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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption

Receiving Communion

From the Director of Mission, Phillip Davis

On Tuesday, 15 August, the Waverley College Community gathered in the Br Lacey Gymnasium to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of Mary. Fr Bernie Thomas ofm, College Chaplain, presided over our Mass in honour of Our Lady and gave a wonderful homily that emphasised the fact that Mary was always thinking of others, was constantly in the background making sure that her son Jesus was looked after, and is rightly considered the first ‘Christian’ as she followed and trusted implicitly the words and actions of Christ.

Fr Bernie reminded all that our own mothers are also always looking after our needs and that we should not take their loving concern for granted.

I would like to thank all the students and staff who had roles in the Mass: Music, Altar Servers, Readers, Gospel Procession, Offertory Procession, Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, PowerPoint preparation, Audio Visual projection. I would especially like to thank Mr Evans, Coordinator of the Sodality of Our Lady, for the time and effort he put into the preparation and managing of the Liturgy.

Finally, I would like to thank the student body for the prayerful and respectful way they participated in our Mass.

For a greater understanding of the Assumption, please click HERE.


Senior School Father’s Day Mass

Fathers and grandfathers of students in the Senior School are invited to join with their sons at an 8.10am Mass in the College Chapel on Thursday 31 August to celebrate Father’s Day.  This will be followed by light refreshments for you and your son in the Fitzgerald Room, Level 3, Main Building.

RSVP information will be circulated shortly.