As your local bus operator we are writing to inform you that from Thursday 6 May 2021, community consultation commenced on proposed bus changes in the South East of Sydney, which are being led by Transport for NSW.
There are no impacts to dedicated school bus routes as a result of these proposed changes. However, we know students rely on regular route services on their travel to and from school that are proposed to change.
An integrated network plan for Sydney’s South East has now been developed to provide much extra capacity for customers, as well as to support existing and emerging travel patterns. The new light rail has changed how customers travel into and out of the CBD.
Key benefits of the proposed bus and light rail network
- light rail services operating every four minutes
- more frequent bus services across the week
- new routes to better connect customers to their destinations or other modes of transport
The Proposed Changes Will Simplify the Bus Network by:
- improving access to key destinations with more frequent services to Bondi Junction
- new and enhanced connections to UNSW/Randwick, Newtown, the University of Sydney, Eastgardens, Green Square and Redfern
- providing better east-west and north-south connectivity with new and enhanced links based on customer travel behaviour
- using the buses and drivers where they are needed to provide more services across Sydney, while still ensuring adequate capacity to plan for growth
How to Provide Feedback – deadline 18 June
To help shape the final plan, you can provide feedback until 18 June, 2021 on the proposal.
Please visit www.mysydney.nsw.gov.au to find out more and to have your say.
It is important all feedback be provided in the survey at this link so Transport for NSW can consider it.
Transport for NSW will provide updates on the outcome of community consultation following a review of the feedback received. Changes to bus services are set to be introduced in late 2021.
Click here for summary of bus routes
Mr Brendan Rabbitt
Director Customer Operations, State Transit