2017 16A Rugby
From the Director of Co-curriculum, Stephen O’Donnell
Well done to all convenors, staff, coaches, students and parents on a tremendous winter season. Obviously some of the highlights were winning the CAS 1st football and 1st rugby premierships, however, we also have had great continued success in debating, cross country, the re-emergence of volleyball, table tennis, AFL and other winter activities.
The time and effort put in by our convenors has led the successes we have had. We were premiers in rugby in 13A, 14A, 15C, 16B, 3rd XV and 2nd XV with all rugby teams winning over 80% of their CAS rugby fixtures. We also had some great successes in the Junior School with our Prep 1st, 2nd and 3rd football teams also going undefeated as well as our Prep 2nd and 10A’s rugby teams.
I had the privilege of attending last week’s presentation evenings for AFL, tennis and football and the numbers of parents and students in attendance was testament to the hard work and success of this season. The rugby presentation evening will be held this Friday in the college gym.
Track and field has now commenced, with our first invitational carnival at Homebush on Saturday 12 August. The training schedule and program has been emailed to all students and can also be found on the college website. Athletics is a great way to keep the momentum and successes of the winter season going. Any student is welcome to join the squad, so why not come along and have a go? The track and field season culminates with the CAS Athletics Championships at Homebush on Thursday 14 September. This event is also a compulsory supporter duty for Years 7, 9 and 12.
On Friday 11 August we have our summer sports check for all students in Years 7 to 11. We start pre-season training for A/B teams in cricket, basketball, tennis and 1st water polo from the week commencing Monday 21 August. Athletics students, however, are not required to attend pre-season training, because track and field is the priority. When we commence the summer season in Term 4, please note that all teams based on year groups will be named according to their 2018 year groups.
I want to make special mention of the Year 12 students who have completed their final co-curricular commitments for the college. The 2017 Year 12 cohort will be remembered for their leadership, camaraderie and the special things that they have achieved across a range of activities.
The positive change in culture and sportsmanship has helped in guiding us towards some great success this year. The number of old boys at Queens Park last Saturday is testament to that. Messages from old boys like Stan Dumbrell, who graduated in 1949, stating how proud they are, is a credit to these young Waverlians in Year 12. Those students in Years 7-11 should to use this as the model for their own successes on and off the field.
Good luck to all Athletes this weekend and ‘Go the Waves!’