Summer Season Sport: Cricket
From the Director of Co-curriculum, Stephen O’Donnell
Welcome back to a busy Term 3. We have had successes in a number of areas over the break in a range of sports and activities.
Some of the highlights included:
- Ben Donaldson, Luca Moretti and Finn Wright being selected for the Australian Schoolboys Rugby side
- Marco Bell selected for the Australian Schoolboys Barbarians side
- Ben Donaldson, Luca Moretti, Brooklyn Hardaker, Marco Bell, Liam Cornish, Finn Wright, Will Johnston and Harry Whiteman selected and playing for NSW Rugby
- Joel Ellis and Will McCormick playing for the Combined States Rugby team
- Lewis Thompson competing for Australian Schools Athletics and winning gold at the Oceania Games in Fiji in the men’s U18 Discus and finishing 7th in U18 Shot Put
- Corey Spiteri winning gold as part of the NSW Team at the Cadets Foils Fencing Championships.
- Nick Blakey playing for the Allies AFL team
- Nikita Strbac representing Australia at the World Junior Water Polo titles
- Charles Negus representing Australia at the World Junior Water Polo titles
- Noah Havard, 1st in the 19 and under, and 2nd overall in the Surfski Long Course Open Water Harbour Series, Sydney
- Corey Spiteri representing NSW in the Cadets Australian Championships in Foil Fencing, Perth
We also had a number of teams training and playing matches. The 1st XI had a convincing win 5-2 over Scots with a number of younger players getting some great experience and game time. The 1st XV also had a convincing 50-21 win over a touring NZ Team from Mt Roskill. The 15As also went down narrowly in tough and wet conditions against a touring New Zealand team. Our middle distance runners also trained hard each week. A big thank you to all of the staff and students involved in training and matches.
This term is a busy term as we rapidly move towards the end of the winter season and straight into Track and Field. Some important dates include:
- Friday August 4th – AFL Presentation Evening in the PAC
- Saturday August 5th – Final Round of Winter Sport
- Saturday August 5th – Tennis and Football Presentation afternoon / evening
- Monday August 7th – Start of Track and Field season at Queens Park
- Monday August 28th – Winter Co-curricular photos
- Wednesday September 13th – House Photos and CAS Athletics Assembly
- Thursday September 14th – CAS Athletics Championships at Homebush
The first three weeks of Term 3 is also the time for any student who wants to change his Summer Co-Curricular Activity. Any student wishing to apply for a change must see Mr Elliott before the end of week 3. Please note that not all changes can always be made and if a student was in an A/B team last Summer it is unlikely that permission will be granted. Please note that there also a number of sports which are already at their limit in terms of staff to student ratios. However, we are introducing iStem now as a co-curricular option and this activity involves coding, robot building and racing car building. Any student doing this activity would still have both training and weekend commitments. For further information on iStem, please ask Mr Newbury or Mr Spargo about the program.
Good luck to all teams and activities this weekend and ‘Go the Waves!’