Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow
Home Training 2024
Today is the last Home Training for our Recruits as they complete the first two terms of their Cadet experience. Cadets starts back with the Golden Boot Competition on Friday 7 February 2025. Be ready to test your field skills, physical prowess and Cadet knowledge as platoons compete against each other for the coveted Golden Boot trophy!
A big thank you to the SUO and his team of RHQ and Company Commanders for their constant commitment to Cadets, attending O Group every Monday to plan and execute the Training Program, commanding and leading the Unit every week, and modelling servant leadership as they run their weekly activities.
WEC Trek Award 2024
Our extension camp, WEC Trek 2024, will take place at Douglas Park from 6 – 9 December, and sees 30 of our top cadets competing in navigation, ratel, field skills, leadership and teamwork for the WEC Trek Silver or Gold Awards. We wish them all the best for their preparation and competition.
Merry Christmas
A huge thank you to our rank and staff for their enthusiasm and dedication across 2024. Corporals, Sergeants, Warrant Officers, Cadet Under Officers and Directing Staff, I thank you all for your ongoing commitment and passion, and for your belief in the vision of this youth development program.
We look forward to seeing you all again on Friday, 7th February 2025 and ask that you take a moment to note the Key Dates for the 2025 Cadet Year below.
I wish you all a safe and relaxing holiday and a very Merry Christmas.