From the Director of Co-curriculum, Pat Brennan
Exercise helps in all sorts of ways
The co-curricular program is an integral part of College life and is something that sets Waverley College and similar schools apart from most schools across the country.
The College’s primary co-curricular commitment lies in the sports and activities within the Associated Schools of New South Wales (CAS). In addition the College provides a number of sports and activities which run parallel to this competition including music, drama, debating, media club, lawn bowls, Australian Rules Football, rugby refereeing, Australian Rules Football umpiring and Duke of Edinburgh.
A growing body of evidence-based research suggests that regular exercise and physical activity significantly improves students’ cognitive abilities and academic performance, in addition to the immediate and long-term health and wellbeing benefits they experience.
Research suggests young people who are more physically active are better able to focus their attention on tasks, have improved working memory, are quicker to perform simple tasks, and have better problem solving skills than those who are less active.
Waverley College plays an important role in developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes young people need to adopt an active lifestyle, where physical activity is a regular and valued part of their daily lives.
In today’s sedentary world with excess screen time, high levels of seated workplaces combined with high kilojoule diets, co-curricular activities provide students with an additional means of exercise promoting a healthy lifestyle and engagement in lifelong physical activity.
Students develop the ability to set goals and strategies, work as a team, win with dignity and look upon loss as an opportunity to improve. Co-curricular participation also provides students with additional leadership opportunities.
The mental health benefits of co-curricular involvement exists throughout the literature with better self esteem and self worth as well as improved sleep patterns and reduced stress levels.