15A vs Knox
Well done to all students on a hard fought and successful first round of co-curricular activities for 2018 against Knox.
Highlights included the last over win in the 1st XI again versus Knox, and the great performances of our new Year 7 teams – particularly the 7A’s cricket and Year 7 Tennis teams, who all had comprehensive victories against a strong opposition. We were also successful in the some of our Year 7 & 8 Basketball with the 8C’s recording a great come from behind win. Our 1sts Water Polo fought hard for a 5-5 draw and our table tennis and Judo groups also performed well.
This week we have our first home games of the year against St Aloysius’. This also includes the Prep 1sts and 2nds Basketball playing in the Lacey Gymnasium on Saturday morning. Our Swimming and Diving squads also have their first CAS Invitational this Friday at SOPAC from 6pm. Please remember that there a CAS codes of conduct for all players, coaches and officials and that this is also just schoolboy sport. One of the strengths of the CAS is the great collegiality amongst the member schools. Students need to be punctual to all fixtures and be dressed in full Waverley attire at all times, at all sporting venues both at home and away.
Well done to the number of students we had competing at the Oz Tag State Championships last week. Well done also to a large number of students who competed at the SLS Sydney Branch titles on the weekend. I am sure we will have a large contingent going to the State Nipper titles in March. If you are going and have not yet applied for leave, please do so asap.
Congratulations to Charles McGrath who recently ran a 1 min 58 sec 800m to qualify for the National Titles.
I also want to wish Stuart Swinburn and Erwan Le Pechoux all the best with their Commonwealth Games swimming trials. Hopefully we will see some current Waverley students representing at that high level! My congratulations go to Daniel Lim in year 12 for his fantastic win in Chess at St Aloysius last Friday against their number 1 Chess player. Well done also to Dane Towns for his continued great performance in high jump clearing 1.75m over the weekend.
Next week we have Summer sports photos. These will be taken before and after school corresponding to the training schedule. This is to reduce impact and disruption on class teaching time. Students will have their photos taken in the PAC foyer, and need to bring their full playing attire for the photos. The following Friday (February 23rd) we also have 1sts and 2nds Basketball playing at Cranbrook from 6pm.
Good luck to all activities this weekend and ‘Go the Waves!’
Waverley hosts cycling at Heffron Park on 10 Feb
Waverley hosts cycling at Heffron Park on 10 Feb