Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Service, Courage, Respect, Integrity and Excellence. These are the core tenets of Australian Army Cadets, and it is through Service, through giving of ourselves for the good of others, that the other tenets are demonstrated.
There are many occasions in Cadets where we have the opportunity to serve, both within the Unit and without; ANZAC community services, Legacy fundraising and Remembrance Day, are visible and recognisable examples. But it is in helping behind the scenes, undertaking the physical and menial tasks without seeking accolade, that mark the esteem our cadets have for the Cadet Unit and the Cadet program.
Working Bee to Prepare AFX Stores
On Sunday, we held another working bee to prepare the many AFX stores required to take 380 people into the field for eight days without running water, without electricity, without access to Uber Eats.
I thank the following cadets for giving of their precious spare time in carrying out these tasks: Zachary Straker, Sachiel Bass, Charles Alexander, Darcy Ferguson, Owen Punch, Brandon Reid, Paul Muir, Liam McEvoy, Anika Bradford, Zara Wiseman and Oliver Malzard.
Laser Tag and Mobile Climbing Wall for D and B Companies
Last week, despite the inclement conditions of late, we managed to bring Laser Tag and the Mobile Climbing Wall into Waverley for D Company and B Company to enjoy.
No Cadets Today For Recruits
Our recruits will have a week’s respite from Cadets today (4 March), and our staff and Senior rank will use this time to discuss plans and logistics for AFX.
Collection of DPCU and Camping Gear from Q Store – Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday Lunchtime
By the end of this week, all recruits will have had the opportunity to collect their second set of DPCU and remaining camp gear from Q Store. If your son does not have their full complement of gear ready for camp, next week will be their last opportunity.
Please remind your son to come to Q Store at lunchtime on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday to collect their supplies. Otherwise, they will need to source their gear externally.
4 weeks to go!
MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Commanding Officer – WCCU
E: jdekantzow@waverley.nsw.edu.au