Tyler von der Heyden
From College Captain, Tyler von der Heyden
With the beginning of a new year at Waverley College each individual is presented with numerous opportunities to become involved and engaged in the culture and spirit of the school. Taking advantage of these opportunities can change a boring and unsuccessful year of school into an amazing year full of great experiences and lasting memories.
With the introduction of the new house wellbeing system this year, students and staff have the chance to integrate with students from every year and build strong relationships that will last the duration of their college life and possibly beyond. Working together with all members of the college community, we hope to create a cultural change over the course of the year and into the future. This change will include the shift to a more student driven daily College life.
In addition, the change to four prefects per house, each with his own personalised portfolio, gives our leadership body the ability to focus on a greater range of issues and communicate more effectively with the rest of the College. At weekly house meetings, the house prefects will be keeping the boys informed and updated on changes and initiatives we are working on and applying throughout the College as well as upcoming events. This includes the upcoming House Swimming Carnival in week three and the Friday night basketball game at home against Cranbrook on that same night.
As every year does, this year will go by more quickly than you think. It is important that the boys work hard this term as getting a good start will set them up for the year to come. Have a great year, challenge yourself and your peers and make it productive, successful and enjoyable.