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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Cadets Update

B Company Swim Testing

B Company Swim Testing

From Commanding Officer – WCCU, MAJ(AAC) Julie-Ann de Kantzow

With Cadets in full swing again, each Company is set with different tasks from the Training Program from week to week, in preparation for AFX 2021.

This term, we are focusing on personnel accountability and respectful behaviour. These fundamental components are crucial to planning an effective and engaging AFX. The Unit has been reminded of the importance of respect – for the Parade Ground, for their Uniform, and for their fellow cadets – and are working on standards of dress and bearing throughout this term. Accurate roll calling is an important responsibility for our Platoon Sergeants to master, and to ensure we get into good habits before camp, the rolls will now be taken at the beginning and the end of Cadets each week.

B Company has now completed their swim testing, ensuring proficiency in the event of any water activities on camp. A fun exercise in itself, the cadets swim 25m in their cadet uniform before treading water for 2 mins – it’s always easy to pick the water polo players! A and C Companies will have their turn over the coming weeks.

A reminder to all parents that if your son is away from part or all Cadets, for any reason, please complete a Leave Application Form on the Skoolbag App or send an email to the Commanding Officer.

SGT Pizzol showing how it's done

SGT Pizzol showing how it’s done