
SIGS Platoon (Received by the RSO – CUO Paul Muir)
The Major F D Marzorini Shield for the Most Efficient Platoon
9 Platoon (Received by Platoon Sergeant – SGT Zara Wiseman)
The Lt Col P R Frost Company Cup for the Most Efficient Company
A Company (Received by Company Commander – CUO Matteo Paolella)
The Officers’ Staff Cane for General Excellence in the Completion of Duties
CUO Thomas Gleeson
WO1 Angus Birrell
The Col R J Marr Cane DFC QC for Meritorious Service
CUO Sarah Teitler
The Maj General J A Chapman Cane for the Best Cadet in the Unit
Senior CUO Kayla Heng
Ceremonial Swords
We thank the Old Boys’ Union for their generous donation of a further five ceremonial swords to the Unit. This year’s swords were:
- The MAJ Evans sword presented by Tony Evans to the Unit RMO – CUO Ruben Stock
- The BRIG Lambert sword presented by Peter Lambert to the Unit RSO – CUO Paul Muir
- The CAPT Metzl sword presented by John Metzl to the X PL CUO – CUO Max Van Buuren
- The O’Sullivan Sword presented by Chris O’Sullivan and Family to the PNR CUO – CUO Darius Hall
- The MAJGEN “Alby” Morrison Sword presented by Peter Frost for the MEDIA CUO – CUO Mitch Cahill
The celebrations continued into the evening as our Year 10 and 11 Dining Stewards converted the gymnasium into a beautiful formal military mess, enjoyed by special guests from the AAC, St Catherine’s School, Waverley College and our Year 12 cadets, parents and carers.
As we end another Cadet Year, we thank the Year 12 cadets for their leadership, their commitment and their service:
CUO Christopher Armstrong, SGT Finn Backlund, WO1 Angus Birrell, CUO Tom Brenchley, CUO Mitchell Cahill, CPL Priscilla Chia, WO2 Bert Cottell, SGT Olivia Finn, CUP Catherine Fitzpatrick, CUP Thomas Gleeson, CUO Darius Hall, CUO Kayla Heng, CPL James Iatrou, CUO Alistair Isaac, SGT Kai Jones, CUO Lenny Jospeh, SGT Alice Lee, CUO Hugh McDonald, CUO Paul Muir, CUP Matteo Paolella, CUO Ruben Stock, SGT Declan Strong, CUO Sarah Teitler, SGT Caleb Urquhart, CUO Max Van Buuren.
Promotions Courses
Our attention now turns to developing our next leaders at the Promotions Courses from Monday, 26 June – Saturday, 1 July at Winbourne Conference Centre, Mulgoa. Registrations are now closed and we look forward to welcoming our largest ever contingent of future leaders on Course.
A preparation afternoon will be held from 3:30pm – 5pm on Friday, 16 June. All promotions candidates are required to attend this afternoon and form up will be on the Centenary Quad. During the afternoon, we are also conducting the X Platoon Barrier Testing for all Year 10 and 11 cadets interested in this special platoon.
For the rest of the Unit, I thank you for your commitment to Cadets over the past busy year and look forward to seeing you, along with our new recruits, at the Commanding Officer’s Welcome Parade on Friday, 21 July 2023.
Federation Star Parade
On Thursday, 15 June, the Waverley College Cadet Unit is hosting a special Commemorative Parade to recognise the outstanding service and dedication to the Australian Army Cadets and Waverley College of LTCOL(AAC) Peter Frost and MAJ(AAC) Anthony Evans.
The parade will take place at 5:30pm in the Centenary Quadrangle, Waverley College and will be reviewed by General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK AC (Mil) CVO MC (Retd). Following the Parade, cadets are released from their commitment, while light refreshments will be available for Old Boys and the adult Waverley Community.