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Collaborative Geography – Waterford & Senior School

Year 6 students, supported by Year 7 students, complete foundation Geographic Skills work at Waverley Park

Year 6 students, supported by Year 7 students, complete foundation Geographic Skills work at Waverley Park

Year 6 students, supported by Year 7 students, complete foundation Geographic Skills work at Waverley Park

Year 6 students complete foundation Geographic Skills work at Waverley Park

From Geography Teacher, Brad Thompson

On Monday, we ran a very successful Geography Pilot Program for a collaborative teaching initiative involving Waterford Year 6 students and Senior School Year 7 Geography students.

The Year 6 students completed foundation Geographic Skills work in the field at Waverley Park, supported by the Year 7 students who consolidated their Stage 4 learning. The students undertook activities focused on mapping, distance, direction, and bearing.

Given the positive feedback from both teachers and students, it is anticipated similar collaborative learning will be undertaken in the future.