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Christian Kitas Represents Waverley at the 2022 Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition

Debating 2021

On 29 April, Christian Kitas represented Waverley College at the illustrious public speaking competition: the Lawrence Campbell Oratory Competition. Held at Sydney Grammar, representatives from thirteen high schools were given fifteen minutes to prepare an eight-minute speech on an unseen topic. 

The topics for 2022 were: “I have ever hated all nations, professions and communities, and all my love is toward individuals”, “Some praise at morning what they blame at night, but always think the last opinion right”, and the most popular of the evening, “There’s a crack, a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.”

Christian Kitas 2022 Lawrence Campbell Oratory Comp

Congratulations to Christian Kitas for his oratory skills and confidence

Arguably, the most difficult of the public speaking competitions for students, the adjudicators look for intelligence, humour, expression, relevance to topic, and elocution in the students’ speeches. Whilst not placing, Christian represented both himself and the College proudly. He spoke about key concerns many teenagers face today, including the pressures of social media and the need to look beyond the superficial. 

Thank you to Miss Halpin for her organisation of the evening, and Miss Stephens for working with Christian to prepare for the competition. Congratulations to Christian for his oratory skills and confidence.


Miss Melanie Stephens

English Teacher
