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Please note: This post is from our website archive. Some of the information within this post may now be out-of-date.


Community News: Parent Get Togethers


From Development and Fundraising Manager, Rebecca Curran

Are you looking to meet or renew your acquaintance with other parents from your son’s year group?  The Parents’ Association Year Representatives have been busy organising a number of Year-based social events – details are below.

Year 5 Parents Night Out

When: Friday 26th May 2017, at 6.30pm
Where: Robin Hood Hotel, Nook Bar and Dining, 203 Bronte Road, Waverley

To RSVP and further details, please contact Alison Maree (Mum of Freddy Maree – 5 Green) on 0451 533 534 by 19 May.

Year 8 Parent Informal Drinks

When:  Friday 26 May 2017, from 7pm
Where: VENUE CHANGED to Charing Cross Hotel, reserved area in the front bar  81 Carrington Road (Corner of Bronte Road), Waverley

For further details please contact:

  • Marty Wilson – father of Connor Wilson
  • Clare Corban – Mum of Cooper Corban
  • Nora Shahinian – Mum of Alex Shahinian
  • Melissa Cahill – Mum of Tom Cahill
  • Mary Ramsay – Mum of Jack Fingleton

Year 6 Parent Social Evening

When: Saturday 17 June 2017,  from 6.30pm
Where: Charing Cross Hotel, reserved area in the front bar  –  81 Carrington Road (Corner of Bronte Road), Waverley

For further details please contact:

  • Mary Ramsay (Mum of Sam Fingleton – 6 White)
  • Lisa Sullivan Smith (Mum of Dominic Smith – 6 Blue)
  • Melissa Cahill (Mum of Mitchell – 6 Gold)
  • Stephanie Schofield (Mum of Xavier – 6 White)

Year 9 Parent Social Events

Sarah Hope, the Year 9 Parent Rep has recently located to Sydney from Wales, UK. Please join her and other Year 9 parents at the forthcoming social events:

Coffee at the Coogee Pav

When: Friday 26 May 2017,  9.30am-11am
Where: Coogee Pavilion

Year 9 Parents Night Out

When: Friday 2 June 2017,  6.15/6.30pm start
Where: The Clovelly Hotel
Meet other parents for a drink and a meal. Please let Sarah know if you can attend and if you would like to have a meal on.

Contact Sarah on or 0424 201 492