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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.

Cadets News and Events

MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow 


Last week, we welcomed back the biggest cohort of Cadets finishing their Recruitment year in recent history. I am so proud of these young men and women who have seen through the difficulties of their induction year and the huge impact that COVID-19 made on their engagement with the program. They have shown tenacity and insight and an openness to opportunity, and we are so excited they have chosen to continue their leadership and youth development with Cadets.

Welcome back Term 2 2021

Welcome back Term 2 2021

Honing navigation skills

Honing navigation skills

This result is also testament to the leadership of our Corporals, Sergeants, Warrant Officers and Cadet Under Officers, who have led by example and demonstrated the skills and attributes the Cadet Program instils through Friday afternoons, Promotions Courses and Camps.

This week, we start a three-week Bullring with each Company taking turns in the activities on offer. A Company will head out for some Indoor Rock Climbing at the Sydney Indoor Climbing Gym. B Company will extend their navigation skills in Queens Park and C Company will hone their proficiency with Ratel and radio communication in the school grounds.

The RSO - CUO Jack Priddis, teaching the phonetic alphabet in a Ratel lesson

The RSO – CUO Jack Priddis, teaching the phonetic alphabet in a Ratel lesson

A reminder to all parents that our Ceremonial Passing Out Parade, where we farewell the Year 12 cadets, takes place on Sunday 6 June at 11am. This Unit Parade is also the chance to recognise the excellent contribution Cadets have made across the Unit as we present the Annual Awards and Trophies. All Cadet parents are invited to attend.


MAJ (AAC) Ms Julie-Ann de Kantzow

Commanding Officer – WCCU
